Written by Canterbury Law Group

My Wife Cheated On Me And I Want A Divorce

My Wife Cheated On Me And I Want A Divorce

Law offices across America often hear the refrain of: “My wife cheated on me and I want a divorce!” Thankfully in most situations we can help. Read on to learn the best way to negotiate through this difficult transition.

One of the most mentally and psychologically painful experiences one can endure is when you discover your spouse has been cheating on you. The pain can endure for months as you come to terms with the situation. Understandably many men think the only option from this point is opting for divorce.

When Your Wife Cheats on You and You Want a Divorce

Your first port of call should be to speak to an experienced attorney. At this stage, you do not have to decide upon a course of action, but you should be aware of the options that are available. Similarly, just speaking to an attorney does not mean you will get a divorce, it just allows you the chance to obtain legal counsel regarding your current position. The attorney will explain the step by step process, should you decide on a divorce. They can also explain issues such as child custody and the division of property. You will also be made aware your divorce can go one of two ways, uncontested and contested. In short, a contested divorce is where the other party will not agree with the terms of the divorce you propose, and an uncontested divorce is when the other party does agree.

Does Infidelity Matter?

Since the advent of no-fault divorces, it means infidelity no longer has to be proven. However, the judge may take it into consideration if the acts of infidelity have had a negative financial impact on you. They may also consider the impact the infidelity has had on the child or children of the parents.

Property Division and Infidelity

Regardless of your wife cheating, it does not disqualify her from a property settlement. As Arizona is a state with a community property law, anything you acquired during marriage must be split evenly. The same applies to a division of debts, some will be considered separate and others will be considered community debts.

Alimony and Cheating

It is a fact, a wife who cheats will still ask for alimony in many cases. However, a court may offer her less alimony as it is based on financial need, if, for example, she has already moved in with her partner from the affair. You need to let your attorney know if the affair partner (or indeed any other party) is living with your wife before the divorce becomes finalized and of course, once the divorce is final.

Child Custody

A judge is always going to act in what they consider to be the best interests of a child or children involved in the divorce process. Sadly, courts will not always think your wife is a bad Mom, even if she has cheated on you. The only way something of this nature would come into play would be if her infidelity threatens the wellbeing of the child or children. For example, engaging in acts that can be described as sexual in nature around the children.

Sadly, many relationships can never bounce back after cheating. The damage is irreparable. But we are here to assist you in dealing with the relationship fallout following infidelity.

Source: “My Wife Cheated On Me and I Want a Divorce.” Maples Family Law, 17 Jan. 2019, https://www.maplesfamilylaw.com/divorce/my-wife-cheated-on-me-and-i-want-a-divorce/

Need an Affordable Divorce lawyer in Scottsdale?

The Canterbury Law Group should be your first choice when you need the best divorce lawyer in Scottsdale or Phoenix, Arizona. Our experienced family law attorneys will work with you to obtain the best possible outcome in your situation.  Proven trial lawyers in family court, you can trust the firm to represent you fully so you can get on with your life. Call today for your initial consultation.

Written by Canterbury Law Group

Parental Alienation in Arizona

Parental Alienation In Arizona

When a child or children are in the mix during a break-up or a divorce, the communications of one parent as well as their actions may purposefully undermine the relationship the child or children has with the other parent to the extent parental relationships can be permanently damaged. As a result, courts are rapid in their actions to address such behaviors and acts when they are exposed. Parents need to understand these issues and should avoid all negative behaviors. Therefore, it is important to learn the indications in the behavior of a child or children when they have been placed in a position they are being alienated towards the other parent.

Read on to learn more about the aspects of parental alienation.

What Is Parental Alienation?

Both judges are evaluators of child custody will seek the parent whose actions are positive and promote the relationships between the child or children and both parents. it is vital a parent never appears to be in a mode or retaliation or be vindictive or use financial issues as a weapon in matters of child custody. Therefore, parental alienation happens when a parent is guilty of causing a child or children to be negatively influenced towards the other parent of the child or children. On occasions this behavior can be unintentional but if often intentional and it is worth remembering parental alienation is not only a weapon used by one gender. Parental alienation is not gender specific any either parent is equally able to indulge in this destructive pattern of behavior should they wish to do so.

Parental Alienation Examples

There are many ways a child or children can be manipulated when one parent carries out acts of parental alienation. The goal is normally to separate the emotional bond a parent has with the child or children. The parent can do this by making negative comments about the parent directly to the child or children or to third parties but by ensuring the child or children can hear what is being said. These comments can have a great influence on a child or children who if they hear negative comments on a regular basis, become more credible and believable to the young minds who hear it. In the end, the result is often the child or children sees the other parent in the manner the way the accusatory parent has presented the situation to them.

Additionally, other members of the family may also join the accusatory parent in making alienating comments and actions towards the other parent in front of the child or children. These do not have to be outrageous statements, but just small comments and actions can help to cement negative thoughts towards the other parent. Nonetheless, with alienating, it is more often than not that not just one act or statement is negative, but usually the result of many small comments made over a prolonged period of time.

Signs of Parental Alienation

As we have discussed it is seldom one single action represents parental alienation but a series of actions and words and thoughts that manipulate a child or children negatively impact a parents’ relationship with their child or children. Undoubtedly some tactics used in parental alienation are extremely harmful but never more so than when a parent accuses the other of criminal activity. Especially when they do this in front of a child or children. This is a matter that needs to be acted on immediately. Here are some signs to look for that your child or children may be the victim of parental alienation:

  • Is a parent creating scenarios where the child or children misses when it is your time for visitation?
  • Has the attitude of your child or children changed from one of being pleased to see you to one of being angry towards you?
  • Does your child or children no longer use a familiar, informal name for you?
  • Does your child or children show signs of being uncomfortable around you?
  • Does your child or children only give very brief, monosyllabic answers?
  • Does the other parent turn up unexpectedly, creating drama and tension when there is no need to do so?
  • Does the other parent severely question the child or children following your visitation?
  • Does the other parent show resentment when you discuss enjoyable times with your child or children?
  • Does the child know matters regarding the divorce beyond what they need to know at their age?
  • Does it appear your parenting time is being cut short, altered or canceled at short notice?

