Written by Canterbury Law Group

Are Your Fathers’ Rights Being Violated?

Are Your Fathers Rights Being Violated

When a court has issued visitation and child custody orders, parents have an obligation to follow them. When a parent does not do this, there are several options open to the other party, depending on how severe the outstanding issues are. Mothers can face serious consequences including a jail sentence, the payment of attorney fees and maybe even the loss of any custodial rights, should the mother violate the rights of a father. Read on to learn more about this important subject that can have a huge impact of the lives of families.

Custody Violations and Custody Decisions

There are several types of custody a court can make but in essence they are dealing with the assignation of child custody to one or both parental parties. Popular custody types include:

  • Primary Custodial Parenting Time– the child or children resides with only one of the parents
  • Sole Legal Decision Making– one parent has the complete responsibility for the welfare, health and education of the child or children
  • Joint and Equal Parenting Time – both parties have large amounts of physical visitation with their child or children
  • Joint Legal Decision Making – both parents share equal responsibility for the decisions regarding a child or children’s welfare, health and education

A mother can face an accusation of violating the rights of a father if she does not uphold her court-mandated responsibilities to the child or children, or if she decides to interfere with the ability of the father by making it difficult or impossible for him to invoke his custodial rights. Courts view paternal rights very seriously including the rights a father has to be a co-parent in the raising of his child or children. Judges tend to reject a parent’s credibility when one parent purposefully or even accidentally interferes with the responsibilities and rights of the other party or acts as a damaging influence in the relationship a parent has with their child or children.


Parents’ parenting time rights are shared via written court orders including the times and dates when a parent may invoke custody rights. The court order may be more specific and clearly make a determination regarding child transportation and locations where the kids can be collected at the start and end of a visitation. Both parents are strongly urged to stick to the mandated court schedule yet remain flexible to accommodate reasonable needs of the other parent. When the court ordered schedule is deviated against your wishes for multiple weeks or months, it is usually best to head back to court and have a legal modification completed to the court order. If a new schedule has been verbally agreed by the parents and the mother then commit a violation of said schedule, the father may be in a position whereby he is not able to obtain the legal enforcement of the previously stated verbal agreement.

Can A Mother Violate The Rights Of A Father?

Here are some of the common ways a mother can violate a fathers’ rights:

  • Mother’s unilateral scheduling of activities during Father’s custodial parenting time, thereby making it impossible for father to be able to spend time with his child or children to the extent allowed under the terms of the court ordered visitation schedule;
  • Encourages others or takes part in ridiculing the father with the purpose of discrediting the father and his relationship with his child or children;
  • Without permission or agreement with the father, takes the child or children and permanently moves them to an out of state location;
  • Uses the child or children as a message boy or girl to the father or involving the child or children in any issues regarding divorce proceedings or custody issues with a goal of disturbing the time a father has with his child or children;
  • Does not co-parent with the father of the child or children;
  • When the father is behind on child support, the mother denies him access to the child or children;
  • Mother does not adhere to an established schedule and frequently has the father waiting on her to deliver or collect the child or children;
  • The mother neglects to include and involve the father of the child or children when he has joint custody in making decisions regarding the upbringing of the child or children; and
  • Subjects the father to accusations of child neglect and/or abuse of his child or children despite knowing what she is saying is false.

Recourse When a Mother Violates The Rights Of A Father

The first thing a father should attempt is communication with mother but not when a restraining order against you is not already in place. If this is the case, you need to speak to a family law attorney without delay to initiate conversation with the attorney of the other party. It will be of great benefit to keep a documented record of the times, dates and methods used by the mother whenever a violation of your rights has occurred. Should the mother make a decision to continue with the violation of your visitation or custody rights, you can call the local police department and they have the means to enforce the orders of the court. If the mother refuses you access to your child or children, help can be obtained from the local district attorney’s Child Abduction Unit. And of course, you should let your attorney know about any involvement of law enforcement in the scenario you are facing.

If you desire, a contempt court action can be filed by your attorney against the mother of your child or children. A contempt hearing can then be scheduled and a Judge will make a determination if the mother is indeed in violation of the established court custodial orders. If this is found to be the case, the court can do some or indeed all of the following in their judgment:

  • Permit the father additional visitation rights to his child or children by making a change to the established custody order;
  • Grant the father primary physical custody of the child or children, thereby again changing the established custody order;
  • Change the custody order to give the father sole legal custody;
  • Make an order where the mother can only have visitation which is limited to “supervised visits”;
  • Impose a jail sentence or fines on the mother for contempt of court; and
  • As the father had to bring the contempt of court action, the judge may decide the mother is responsible for the legal fees of the father.

Source: Wallin, Paul. “Consequences Mothers Face for Violating Father’s Rights: WK.” Wkfamilylaw, 17 Dec. 2018, https://www.wkfamilylaw.com/consequences-mothers-face-violating-fathers-rights/.