Parental Alienation Laws in Arizona & Effect on Child Custody (Legal Decision Making)

Title 25’s legal decision-making laws were last modified a couple of years ago when the Arizona state legislature decided it will be the responsibility of the court to engage both parents in the raising of a child or children. In light of this, clearly parental alienation is recognized as being a cause of damage to a child or children. When one parent has an established history of using parental alienation, it is less than likely they will be able to come to an agreement regarding parenting time or putting the best interests of the child or children first. In some cases, not even the use of lawyers or mediators assist in getting to this goal.

In such circumstances, a judge will consider what is in the best interest of the child or children. To make that determination, the judge will review  Arizona Code section 25-403.

The court is going to examine what parent is more likely to allow frequent, meaningful and continued custody with the other parent. So parental alienation can definitely count against a parent in these circumstances. The court may decide the child or children should be spend additional time with the other parent who is not involved in the practice of alienation tactics. In some circumstances, this alienation crosses a line into custodial interference where one parent violates current custody orders. In Arizona, this is considered a felony offense with possible jail time.

Source: “Parental Alienation.” Stewart Law Group, https://www.arizonalawgroup.com/child-custody/parental-alienation/

Need a Family Lawyer in Scottsdale?

Our experienced family law attorneys will work with you to obtain the best possible outcome in your case.  Proven trial lawyers in family court, you can trust the firm to represent you fully so you can get on with your life. Call today for your initial consultation. Our family lawyers can help with divorce litigation, collaborative divorcedivorce mediationchild custodylegal guardianshippaternityprenuptial agreements, and more.

*This information is not intended to be used as legal advice. Please contact Canterbury Law Group today to learn more about your personal legal needs. 480-744-7711 or [email protected]

Written by Canterbury Law Group

7 Signs of Parental Alienation

7 Signs of Parental Alienation

Parental Alienation Syndrome is the purposeful act of one parent with the purpose of distancing their child or children from the other parent. The aim is to dismantle the bond that unites the child or children with the other (usually noncustodial) parent. There can be many reasons for a parent to do this. Sometimes, it is done as a form of punishment as the instigating parent sees it as a way of delivering justice for some alleged act of wrongdoing. Sometimes the acts can be the result of a mental health-oriented personality disorder that comes to the fore in a stressful situation, preventing them from acting and reacting rationally.

Read on to learn more how parental alienation is something that may develop over a period of time and how the early signs of parental alienation syndrome can be identified.

Encouraging Acts of Anger Towards the Other Parent

A parent will be critical or talk in a dismissive manner regarding the other parent to the child or children. These may be blatant negative statement or more subtle jibes designed to erode the confidence the child or children has in the other parent. They may claim a new item of clothing or something that is needed for school cannot be purchased and the child or children are told this is because the other parent has decided to spend the money on someone else or something else. The whole purpose is to develop insecure feelings in the child or children towards the parent.

Subtle Attempts Promoting Anger

This often happens when one parent purposefully speaks poorly of the other parent to the child or children. Although they may not address the child or children directly, they will ensure the child or children is within earshot when making derogatory comments to other people about the parent. A more direct example would be to attribute to the child or children that the other parent did not care enough about the child or children or the marriage relationship. Essentially, the parent causes and then exploits the emotional turmoil the child or children experience.

The Sharing of Details

When a parent indulges in parental alienation, they often tell the child or children of the divorce process and report to the child or children the ongoing conflict between the parents, attributing the cause and the blame of the conflict to the other parent. This may include the discussion of financial problems, or blaming the other parent for legal issues, often with the emphasis of presenting how the scenario would be easier if the other parent was not so mean in their actions. This can cause the child or children to feel angry at the other parent and a feeling of responsibility of guilt.

Sending Negative Messages

A parent can utilize body language to show their displeasure regarding the other parent to the child or children. The child or children may witness the parent rolling their eyes, shaking their head, throwing their arms around and other physical actions when describing what the other parent supposedly said or did. Often this non-verbal communication has a large impact on the child or children.

Refusing to Co-Parent Properly

When one parent refuses to co-parent in the agreed way with the other parent and then blames that parent to the child or children it can cause a great deal of damage. Children may be told this is because the other parent is always angry or does not want to associate with the child or children.

Making False Accusations

Sometimes a parent may make unfounded accusations ranging from emotional, physical and even sexual abuse from the other parent towards the child or the children. This obviously is a very serious set of allegations to make and can have very dire consequences, both emotional and legal. When the child or children is too young to talk, a medical examination must take place as well as a psychiatric evaluation whenever there is an accusation or suspicion of abuse. The damage that can be done between a parent and a child or children can be permanent even if the allegations are totally untrue. Often the child or children are left with unresolved conflicts and nowhere else to turn. The child or children also have the issue they have little to no input into the conflict they are being involved in. it can be a horrendous price for the child or children to pay when one parent is lying regarding the other parent in such a serious manner.

Refusal to Communicate

If one parent cannot or will not communicate effectively to transfer information regarding the life and wellbeing of the child or children, it is at least a possibility this is an attempt for the parent to isolate the child or children from the other parent.

Source: Group, DiPietro Law. “7 Signs Your Ex Is Engaging in Parental Alienation.” DiPietro Law Group, PLLC, 10 Feb. 2016, https://www.dipietropllc.com/blog/2016/february/7-signs-your-ex-is-engaging-in-parental-alienati/

Need a Family Lawyer in Scottsdale?

Our experienced family law attorneys will work with you to obtain the best possible outcome in your case.  Proven trial lawyers in family court, you can trust the firm to represent you fully so you can get on with your life. Call today for your initial consultation. Our family lawyers can help with divorce litigation, collaborative divorcedivorce mediationchild custodylegal guardianshippaternityprenuptial agreements, and more.