Speak with Our Father’s Rights Attorneys In Scottsdale

Our Father’s Rightschild custody, and guardianship attorneys in Phoenix and Scottsdale address your case with concern and personal attention, and always have you and your children’s best interest in mind when offering legal solutions.

We are experienced family law attorneys and will work with you to obtain the best possible outcome in your situation. You can trust us to represent you fully, so you can get on with your life. Call today for an initial consultation!

*This information is not intended to be used as legal advice. Please contact Canterbury Law Group today to learn more about your personal legal needs. 480-744-7711 or [email protected]

Written by Canterbury Law Group

What Is A Prenup Agreement

How Long Does a Prenup Last?

When you are very much in love and about to become a spouse, there may be a tricky issue to negotiate regarding a prenuptial agreement. Often defenses are raised and fear and distrust can breed. However, it can help if you remember the purpose of a prenuptial agreement.

Prenuptial Agreement Definition

Entered into before marriage a prenuptial agreement sets forth what will happen to the assets of you and your spouse should you decide to separate, divorce or should one of you pass away. It can also preserve the nature of property when a marriage is terminated. So separate property remains separate as opposed to being subjected to equitable distribution laws or being deemed community property.

Increasingly popular, prenuptial agreements help people when they have, for example, focused on their careers prior to a delayed marriage. So often, both parties have assets they want to protect before entering into a marriage contract. Prenuptial agreements are also a frequently chosen option when one partner has children from a previous marriage. This agreement makes sure the separate property of a spouse goes to their own children as they intended.

Very often the greatest area of contention in the divorce process is regarding how money and property should be divided. Prenuptial agreements are popular with couples who do not want a court to decide on the distribution of assets should the marriage come to an end. This is a case where the forward planning of a prenuptial agreement can save a great deal of heartache further down the road. Prenuptial agreements can also help in the following ways:

  • You can protect the assets you gathered before your marriage and specify what you want to do with them. For example, donate to a charity or pass them along to your children.
  • Finances can be taken care of. So you can specify whose debt is whose and what will be shared and what will belong to the individual.
  •  Assets and financial details can be managed by having a prenuptial agreement that states who handles those details.
  • The rights of a spouse to your retirement plan can be waived by a prenuptial agreement so there can be a different beneficiary.
  • When there is a large financial disparity in a relationship, a prenuptial agreement can work as a safeguard by controlling asset distribution brought into the relationship.

What is the Purpose of a Prenup?

Ultimately a prenup gives the right for individuals to decide how to manage their assets before marriage. It is more than just a case of not trusting your partner. It is about respecting what your future spouse has and giving them the ability to decide what they want to do with their assets.


“Definition of a Prenuptial Agreement.” Legalzoom.com, 20 Feb. 2015, www.legalzoom.com/knowledge/prenuptial-agreement/topic/prenuptial-definition.

Contact Our Prenuptial Agreement Lawyers in Scottsdale

Consulting with a talented Scottsdale prenuptial agreement lawyer or family law attorney who is knowledgeable and experienced in drafting and litigating premarital agreements will save you a great deal of grief and expense in the future. Contact Canterbury Law Group today.

*This information is not intended to be used as legal advice. Please contact Canterbury Law Group today to learn more about your personal legal needs. 480-744-7711 or [email protected]

Written by Canterbury Law Group

Prenuptial Agreement Pros And Cons

In reality, marriage is more than just a romantic relationship – it is also a business relationship. This duality has led to the increase of prenuptial agreements (also known as a prenup or premarital agreement) so the financial interests of each spouse are protected.

Read on to learn more about the pros and cons you need to know regarding prenuptial agreements. Keep in mind these guidelines can change because state laws can differ.

Prenuptial Agreement Pros

  • Prenuptial agreements serve the purpose of protecting children and grandchildren’s inheritance rights from a former marriage.
  • A premarital agreement can protect a professional or business practice so it does not become divided and your former spouse does not have involvement or control of the business should you divorce.
  • A premarital agreement can protect a spouse who is debt-free from assuming debt obligations the other party has.
  • A premarital agreement can ensure you will be fairly compensated should you be giving up a successful and lucrative career should the marriage not survive.
  • A premarital agreement can put in writing any responsibility and decision making sharing the parties agree too, prior to marriage as well as addressing financial aspects of the marriage.
  • The amount of spousal support one spouse will have to pay the other if the divorce can be decided in a premarital agreement.
  • The finances of older persons or persons of substantial wealth entering into their second or more marriage can be protected with a premarital agreement.

Prenuptial Agreement Cons

  • You may have to concede your right to inheritance from the estate of your spouse when they pass away. However, the law states you are entitled to a portion of the estate if your spouse has not made a provision for such in their will.
  • You may be entitled to a share of the increase in the value of a business your spouse owns if you have made a contribution such as taking care of the home or entertaining clients. However, in a premarital agreement, you may not be entitled to claim a share of that increased value. In many states, the law says the value increase is marital property considered to be divisible.
  • A lack of trust may result from commencing a relationship with a contract at the outset.
  • It is tough to see how issues in the future may be handled so keep in mind, seemingly simple compromises made in the romantic period before marriage may have a significant impact later on.
  • A spouse who does not earn a wage or earns only a low wage may not be able to keep the lifestyle they have become used too while in a marriage if the agreement has spousal support limits the spouse has an entitlement too.
  • Every relationship has its honeymoon stage where a spouse who is in love will not make wise financial decisions as they cannot see the relationship ever terminating. A prenuptial agreement helps with this.

Get Professional Legal Assistance To See If A Prenup Is Right For You

If you, or you and your future spouse are together thinking about a premarital agreement, it is vital to look at the pros and cons at the outset. The experiences of a family law attorney can be very helpful and it is paramount each partner consults a different attorney from different law firms, to make sure the rights and interests of each partner are represented.


“Pros and Cons: Prenuptial Agreements.” Findlaw, family.findlaw.com/marriage/pros-and-cons-premarital-agreements-prenuptials.html.

Contact Our Prenuptial Agreement Lawyers in Scottsdale

Consulting with a talented Scottsdale prenuptial agreement lawyer or family law attorney who is knowledgeable and experienced in drafting and litigating premarital agreements will save you a great deal of grief and expense in the future. Contact Canterbury Law Group today.

*This information is not intended to be used as legal advice. Please contact Canterbury Law Group today to learn more about your personal legal needs. 480-744-7711 or [email protected]

Written by Canterbury Law Group

How To Get Emergency Child Custody In Arizona

You may need to seek emergency child custody in Arizona (also known as legal decision making) when a situation threatens your child or children’s well-being. There are a specific set of guidelines you will need to adhere to in order to obtain emergency child custody in Arizona.

What Is an Emergency Child Custody Order?

A temporary order or emergency child custody order temporarily grants one parent or the other sole physical and legal custody for the child or children in question.

The order gives all the power to make decisions to the person or party who has the physical custody of the child or children for a limited amount of time until the court can hear the full case. Normally, the court only advances these orders into place when the child or children is facing potentially irreparable or significant harm.

Is Emergency Custody Something I Qualify For?

Emergency custody is not easy to obtain because the burden of proof must be carried by the person or party who petitioning for the temporary order.  The chances of obtaining emergency custody orders are exceptionally low, and you should expect to lose your motion.  Most judges will deny the initial ‘emergency’ motion for custody orders and instead set the matter for a normal hearing schedule where both sides can brief the issues and present live testimony at an evidentiary hearing.

Therefore, it is important the petitioner presents evidence that is substantial in order to document the situation to show it is a true emergency. This is where the services are of a family law attorney can be invaluable. Filing for temporary custody orders is not something you should take lightly. However, it is certainly a valid option if you think a child or children are at risk of imminent bodily harm or the welfare, safety, and health of a child or children is in serious jeopardy.

Another qualifying factor is you must also be concurrently filing a petition that would change the custody of the child or children. For example, a concurrent parenting time modification request, paperwork for a divorce or a change in legal decision-making responsibilities. The paperwork may already be pending, or it can be filed at the same time as your motion for temporary orders.

Penalties For False Claims

All filings to the Court are filed under penalty of perjury.  Petitions to the court are considered to be very serious by the court system. Frivolous filings will result in short-shrift from the system if there is not a genuine emergency. It is not acceptable to file a motion on the grounds that you may just be mad at the other parent. Indeed, the judge may find you in contempt of court and order you to pay the court costs as well as the costs and legal fees the other party has had accrued if the reason for the petition turns out to be false or unsubstantiated.

What Is The Length Of Emergency Child Custody In Arizona?

If your motion for temporary custody orders is granted, the order will only last until the court can schedule a more lengthy hearing that will decide custody on a more permanent solution.  While courts will usually host the next hearing within 30 days, and sometimes as quickly as 2 weeks, depending on the availability of the Court. See Title 25-404 for more details.

Guidelines For Filing For An Emergency Custody Order Of A Child Or Children In Arizona

In Arizona, there is a rule known as “Rule 48.” The rules say if two conditions are met, emergency custody of a child or children may be granted without the need to notify the other party. The two rules are:

  1. The person making the emergency custody request or the child or children may be at risk of harm if notice is given to the other person.
  2. There have been unsuccessful attempts at giving notice.

Temporary Filing Custody Steps

1. Filling Out The Paperwork

You can obtain the forms and instructions for filing them in Maricopa County here.

When you read the paperwork, it will clearly explain why the order is needed and to explain why there is an emergency situation. You do need to make sure this situation is truly an emergency before proceeding – you have to include as much evidence and factual detail as you possibly can. During this process of assembling facts to prove there is an emergency, the assistance of an attorney can be very important.