*This information is not intended to be used as legal advice. Please contact Canterbury Law Group today to learn more about your personal legal needs. 480-744-7711 or [email protected]

Written by Canterbury Law Group

7 Parental Alienation Examples

7 Parental Alienation Examples

Parental alienation is the act of psychologically manipulating a child into fearing the other parent or expressing hostility towards them. Sadly, it happens too often in messy divorces and its impact, can not only be negative, but permanent. If you have reason to think the other parent of your child or children is committing parental alienation, the situation must be addressed. Read on to learn more about some of the signs of parental alienation.

  • Emotions are directed at you. When the child has gone into an alliance with the parent committing the alienation, it may be that parent is exploiting a situation where the child or children are already angry and upset about the divorce. Are they refusing to visit? Have they become more standoffish or started acting more defensive towards the other parent? These may be signs of parental alienation.
  • Kids know inappropriate details. When the child or children seem to know inappropriate details about your divorce such as finances, abuse and infidelity – the parent committing the alienation should be made to realize these are not appropriate topics to discuss around the child or children.
  • Visitation is not being adhered to. When court-ordered visitation and parenting time is not being adhered to, it is often a sign parental alienation has taken or is taking place. Both parents are equally responsible for ensuring visitation happens as ordered by the courts.
  • Undermining your parental authority. When the parent committing the alienation deliberately undermines your authority as a parent to carry out your role. Both parents need to work to encourage obedience and respect for both sets of house rules.
  • Spying on the other parent. When the other parent utilizes the child or children to spy on the personal details of the other parent, it is possible they are doing so to cause mischief further down the line.
  • No Communication. If one parent cannot communicate in an effective manner to remind the other parent of a minor children event, they may be trying to isolate you from the life of the child or children.
  • Can’t bring property to your home. Sometimes parents will try to control whether or not the children can bring property they bought to your home or will seize the child’s cell phone because it was provided by the other parent.

Source: Group, DiPietro Law. “7 Signs Your Ex Is Engaging in Parental Alienation.” DiPietro Law Group, PLLC, 10 Feb. 2016, https://www.dipietropllc.com/blog/2016/february/7-signs-your-ex-is-engaging-in-parental-alienati/.

Need a Family Lawyer in Scottsdale?

Our experienced family law attorneys will work with you to obtain the best possible outcome in your case.  Proven trial lawyers in family court, you can trust the firm to represent you fully so you can get on with your life. Call today for your initial consultation. Our family lawyers can help with divorce litigation, collaborative divorcedivorce mediationchild custodylegal guardianshippaternityprenuptial agreements, and more.

*This information is not intended to be used as legal advice. Please contact Canterbury Law Group today to learn more about your personal legal needs. 480-744-7711 or [email protected]

Written by Canterbury Law Group

How To Prove Parental Alienation in Court

How To Prove Parental Alienation in Court

At first glance, parental alienation may seem a very daunting prospect to have to prove in a family law case. However, it is very important to document, prove and stop parental alienation. One reason it is difficult is, there is no physical evidence and law enforcement does not play a part. Often social services can prove less than helpful if there is no empirical evidence for them to rely on. Parental alienation is damaging. It can have severe impacts on the child or children involved, as well as for the parent who has been alienated. Read on to learn more about parental alienation and how it can be proved.

Step 1. Find Witnesses

The Mother and Father are the primary witnesses – but one is usually the culprit and the other – the victim. Children are also witnesses and can be subjected to alienation as well. Both these factors can assist in proving parental alienation to a court.  Children cannot generally appear in court for any reason or purpose and they certainly cannot testify.

Alienation may not be acknowledged or recognized by older teenagers if they have come to accept the alienation as the status quo – possibly impacting their ability to recognize the alienation as incorrect behavior. People mistakenly throw the term “brainwashed” around but there is no doubt when an older teenage child is strongly under the influence of a certain parent, it will mean looking at other avenues to prove parental alienation.

That said, teenagers can be very helpful when they have not yet been alienated, and their older age helps them to verbalize the state of the alienation in a way a younger child may not be able to. The older the teenager, the more likely (if they are not “brainwashed’) they are likely to explain the behavior and statements of their parents. However, every case must be taken on its individual merits and on the capability of those involved in giving testimony.

When it comes to dealing with a younger child or children (6 to 12 years), they may not have a full comprehension. Although, they may hear the words and see the actions of alienation – do they understand the what is happening, or understand the effects and consequences of such words and actions? It is a possibility by using ethical interviewing techniques that children can come to an understanding and may even expose the parental alienation.

Another route may be via a therapist who has had a consultation with the parents. In cases where the parents are undergoing joint marital therapy, the therapist may be compelled to testify when they have witnessed parental alienation or heard admissions of guilt from the offending party.

Some other potential witnesses may include:

  • Uncles
  • Nannies
  • Grandparents
  • Close friends
  • Brothers or sisters

When any of the above have spent a great deal of time with the child or children, they may be able to attest to the behavior and actions of the alienating parent, as well as what the child or children tell them. Admittedly, the last part is primarily hearsay, but if it is considered, it may help contribute to the evidence gathering process to prove parental alienation.

Step 2. Provide Documentation

Here are some methods you may be able to adopt to prove parental alienation:

Electronic communication can be of great benefit including text messaging and emails. In the case where a Dad hears the Mother disparaging him to their child or children, a text message can be utilized to document the statement and request an explanation from the Mother. However, the key is reliably consistent documentation of as many alienation attempts as possible as well as the reactions and behavior of the child or children. This can be valuable in a family court when the other party admits behaving in a manner to promote alienation. At the very least it shows the parent who is the victim is taking this seriously.