The form must be signed and dated in front of a notary public. You will be able to take care of this at the court.

2. Copy The Paperwork

All told you will have four copies of the paperwork. The original that you keep and three copies that you leave behind with the Clerk of Court after you file.

3. Filing The Papers At The Court

Take the four copies of your paperwork to the clerk of the court. You can use this website to find out where your paperwork must be filed or if you need to ask further questions regarding the process.

What Takes Place In A Hearing For Emergency Custody?

The court will usually schedule the initial hearing with very little delay – often without the other parent being present. You will have to present the evidence you have been able to gather and present it under penalty of perjury. Examples of this can include:

  • Photos
  • Sworn statements
  • Testimonies from agencies such as Child Protective Services
  • Medical Records

The judge will have to decide if there is sufficient evidence and if so, they will then issue an emergency order. The order will stand until a follow-up hearing where the other party is able to present evidence that defends against the allegations made against your evidence. This timeframe will differ from court to court depending on how busy the court dockets are.



“How Do I Get Emergency Custody In Arizona?” Arizona Legal Center, 5 Nov. 2018, arizonalegalcenter.org/emergency-custody-arizona/.

Speak With One Of Our Child Custody Attorneys In Scottsdale

Canterbury Law Group’s child custody lawyers in Phoenix and Scottsdale will advance your case with personal attention and we always have you and your children’s best interest in mind when offering legal solutions. We can help with legal guardianshipchild relocationfathers rightsgrandparents rights, and more. Call today for an initial consultation!

We are experienced family law attorneys and will fight for you to obtain the best possible outcome in your situation. Our firm will fiercely represent you, so you can get on with your life. Call today for an initial consultation 480-744-7711 or [email protected]

*This information is not intended to be used as legal advice. Please contact Canterbury Law Group today to learn more about your personal legal needs. 480-744-7711 or [email protected]

Written by Canterbury Law Group

How Can A Father Get Full Custody?

In 2013, new statutes and child custody laws were introduced by the Arizona Legislature. From January 1 of that year, some popular terms (still frequently used) were changed. In our article, there are still references to the more popularly used terms. For example, the terms, “child custody,” “sole custody”, and “joint custody” became “legal decision making”, “sole legal decision making” and “joint legal decision making.” This new statute also changed “child visitation” to “parenting time.”

This means parents now get “sole legal decision making” with “parenting time” rights. or they may get “joint legal decision making” and “parenting time.” “Sole legal decision making” may be given by a court to one parent – so that parent, for example, can be responsible for making major decisions regarding the medical care of the child – at the same time, the other parent has “sole legal decision making” giving them authority to make educational decisions for the child or children.

How Do I Find a Father’s Rights Attorney Near Me?

If you are in the Scottsdale area, our Father’s Rights Attorneys can help! Our Father’s Rights lawyers will address your case with concern and personal attention, and always have you and your children’s best interest in mind when offering legal solutions.

Can A Father Get Full Custody In Arizona?

Generally speaking, most courts will prefer that both parents share child custody (legal decision making). However, there are some situations where a court might grant full custody to the father. But, you should be prepared for a child custody battle if the mother is also seeking sole legal decision making.

It is understandable to procrastinate from filing because of concerns with child custody. Custody laws in Arizona are applied by one judge, not a jury, who will make a determination if joint custody or sole custody will be awarded to the parents of the child or children. The initial step in this process is accepting that you are filing for divorce or responding to a petition for a dissolution of marriage is to examine the various scenarios that can arise with child custody and developing an understanding of child custody laws in Arizona. From that point, you can then make a determination as to how you may be able to win full custody of your child or children and know how you can prepare for the upcoming child custody case.

Getting Full Custody In Arizona

Under child custody laws in Arizona, sole custody is now known as “sole legal decision making” – meaning one person has the sole legal custody of the children or child. This specific individual has the responsibility for making major decisions regarding the care of the child or children for medical care, academics, religion and personal care (e.g. tattoos, piercings).

Arizona child custody laws permit both parents having input into issues that arise but the designated parent (by the court) is the “sole legal decision maker” and makes the final decision if both parents cannot come to an agreement. Child support and legal decision making are totally unrelated under Arizona law. Obtaining sole custody of the child or children does not alter the obligation of child support – that is decided (in part) by the amount of time you spend with your child or children. What are the chances of a Father Getting Full Custody?

Joint Custody vs Sole Custody In Arizona

Under Arizona law, there is no legal presumption favoring one parent or one gender. This means the court often decides both parents should make decisions 50%/50%.  In these cases, “Joint Legal Decision Making” means both parents share the important decision-making for the child or children on an equal footing. In turn, most courts will view a 50%/50% “Equal Parenting Time” arrangement the most common solution for most divorces.  The physical custody (including control of the child or children) are equally distributed between the parents holding joint physical parenting time or on some other agreed schedule of parenting that best serves the interests of the child or children.

It is understandable for people to be concerned about the outcome of the case when they are in the middle of the divorce process. Obviously, one of the most significant disputed issues is child custody. However, once you understand the kinds of custody the court may consider- it is vitally important to recall the law has no preference to a single form of custody over another. Neither does the court prefer one parent ahead of the other because of the gender of the parents.

What You Need to Prove to Get Sole Custody

Sole legal decision making, or sole legal custody, sometimes known as full custody will be considered when it is in the best interests of the child or children in Arizona. You can file for sole custody when you think joint custody is not appropriate for your situation. If sole custody is granted by the court, it would mean you have the authority to make all post-decree decisions regarding educational, religious and medical issues for the child or children concerned in the divorce.

Here are some reasons the court may grant sole custody:

  • History of child abuse
  • History of alcohol or drug abuse
  • History of domestic violence
  • History of and current mental health problems.
  • Criminal history.

When your spouse has any or all of those issues, you may want to think about a request for the sole custody of your child or children. Taking into account the best interests of your child or children, the court will then make a determination to decide whether to award sole custody. Read more about how to get custody of a child in Arizona.


  1. How to Get Sole Custody in Arizona | Hildebrand Law, PC.” Scottsdale Arizona Family Law & Divorce Attorneys, www.hildebrandlaw.com/child-custody-laws-in-arizona-2/how-to-get-sole-custody-in-arizona.aspx.
  2. Rau, Alia Beard. “New Child Custody Law Begins Jan. 1.” Azcentral.com, 25 Dec. 2012, archive.azcentral.com/news/politics/articles/20121220new-chidl-custody-law-january.html.

Speak with Our Father’s Rights Attorneys In Scottsdale

Our Father’s Rightschild custody, and guardianship attorneys in Phoenix and Scottsdale address your case with concern and personal attention, and always have you and your children’s best interest in mind when offering legal solutions.

We are experienced family law attorneys and will work with you to obtain the best possible outcome in your situation. You can trust us to represent you fully, so you can get on with your life. Call today for an initial consultation!

*This information is not intended to be used as legal advice. Please contact Canterbury Law Group today to learn more about your personal legal needs. 480-744-7711 or [email protected]

Written by Canterbury Law Group

Can I Travel Out Of State If I Have Joint Custody?

Travel is an enjoyable family activity, broadening the mental and physical horizon for adults and children. But it can be stressful following a divorce. Before traveling out of state with a child or children, you will need to get consent from the other legal guardians. Read on to learn how this can be achieved.

May I Travel With My Children Out Of State Or Overseas?

The parenting plan or custody order should have a section covering how travel with a child or children is to be handled once you are divorced. There are generally two options:

  • The existing court order may not have a requirement that parents have to obtain permission from one another for out of state traveling.
  • The existing court order will have consent requirement provisions when parents wish to go traveling with their child or children either out of state and/or abroad.

It is an excellent idea to obtain permission from the other parent or guardian even if it is not required by the court order. If you have an agreement in writing, it may be of primary importance if disputes or disagreements rise their heads at a later date. In circumstances where you are unsure of the requirements contained in the court order, the best course of action is to seek the advice of a family law professional before drawing up any plans to go traveling.

Required Co-Parent Documentation

Creating a travel consent letter for the co-parent of your child or children is not difficult but does need to be accurate. Here are the essentials it needs to include:

  • Who is going to be traveling with the child or children
  • A list of the full legal names of everyone whose permission or consent is required
  • Primary and secondary phone numbers of everyone whose permission or consent is required
  • Ensure the document includes whether permission is for out of state travel or overseas travel
  • Make sure the letter states the destination or destinations you are visiting and when as well as other travel plans
  • Include full trip itineraries and dates

It is highly advisable all parents sign the child or children travel consent letter in front of a notary and get it notarized.

Traveling With Sole Legal Custody Of My Child Or Children

It may not be required that parents with sole legal custody need permission to travel out of state or overseas. That said, US Customs & Border Control strongly suggest all parents and guardians carry the relevant documentation to confirm their sole legal custody of the child or children.

Documentation For My Child Or Children

The father can seek court-ordered visitation if he has yet to lose visitation rights to his child (or children.) There are situations unrelated to the financial support of the child or children, where a father can lose custody and rights of visitation. A court may view a prolonged absence of the father as neglect or abandonment. The court has the power to enact the termination of the father’s parental rights. In this case, the father would not be able to exercise the right of child custody or child (or child) visitation.


If you are leaving the US for another country, your child will require a passport. Under US law, for a child under the age of 16, it is mandatory both parents provide their consent when obtaining a passport for a child or children under the age of sixteen. It is recommended by the State Department that all parents (and legal guardians, if appropriate) are present when completing the application for the child or children’s passport.