For the purposes of documentation, social media can be a useful ally when you need to prove parental alienation subject to certain hearsay objections by the other side when seeking to introduce social media exhibits into evidence at trial. In some cases, parents may mention conversations they have had with their child or children on social media platforms. And this may include very disparaging commentary regarding the other parents that is then accepted, and in some cases, repeated by the child or children. Even when there is not a direct link, if the children hold the same opinion, they must have heard the information from somewhere – demonstrating at some point, conversations where one parent disparages the other has taken place.

Although you need to check with an attorney as to the legality of this, a journal kept by a child may contain useful information. Remember children frequently talk with their friends through the same electronic channels’ parents utilize. If one child is telling a friend disparaging remarks about a parent, they had to have formed that view from hearing it or maybe reading it online.

Step 3. Parental Reunification Therapy

The purpose of this therapy is to reunite a child or children with one of their parents in situations where the child or children have been exposed and accepted the words of a parent who has tried to alienate the other parent. The ultimate purpose is the restoration of the child-parent relationship. It may be the case, once an attorney has examined the situation that a reunification therapist may be asked to testify. If it is lawful to do so, this has the potential to provide valuable evidence.

Step 4. – Take the Case To Court

In some cases, litigation is the only way a resolution is going to be obtained. Read on to learn more about the court process.

  • Make a good impression by the alienated parent and/or their lawyer.  It is vitally important the parent who has been the victim can communicate in a clear manner what has transpired and the impact it has had in great detail especially if you can do this when you first meet as it will give the other party a sense of how serious the matter us. Introductory communications should be attention-grabbing and put the other party into a defensive posture. In some circumstances, this may cause the alienation to cease. Undoubtedly, fear is a tool that has great value in these circumstances. Especially when the consequences of their continued behavior may result in the filing of what is known as a request for order – that may result in the loss of custody.
  • We have already covered the importance of gathering documented evidence in court, the lawyer of the parent who has been alienated can use the deposition from the alienating parent and confront the other parent showing the evidence of alienation. They can serve what is called written discovery, these are formal requests for certain information as well as the issuing of subpoenas for records and witnesses.  These are just a few of the many things that can be done. Your attorney will be able to advise on the best strategy for your situation.
  • When the victimized parent is not receiving reunification therapy with their child or children, this can be requested by the attorney. But in some cases, the child or children, especially when they are teenagers may refuse to so. Two options come to mind here, an attempt can be made to talk to the child or children directly or further court order can be sought against the parent imposing the alienation if they are the reason the child or the children will not go or are reluctant to do so. In this situation what is referred to as a minor’s appointed counsel may be of help – they are a lawyer for children.
  • A parent who is suffering from alienation must have what it takes to proceed with a court hearing if it is needed. No one thinks litigation is the ideal solution but following through the process and having the gumption to do so may be the only way to obtain justice and get your kids back in your life. In some circumstances, the only way alienation is going to stop is a court order that takes away the custody of the child or the children from the parent responsible for alienation. Generally, the damage to children is lesser and easier to fix the younger the child or children are.

Source: “How Do You Prove Parental Alienation?: Step by Step Guide.” Farzad Law, https://farzadlaw.com/child-custody/how-do-you-prove-parental-alienation.

Need a Family Lawyer in Scottsdale?

Our experienced family law attorneys will work with you to obtain the best possible outcome in your case.  As proven trial lawyers in family court, you can trust the firm to vigorously represent you so you can get on with your life. Call today for your initial consultation. Our family lawyers can help with divorce litigation, collaborative divorcedivorce mediationchild custodylegal guardianshippaternityprenuptial agreements, and more.

*This information is not intended to be used as legal advice. Please contact Canterbury Law Group today to learn more about your personal legal needs. 480-744-7711 or [email protected]

Written by Canterbury Law Group

What Does a Family Lawyer Do?

What Does a Family Lawyer Do

The legal profession of family lawyers primarily specialize in family law matters, handling legal issues involving family members, such as child custody, guardianship, divorce and many others. They can also take on the role of mediator when disagreements develop among a family. They also represent clients in courts regarding family conflicts. Read on to learn more about what a family lawyer does.

Divorce Issues

Families often find the divorce process to be very draining from an emotional standpoint preventing families from being able to settle outstanding financial and custody issues in a calm manner. In these circumstances, family lawyers can bring a objective and rational approach to the situation that works within the confines of the law, potentially avoiding going to court and reaching settlement.

Estates And Wills

A will is of course a legal document where people express how they wish their assets to be managed following their death. Family law attorneys can assist in the preparation of a will and can ensure the estate is properly administered according to the wishes of the deceased.

Child Custody Agreements

The welfare of the children is one of the most difficult issues that has to be handled when a couple goes separate ways. Obviously, the couple needs to come to an arrangement for the welfare of their child or children. Child custody is defined by an agreement where both parents are obliged to adhere by the terms agreed upon and a family lawyer can assist in making up this very important document as well as making amendments to it if needed.

Prenuptial Agreements

A prenuptial agreement is in the form of a contract signed prior to a civil union or marriage by the couple. Although the contracts vary by couple, its purpose is to explain in advance what the spousal support and division of assets in the event of a divorce or a breakup. A family lawyer can help draft such an agreement as well as taking care of any matters that may arise from the contract according to law.

Representing Litigants In Court

Despite the situation any family attorney may be placed in, some matters may inevitably end up in court. However, family lawyers are still the best people possible when it comes to helping litigants receive justice. Almost every other day, family law attorneys face situations like this and they possess the practical experience and legal knowhow enabling litigants to sail through the complicated jungles of family law courts, making sure justice is accordingly served.

The Takeaway

The importance of family law attorneys should never be under rated. Their knowledge and experience help people to rationally settle matters concerning child custody, divorce, estate administration, prenuptial agreements as well as other legal issues, so their clients can then move on with their lives.

A Day In The Life Of A Family Lawyer

Working within a firm of practice, a family lawyer represents clients who are having problematic issues with divorce, the breakdown of civil partnerships or marriages, handling prenuptial agreements, inheritance and child maintenance among other issues. Every case involves an interview with the client before undertaking case research before presenting it in court.