In circumstances where parents share joint legal custody, if one parent is not available, permission may be granted by completing this form.

When parents have what is known as sole legal authority providing they can provide evidence of this, they can apply for a passport for their child or children without permission or consent from the other parent.

Required Destination Documents

Many countries require additional documentation for a child or children to visit and it is the responsibility of the parent to research what is required regardless of whether they are traveling with one or both parents. For example, when traveling to Canada, you are required to have the birth certificate of your child or children, a co-parent letter of authorization (with specific information included) and copies of the legal custody documents. Realize your plans may be held up or you may not be able to travel at all if you cannot provide the demanded documentation when traveling abroad.

Not Agreeing On Travel Plans

Parents should never disregard the mandatory requirement to get permission/consent from the other parent if they are traveling out of state or overseas with their child or children. Not only may this make you in contempt of court, but if you do go overseas without having obtained the proper permissions and authorizations, in some circumstances this may be considered to be an act of parental kidnapping.


“Permission to Travel Out of State with a Minor Child.” Our Family Wizard, www.ourfamilywizard.com/blog/permission-to-travel-out-of-state-with-a-minor-child.

Speak With Our Family Law Attorneys In Scottsdale

Our Father’s Rightschild custody, and guardianship attorneys in Phoenix and Scottsdale address your case with concern and personal attention, and always have you and your children’s best interest in mind when offering legal solutions.

We are experienced family law attorneys and will work with you to obtain the best possible outcome in your situation. You can trust us to represent you fully, so you can get on with your life. Call today for an initial consultation!

*This information is not intended to be used as legal advice. Please contact Canterbury Law Group today to learn more about your personal legal needs. 480-744-7711 or [email protected]

Written by Canterbury Law Group

Reasons a Father Can Lose Custody of His Children

Decades ago, mothers were automatically granted custody simply because they were the principal caretakers, but that is not the case anymore. An estimated 50% of all custody cases today end with the father receiving sole custody, but there are still ways that fathers can lose custody of their children if they’re not careful.

The top 4 reasons fathers can lose custody include child abuse or neglect, substance or drug abuse, having overnight guests shown to the children, or not following the right of first refusal arrangement.

1. Child Abuse

Child abuse is the main reason that a parent can lose custody of their children. Abuse can be everything from physical abuse, sexual abuse, inattention, or even leaving a child in a car unaccompanied. If there is any history of abuse by a parent against any child, they will be brought to light in custody hearings. Signs of child abuse include scaring, bruises, cuts, marks, broken bones, or strange outbursts or even behavioral changes from the child. If a father has ever instituted inappropriate sexual behavior toward any child, he can lose custody of his children. Even anger issues from the past may be made known in court. Take into account that physical and legal custody can be taken away because of child abuse.

2. Substance Abuse

Substance abuse of any kind doesn’t go over well in family courts – drugs, alcohol, cigarettes or even vaping can be considered substance abuse. Even occasional use of alcohol or drugs can make it hard to win custody, particularly if there are witnesses to such behavior. If a father has any official charges against him such as careless endangerment or DUIs, then winning custody of a child will be even harder. (Note this will also include prescribed controlled substances like painkillers, opioids, as well as the social drinking use of a parent.). Your opposing spouse will ask the Court to order immediate drug and alcohol testing and if you fail those tests, getting child custody is going to be far more challenging than you may have realized.  Get a top attorney in your corner and change your bad habits immediately.

3. Exposure to Overnight Guests

The third reason that fathers can lose custody deals with overnight guests and who or what their children are exposed to. Custody orders will be very clear cut about this issue. Both parent’s lifestyle unquestionably matters. The court and the judge court will be observing to see how they behave themselves as an upcoming single man where your children are concerned. If the father begins to date before the divorce is finalized and having guests stay overnight –may damage his custody case if friends or family can bear witness to such behavior. Since children are involved, the court orders are typically very specific about this subject; if he brings unusual or strange women home, the court may be reluctant to give him custody of the children.  Ideally, do not start any romantic relationships when going through a custody battle.

4. Right To Refusal Clause

The fourth reason fathers can lose custody of their children has to do with what is known as the “right of first refusal” clause. (This clause is not available in every custody agreement and has to be added in order for it to apply, which can create strain between co-parents.) The right of first refusal means that one parent must first offer the other parent the chance to look after the children before arranging for a sitter or another member of the family to care for them. This applies to both planned and last-minute situations as well as other instances like dentist’s appointments, vacations, or daycare arrangements. If the father leaves his kids with a neighbor or a family member without the mother knowing or being asked beforehand, he could possibly lose custody of his children. The courts want the kids to spend as much time as possible with both biological parents, therefore the right of first refusal clause.