Usually a family lawyer is in their office by 9am and their day usually ends between 6pm and 9pm, depending on their workload. Work related social events and seminars however often mean the lawyer is putting in longer hours.


On a normal day, a family lawyer will spend a great portion of their time speaking with their clients. This may include discussing ongoing cases and discussing strategy with clients as the case moves through the court system. The lawyer will of course conduct initial interviews with clients as well.

Office Work

Family lawyers can rack up a great deal of time in their office, splitting their time between answering correspondence as well as drafting communications and organizing their work. When a family lawyer has met with clients, the lawyer may have to dictate a declaration made by a client. Additionally, the lawyer may spend hours researching specifics regarding a case to assemble arguments they will present in court or at trial.


Often the family lawyer will be in the court arguing the case for one of the clients in front of a judge. Before their court appearance the lawyer will have thoroughly prepped and outlined what they intend to say. Court proceedings can be very time intensive and often a lawyer will find their case has been moved to another day.


  1. “5 Things a Family Lawyer Can Do For You.” Lawyer Referral Service, 8 Nov. 2018, austinlrs.com/blog/5-things-a-family-lawyer-can-do-for-you/.
  2. “The Typical Day of a Family Lawyer.” Career Trend, careertrend.com/about-6619500-typical-day-family-lawyer.html.

Need a Family Lawyer in Scottsdale?

Our experienced family law attorneys will work with you to obtain the best possible outcome in your case.  Proven trial lawyers in family court, you can trust the firm to represent you fully so you can get on with your life. Call today for your initial consultation. Our family lawyers can help with divorce litigation, collaborative divorcedivorce mediationchild custodylegal guardianshippaternityprenuptial agreements, and more.

*This information is not intended to be used as legal advice. Please contact Canterbury Law Group today to learn more about your personal legal needs. 480-744-7711 or [email protected]

Written by Canterbury Law Group

Types of Family Law Attorneys & Cases

Types of Family Law Cases And Attorneys

Family law deals with a broad range of services all connected with family matters. Some people think divorces are the mainstay of family lawyers’ practice. The reality is family lawyers handle many kinds of cases, often to do with the family formation or dissolution. In this post, we are going to look at the type of cases a family lawyer handles. Some family lawyers opt to specialize in one or two areas and others handle a wide gamut of family law services.

Divorce Lawyers

You may already be knowledgeable regarding divorce lawyers if you have already gone through a divorce. Their task is to provide guidance as you navigate through a separation and/or divorce, working alongside you to get the best possible outcome. They are able to assist you with negotiation regarding matters such as who will get the house, who will pay alimony (if anyone,) how assets will be divided and how the liabilities of marriage will be split.

On many occasions, a divorce lawyer will be able to procure the results you desire without going to trial. In a small number of cases, a trial will be needed. Should this occur, you will be represented by your lawyer throughout the process.  Only about 3 to 5 percent of divorce cases actually go to trial.

Sometimes, the cost of attorneys is beyond the reach of divorcing couples or maybe they decide they do not want to pay high private attorney fees. A legal advocacy group can be of great benefit in these situations. They handle the issues an attorney would usually take care of and helps their client achieve an equitable and fair settlement for their divorce.

Paternity And Child Custody Lawyers

When the paternity of a child is questioned, a family lawyer can help either parent to disprove or prove paternity. When a man has paid child support for a child, he turns out not be the father of or if he was not paying child support for a child who is biologically his, help is needed from a paternity attorney.

Both parents can be helped by an attorney when they need to build a parenting plan when their relationship or marriage breaks up. They can assist their client to get joint legal and physical custody. Similarly, if a parent seeks sole custody, an attorney can also help when it is in the child or children’s best interest to be placed largely with one parent over the other.

When addressing child support disputes, a child custody attorney can also help. A family attorney can help with negotiation in working out which parent should make payment, the amount of the payment as well as the expenses each parent has responsibility for covering.  If an agreement cannot be reached, the lawyer can help you take the other parent to court to maximize your child support recovery.

Marriage And Civil Union Lawyers

A couple who are entering a domestic partnership, civil union or marriage may need the services of an attorney so they can draw up a prenuptial agreement or be counseled on assets or other legal matters such as a family owned business. On occasion, couples who are already married may arrange a postnuptial agreement to change the contractual status of assets and liabilities between them. In both instances, you can rely on a family law attorney.

Family Law Lawyers Dealing With Abuse

Child abuse and all forms of domestic abuse are serious issues a family law attorney may be capable of handling. They can work for the individual who has been abused or for the person who has been wrongfully accused of abuse. They can assist the victim to file a lawsuit or restraining order or they may help a spouse who has been battered seek monetary compensation for emotional trauma and medical expenses. When a lawyer is hired by the party accused of abuse of their child or spouse, they may be able to assist in establishing proof the incident or incidents did not happen or that they were innocent or acting in self-defense. They may also assist a parent who has previously been abusive to gain rights of visitation that are often supervised with their child or children.

Adoption Lawyers

You may need the services of an adoption lawyer when you want to place a child for adoption or when you are seeking to adopt a child. An adoption lawyer can assist in finding a legitimate agency and ensure legal paperwork is filed correctly. They can also assist with adoptions by stepparents and same-sex couple adoptions. Should there be unforeseen legal issues resulting in a court case, the adoption lawyer can also represent the client.

Guardianship Lawyers

When you are looking at obtaining guardianship over a minor child who is not your own, the services of a family attorney can be very helpful. Guardianship can include adults who have developmental issues and dementia as well as a child or children. In the case of a child who because of their health will also need guardianship when they reach adulthood, a family lawyer will be required to facilitate the required paperwork. When you have a child or children in your family who are unable to be taken care of in an appropriate manner by their parents, a family attorney may be able to assist you in obtaining custody, hence avoiding the need for the child or children from entering the foster care system.