Basically, raising a child is a joint effort even in the face of divorce or separation. The judge will determine based on the best interests of the child or children and will examine how the two parents are co-parenting.


Giglio, Darrin. “4 Reasons Fathers Lose Custody During And After Divorce · Divorced Moms.” Divorced Moms, 8 June 2018, divorcedmoms.com/reasons-fathers-lose-custody.

Read More About:

Child Visitation Rights For Fathers

What Rights Does A Father Have To See His Child?

Child Custody Battles Between Unmarried Parents

What Are The Chances Of A Father Getting Full Custody?

Speak With Our Father’s Rights Attorneys In Scottsdale

Our Father’s Rightschild custody, and guardianship attorneys in Phoenix and Scottsdale address your case with concern and personal attention, and always have you and your children’s best interest in mind when offering legal solutions.

We are experienced family law attorneys and will work with you to obtain the best possible outcome in your situation. You can trust us to represent you fully, so you can get on with your life. Call today for an initial consultation!

*This information is not intended to be used as legal advice. Please contact Canterbury Law Group today to learn more about your personal legal needs. 480-744-7711 or [email protected]

Written by Canterbury Law Group

Pet Custody in Arizona

A beloved cat, dog, or any other animal can be as important as a child to some couples. So it can be heartbreaking to leave a pet with an ex spouse if the couple gets divorced. It should be noted that pets are not considered similar to children under Arizona law, even though they may feel that way.  By law, pets are property.  However, divorcing couples can include pet care concerns in the legal proceedings to give them some consideration under the law.

Legally speaking, pets fall under the category of personal property that can be divided during divorce. But, if the animal in question is separately owned by one of the spouses, then that is an asset that cannot be divided. In other words, the other spouse cannot claim ownership. However, Arizona’s pet custody cases are increasingly being contested because most couples raise animals together, like children.

Determining Pet Ownership During Divorce

There are several factors the court will consider when determining who owns the pet. If the pet was owned by one spouse before the marriage, then ownership is clear, the premarital assets of either spouse remain that way after divorce.  Some consumers have a deep misconception in Arizona that if anyone owns an animal for 6 consecutive days then that person becomes the lawful owner of the animal.  This so-called “6-day rule” is codified at Arizona Revised Statutes Section 11-1001(10). However, the rule exists for animal control purposes, and does not determine final ownership.  Put another way, the 6-day rule has little or nothing to do with which spouse will exit a marriage with the family pet.

Getting Primary Pet Custody

The court will look at evidence to support claims of ownership. What matters here is who the primary caretaker of the animal. If one spouse trained the dog, is responsible for feeding the dog and taking it on daily walks, then that spouse would be the primary caretaker of the animal. When fighting for animal custody, demonstrate how much time and effort you dedicate to taking care of the pet. That’s what matters the most when it comes to ownership.  Judges are like anyone else—they are fair and equitable and should award the pet to the spouse who has that pet’s best interests in mind.

Additionally, the court will consider children’s wellbeing if any pets are involved. If the pet is important for the psychological well-being of the children, then the pet will likely go to the spouse that has primary custody of the children. It happens in most cases, though not all.  Family law litigation, by definition, is unpredictable.

Keep in mind that the court will also consider the financial situation of the spouses when granting pet ownership. If the animal in question requires significant resources to take care of, like a horse, then the spouse will need to demonstrate financial stability to own the animal post-Decree.

Sharing Pet Custody

If the court cannot determine just one owner, or if the separating spouses are willing, pet custody can be shared. In this scenario, the divorcing couple could agree on a pet visitation schedule. A divorce lawyer in Scottsdale can help you draft a reasonable pet parenting schedule.

This “pet parenting time” plans are not the same as child parenting time, which are actively reviewed by the court. But if one spouse neglects the rules in the schedule, such as failing to show up for dog walking time, then that can be used as evidence in court in an ownership battle.

Written by Canterbury Law Group

The Role of Parenting Coordinators in Arizona Child Custody Cases

Arizona Rules of Family Law, under Rule 74, allows judges to appoint a parenting coordinator in divorce and child custody cases. So what exactly is a parenting coordinator? How will having one affect the case? Are parenting coordinators good for children? This article will touch on these questions and briefly explain how parenting coordinators could benefit (or not) from a family law dispute.

What are Parenting Coordinators in Arizona?

Recently, many states have begun to appoint parenting coordinators in child custody cases. Arizona has had a parenting coordinator rule since 2011, and it was amended in 2016. A parenting coordinator, in simple terms, is a third party appointed by a judge to resolve or alleviate disputes between parents fighting for child custody. Many types of professionals can be appointed as a parenting coordinator. Usually, a child psychologist, a therapist or even a family law attorney is appointed a parenting coordinator.