In situations where a child (or children) of yours has entered the foster care system, a family attorney can provide guidance with the steps required to re-obtain your child or children. They can also refer you to a counselor, social worker or other trained professionals whose skills can be utilized with the purpose of reuniting you with your child or children.

It is important you find a family attorney whom you feel comfortable working with and who has experience in cases that are similar to the situation you are encountering. Just because you have used a certain family lawyer in the past, it does not mean they are the best option if you are now dealing with different issues. Also, it is worth remembering it is not always necessary for you to pay the high fees usually associated with a private lawyer. Legal groups such as National Family Solutions can represent you and be less expensive, depending on the issues you are facing.

Types Of Family Law Cases

Family cases are considered civil cases, usually covering issues involving spouses, children or parents. Here are the most common issues a family court handles:

  • Termination of Adoptions and Parental Rights.
  • Domestic Violence and Protective Orders.
  • Child Custody and Paternity.
  • Name Changes.
  • Marriage Dissolution.
  • Juvenile Matters.
  • Guardianship.
  • Estate Planning
  • Emancipation and Approval of Underage Marriages.
  • And more…


  1. “What Types of Family Law Are There?” National Family Solutions, 8 Mar. 2018, www.nationalfamilysolutions.com/what-types-of-family-law-are-there/.
  2. Interactive, Proof. “Types of Cases.” Family Law Self-Help Center, www.familylawselfhelpcenter.org/self-help/getting-started/court-basics/types-of-cases.

Need a Family Lawyer in Scottsdale?

Our experienced family law attorneys will work with you to obtain the best possible outcome in your case.  Proven trial lawyers in family court, you can trust the firm to represent you fully so you can get on with your life. Call today for your initial consultation. Our family lawyers can help with divorce litigation, collaborative divorcedivorce mediationchild custodylegal guardianshippaternityprenuptial agreements, and more.

*This information is not intended to be used as legal advice. Please contact Canterbury Law Group today to learn more about your personal legal needs. 480-744-7711 or [email protected]

Written by Canterbury Law Group

How Child Custody Is Determined In Arizona

In the last few years, Arizona has completed an overhaul of custody laws. Essentially moving to a model based on “parenting time” and “legal decision making” as opposed to the terminology previously utilized for custody issues. In January 2013 this move took effect and signified a shift of emphasis towards making joint parenting a priority as opposed to the older legislative model that tended to use every other weekend style custody arrangements and that Mothers would no longer be favored over Fathers automatically as the parent with primary custodial responsibility.

Although there has been a change in the statutory language and terminology used, child custody determination still use legal decision making in an effective manner. Primarily, the determination of parenting time and legal decision-making reflect which of the parents have the right to make certain decisions on behalf of the child or children as well as how much time the individual patent gets to spend with the child or children.

The following discusses how Arizona courts make their determinations of parenting time and legal decision-making.

Determining Legal Decision Making

Based on the best interests of the child, Arizona decided to replace legal custody with legal decision making authority. This means legal decision making allows parents to make important decisions regarding the life of a child or children. These can include, personal care, education, healthcare, and religion. The courts will consider “all factors that are relevant to the child’s physical and emotional well-being”, as outlined by  A.R.S. §25-403. – when making a determination of which parents will have this authority.

There are many factors which courts consider that are specifically mentioned in this particular Arizona statute including:

  • The adjustment of the child or children to their school, community and home environments
  • The child or childrens’ relationships and interactions with siblings, parents and other people who can have a significant effect on the best interest of the child or children
  • The physical and mental health of the parents
  • An examination of the parent and child or children’s past, present and potential future parental relationships
  • If the child or children are of a suitable age, their personal wishes of who they wish to primarily reside with
  • A determination of whether child abuse or domestic violence has been a feature of the home life of the child or children

In summary, the court examines many factors when the court determines which parent should have the authority of legal decision-making. Once everything has been given due consideration, the court will decide to give sole legal decision-making authority to one parent or joint legal decision making authority to both parents. Most similar in form to being granted sole custody, sole legal decision-making authority means one parent is granted the authority to take the major decisions regarding the life and welfare of the child or children. Conversely, both parents will have an obligation to work together if joint decision making is granted by the court.

Legal Decision-Making Considerations

The other primary part of custody is known as “parenting time.” This determines how much time a parent is authorized to physically spend with their child or children and decisions are made by the court using the principles of the “best interests of the child.” A.R.S. §25-403.02 states that parents in Arizona have to submit a mandatory plan of parenting if both parents are unable to come to an agreement regarding the time each parent will spend with their child or children. Because the courts will always make a decision based on the child’s best interest, it is worth noting the determination of joint legal decision-making may not necessarily justify equal parenting time. In a similar vein, the parent who lacks the authority to make decisions is still entitled to a meaningful and productive relationship with the child or children. Only in the case where a parent is not in a fit state to be with their child or children (often for reasons such as child abuse or substance abuse), it is very likely both parents will be granted enough time by the court to continue developing a meaningful relationship with their child or children. As ever, the actual time will be determined by what is in the best interests of the child or children.

Non-Considered Factors

Many people think the female parent will be automatically awarded as the primary caretaker of the child or children. This is simply no longer the case in Arizona.  The parent’s enthusiasm and relationship with the child are paramount. The wealth of the parent or their socioeconomic status has almost nothing to do with the Court’s decision.

Parents only have to provide adequate and safe accommodation for the child or children. The court will not always grant custody to the parent who happens to be more affluent. Both parents should be able to provide comfortable living conditions, cleanliness and the ability to provide for the healthcare of the child. Regarding religion, it is important to be reminded of the fact the court will always act in the best interests of the child or children. Providing the religion of the parent does not cause harm to the child or children – the religion of the parents are not grounds for parental duties disqualification.  Put another way, Mom goes to her church on her days, and Father does or does not attend his venue with the children on his days.