In Arizona, parenting coordinators have what’s called “quasi-judicial” authority. This authority is limited under the law. Parenting coordinators cannot actually change how legal decisions are made in the child custody case. However, parenting coordinators have the authority to step in and resolve some disputes arising from conflicts not specified in the court-approved parenting plan.  Both parents must agree to use a PC for each one year term assigned by the judge.  If at any time the other parent does not want the PC term to renew, the PC concludes their term and is no longer involved.   

What do Parenting Coordinators Do?

It’s important to understand that parenting coordinators cannot change any clauses in the parenting plan. But other things that parents disagree with, which are not explicitly stated in the plan, can be resolved with intervention from the parenting coordinator.   Think of a PC as a referee—hired by the court—to keep the case out of court ideally.  

Parenting coordinators, for example, can step in and help when parents disagree about pick up and drop off locations of kids when sharing joint custody. Parenting coordinators can also resolve other problems with regards to holiday scheduling, meeting dates and times, and after-school activities. The law allows parenting coordinators to resolve disputes related to personal care, health, school choice, discipline and managing problem behavior in children.

Parenting coordinators, however, are not judges and their authority to solve issues are limited by law. Therefore, it’s still highly recommended to get Family Law help in Scottsdale if you and your ex cannot civilly agree on how the kids are taken care of. It’s best to have a parenting coordinator and a lawyer present during the case. If you want to change the parenting plan, it will require the assistance of a family lawyer and go to court by formal motion to the judge.  

Why Have a Parenting Coordinator?

Divorcing parents can disagree on many things from serious issues like children’s health to minor problems like how to cut a child’s hair or ear piercings (it happens). Parenting coordinators can step in and restore sanity to a situation when parents are unable to negotiate peacefully.

The alternative to having a parenting coordinator is time-consuming litigation. When parents are fighting over an issue related to custody or the parenting plan, finding a court resolution to the issue involves modifying existing court orders. Doing so means that both parents have to undergo costly litigation that could take months or years.  Therefore, having a parenting coordinator is more cost and time effective—so long as both parties agree to the formal one-year appointment of a PC.  

Written by Canterbury Law Group

Answers to Frequently Asked Questions about Child Custody in Arizona

Custody in legal terms refers to the person a court has appointed as the parent or guardian of a child. The person retaining child custody manages the well-being of that child. The legal custodial parent will have the right to make decisions about the child’s education, religious teachings, and healthcare. There are different types of custody, but courts in Arizona do not favor one over the other. The decisions will be based on what’s ultimately good for the child. If you are a parent currently seeking custody of the child, or if you are already a custodial parent, here are answers to some of the questions frequently asked on the subject:

What is the different between “sole,” “joint,” and “legal” decision making authority?

These are three ways in which a court can grant custody of a child. Sole Legal Decision Making means that one single parent has complete legal custody of the child’s legal decision moving forward. The court has granted this parent the express authority to make major decisions regarding the child’s life. Parents can discuss these issues together, but the sole Legal Decision Making parent will always have the final say.

In contrast, in Joint Legal Decision Making situations, both parents have legal decision making authority over a child. However, in order to reach a final decision, both parent must agree—or divert the case to mediation or back to the court if no agreement can be reached. 

Can the court declare one parent’s rights superior to another’s in a Joint Legal Decision Making case?

No. Generally, when a court grants joint Legal Decision Making authority, both parents have equal rights to make decisions regarding the child’s well-being. No one parent is deemed superior to another. However, in special cases, one parent may get the sole right to make decisions regarding a certain aspect of the child’s life if the court decides it’s the best for the child. You should refer to an attorney to seek more family law and child custody information with regards to your situation.

Is there a difference between legal decision making powers and physical custody?

Absolutely yes.  Legal Decision Making authority relates to granting a parent the authority to make decisions about the child’s wellbeing, e.g. where the child goes to school. Physical custody, also called Parenting Time, determines where the child lives from day to day. A parent can have legal custody, but not physical Parenting Time, although this is rare. If a child is to live with both parents for equal amounts of time, then the court will have to grant both parents joint physical Parenting Time. Some parents may prefer for the child to live in one place without moving around, and have one parent with physical virtually all Parenting Time. But both parents, in this case, can have legal custody as well. Refer to Family Law help in Scottsdale, or your local area, for specific information.  Legal assistance is recommended to navigate these complex legal channels. 

Are court custody orders final?

The court decides custody when the parents cannot agree upon themselves, how to share custody of a child. A court may grant early custody orders when divorce or separation filings are in process. Once the divorce or a legal separation becomes final, the court may make modify prior orders which are dramatically changed at the time of trial. This custody decision by the court will stand, subject to certain exceptions, for at least one year, or upon a showing of a substantial and continuing change of circumstances thereafter.

If you want a custody ruling to be modified after trial, you can petition the court to make changes to the order. You will have to present strong evidence that the changes requested are in the best interest of the child. You are very likely going to need the able assistance of legal counsel at that time. 

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