Other Important Considerations

  • In Arizona, family law courts have the ability to grant both joint and sole custody. It is more common for sole custody to be granted when the parties cannot reach a mutual agreement
  • If you use unsubstantiated or false allegations of neglect or abuse against the other parent – it will be used against you by the courts in the process of decision-making; be very careful what you allege in your papers, they are tendered under penalty of perjury
  • The more mature or older the children or child will be increasingly considered (e.g interviewed)  in the legal process
  • Remember the parent who is more open to negotiation and communication with the other parent is often more likely to obtain primary custody or the majority of the children or child’s guardianship

When both parents submit a written plan for parenting and are open to communication and negotiation, the court will grant joint custody on the occasions it is in the best interests of the child or children. Families settle on a successful custody situation in more than 95% of the cases outside the court system in an amicable manner. However, if you are unable to make a mutually successful achievement on a child custody agreement, talk to a family law attorney to investigate your options in achieving resolution via litigation.


Hg.org, www.hg.org/legal-articles/how-is-child-custody-determined-in-arizona-29809.

Speak With One Of Our Child Custody Attorneys In Scottsdale

Canterbury Law Group’s child custody lawyers in Phoenix and Scottsdale will advance your case with personal attention and always have you and your children’s best interest in mind when offering legal solutions. We can help with legal guardianshipchild relocationfathers rightsgrandparents rights, and more. Call today for an initial consultation!

We are experienced family law attorneys and will fight for you to obtain the best possible outcome in your situation. Our firm will represent you fully, so you can get on with your life. Call today for an initial consultation! 480-744-7711 or [email protected]

*This information is not intended to be legal advice. Please contact Canterbury Law Group today to learn more about your personal legal needs.

Written by Canterbury Law Group

Arizona Breastfeeding Laws & Visitation Rights Breastfed Babies

If you are searching for Arizona breastfeeding laws or visitation rights for breasfed babies, this article might help. A recent news article about a judge ordering a breastfeeding mother to switch to baby formula to facilitate visitation for the father has reinvigorated an old debate. In a custody hearing in Maine, a father petitioned that his visitation rights were being violated because the mother is still breastfeeding the child. The estranged couple has a six-month-old baby that the mother is still exclusively nursing. The father wants overnight visitation rights on the weekends, but the mother refused on the account that she needs to breastfeed the baby.

The mother claimed that she couldn’t pump enough breast milk to arrange bottle feeding the baby when the infant is the father. So she claimed that the baby should be with her on the weekends. The magistrate court disagreed.  In the custody hearing, the judge sided with the father and said that keeping the baby for breastfeeding is “not a reason to prevent [the father’s] visitation,” and it could be “considered deliberate alienation” of the father. The court recommended overnight visits that would have the baby fed formula milk.

There are some other details to the case, but the core argument involving nursing mothers’ and fathers’ visitation rights has been percolating for some time. Pediatricians recommend breastfeeding babies for up to 12 months. There’s ample scientific evidence to suggest that babies should be breastfed to ensure their health and psychological well-being. The court cannot dispute these biological factors. However, when arranging parenting time for estranged spouses with infants, breastfeeding could become a hot-button issue.

While the case was adjudicated in a different state, it’s a common question that pops up in family court in Arizona as well. Arizona does not have specific laws with regards to how to handle parenting time for a breastfeeding child. In most cases, babies are kept with mothers so they can nurse on time. If the father wants to visit, then the visits are arranged for two or three hours in a manner that doesn’t disturb nursing. However, these arrangements can change due to court recommendations on what’s best for the child.

Ideally, the best way to handle a father’s visitation with regards to a nursing baby is for the estranged parents to discuss parenting time civilly. It’s strongly advised to obtain Family Law help in Scottsdale to devise a sensible parenting time plan in accordance with court recommendations, parents’ wishes, and, above all, the well-being of the newly birthed child. Fathers who want to spend time with nursing babies should first discuss arrangements with the mother, possibly with the help of a third-party mediator.

Of course, not all estranged parents would be able to sit down together and come up with a neat parenting time plan. In that case, going to court will be the last solution. However, judges decide visitation rights for fathers with newborn babies on a case by case basis. It’s unlikely and rare that a mother would be ordered to switch to formula if she doesn’t want to or is somehow unable to. As the law is not clear on this, only your lawyer will be able to present you with the best legal solutions for the situation.  And you never know, the Arizona judge to whom your case is assigned may end up agreeing with the judge from Maine.

Arizona Breastfeeding Laws

Many mothers wonder about breastfeeding in public. First, it is perfectly legal to breastfeed in public. In Arizona, the law clearly says a mother is entitled to breastfeed her child in public and is not subject to indecent exposure laws.

A.R.S. 41-1443

A mother is entitled to breast-feed in any area of a public place or a place of public accommodation where the mother is otherwise lawfully present.

A.R.S. 13-1402

Indecent exposure does not include an act of breastfeeding by a mother.

Your baby has the lawful right to eat wherever you are. Having an upset, hungry, crying baby will call more attention to yourself than breastfeeding your baby!

What clothing do I need for breastfeeding?

Nursing in public is easy. You don’t need a special type of clothes. You can wear a loose fitting shirt or top that you can lift from the bottom. When the baby latches, let the bottom of your shirt cover your breast. Your baby’s head and body will cover the rest. You can practice in front of a mirror until you feel more confident about nursing your baby in public.

Do I need to use a nursing cover?

Some mothers are a little more comfortable nursing under a cover, but you don’t have to. You can breastfeed at your discretion without a cover as described above, but it is fine to use one if it is going to make you more comfortable. Your local WIC clinic may be able to supply you with a privacy cover, or a lightweight baby blanket is also perfectly fine.

If I’m in a public place, where am I allowed to breastfeed?

You can breastfeed anywhere you are, like the corner market, dentist’s office, or even the drug store. If you feel uncomfortable and need privacy away from home, you can find a dressing room, a fast food restaurant booth, or a nursing/ lactation room that will give you the privacy you want.

What if someone complains and doesn’t approve?

If you are in a public place and asked to stop breastfeeding your baby, ask for the supervisor or manager in charge of the establishment. A lot of people are uninformed, but the manager should be able to educate their employees about breastfeeding. You should feel confident that your baby’s needs are being met and be proud that you’re breastfeeding and providing your baby with the nourishment he or she needs!


  1. “Breastfeeding in Public: Making It Work!” ARIZONA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES, Arizona Department of Health Services , azdhs.gov/documents/prevention/nutrition-physical-activity/breastfeeding/breastfeeding-in-public.pdf.

Family Law Consultations in Scottsdale

The Canterbury Law Group should be your number one choice for when you need a family law attorney. Our experienced attorneys will work with you side by side to achieve the best possible legal outcome. You can trust Canterbury Law Group to represent you fully, so you can get on with your life. Call today for an initial consultation!

*This information is not intended to be legal advice. You can contact Canterbury Law Group today to learn more about your unique situation.

Written by Canterbury Law Group

How to Win Child Custody

To win child custody essentially means that you are happy with your custody circumstances and the custody agreement is in the best interest of the child or children. How this happens depends on the situation. It could possibly mean that you get sole custody of your child, that you share custody with the other parent, or that the judge agrees to your proposed parenting plan, etc.

In the end, how do you win custody? You work on your own or with the other parent to create a custody agreement that meets the needs of your child. After that, you work with the other parent or on your own to get the court to agree to your plan.

To create a winning parenting plan to present in court, call Canterbury Law Group today.

Create a winning parenting plan

Your parenting plan demonstrates how you and the other parent will continue to care for your child now that you are separated or getting a divorce.

A satisfactory parenting plan has:

  • A defined parenting schedule that shows when the child spends time with each parent
  • Details about how the parents will make decisions for the child
  • Specifics about expenses and finances
  • Parenting requirements and rules about raising the child
  • Any other information you may want to add

To produce a winning parenting plan, you must customize it, so it suits the needs of your child and fits your unique circumstances.

You can draw out your plan on your own, work closely with the other parent to develop it, and/or hire an attorney or legal professional to assist you.

Negotiate a plan with your child’s other parent

The best way to win custody of your child is to work with your child’s other parent to make a custody agreement both of you approve of. This helps you avoid a drawn-out, costly court battle and makes your agreement more effective, and is only beneficial for the child.

It doesn’t matter if you and the other parent disagree about custody, it is still worthwhile to try and arrange an agreement. In order to do this, you will both have to set aside personal differences and focus on what is in the best interest of the child.

Here are some recommendations to help you when meeting with the other parent:

  • Prepare example parenting plans and parenting time schedules to show your ideas
  • Write down the thoughts and concerns that you want to go over before you meet
  • Be flexible about your parenting agreements
  • Hear out the other parent’s ideas and concerns
  • Set aside any personal differences with the other parent
  • Think of your child when you work out your parenting agreement
  • Don’t talk about divorce issues or other outside issues during the meeting
  • Bring your work schedule and the child’s school schedule
  • Talk to your child about what they want in the agreement (if your child is old enough)
  • Seek mediation or counseling if needed
  • Get enough sleep the night before you meet, maybe each bring a friend to reduce tension
  • Allow multiple meetings (don’t try to discuss too much at once)
  • Take a break if things get strained, you can always try again later

Record your actual custody circumstances

You may find it beneficial to track the actual time, so you know how to prepare your custody plan.

Track your actual parenting time, so you know how your actual time correlates to your scheduled time. This can help you define your custody and visitation schedule and know if the schedule is being upheld.  For example, if one parent works nights and weekends, creative scheduling is going to be required to see the children during normal waking hours, when they are typically in school.

You can also keep a custody log book where you write notes about what happens during your parenting time. You can use your book to communicate with the other parent or keep it for your records.

Tracking your parenting time and keeping a log book helps you win custody by making sure your plan is the correct one for you and your child. It also helps each parent follow the plan.  The log book can also be critical for “going back to court” after your original plan is in place.

Present a winning case in court

If you and your child’s other parent are incapable of coming to an agreement about custody arrangements, you will go to family court, and a judge will determine the final parenting time arrangements.

To win in family court, you must develop a parenting plan and show the judge how that plan will benefit your child. It might be a good idea to hire an attorney to come up with your plan and represent you in court.  Things can and will get complicated.

You can represent yourself and still win custody, you will just need to prepare an appropriate plan and present it very well.

Attend custody mediation to win your case

If both parents cannot work out a custody agreement, you should consider going to custody mediation with a third party professional.

In custody mediation, you and the other parent will meet with an impartial third-party mediator who can help you create your agreement. The mediator will help you as you make decisions for your plan and help you work out your disagreements.  The mediator is usually a retired family law judge or attorney well versed in custody issues.

Some states require that parents go to mediation first before actually going to court. You may also have the alternative of getting free or discounted mediation through your court or state. If mediation isn’t offered in your court, you can pay for mediation privately.  Each parent usually pay 50% of the meditor’s fees.  You can also bring your attorney to mediation.

Mediation is successful for a lot people, and if you can co-author your parenting plan in mediation, you will be happy with your plan and you both win your case.

Speak With One Of Our Child Custody Attorneys In Scottsdale

Canterbury Law Group’s child custody lawyers in Phoenix and Scottsdale will advance your case with personal attention and always have you and your children’s best interest in mind when offering legal solutions. We can help with legal guardianshipchild relocationfathers rightsgrandparents rights, and more. Call today for an initial consultation!

We are experienced family law attorneys and will fight for you to obtain the best possible outcome in your situation. Our firm will represent you fully, so you can get on with your life. Call today for an initial consultation! 480-744-7711 or [email protected]

*This information is not intended to be legal advice. Please contact Canterbury Law Group today to learn more about your personal legal needs.

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