Written by Canterbury Law Group

8 Reasons Men Leave Women They Love

8 Reasons Men Leave Women They Love

We all sometimes think why men decide to leave the woman they once were totally in love with. Truthfully, there can be a multitude of reasons and often there are many reasons. That said, here are some of the most popular reasons and perhaps will give one food for thought on the way to mending a relationship.


Somewhere between a fifth and nearly half of all marriages end in divorce because of infidelity. When a man’s spouse has been having other partners within the bond of marriage, the commitment and trust a man has left to offer can be strenuously pressured. The internet has brought people who are not married to each other emotionally closer and many consider this a form of infidelity and may be the other cause of a man to leave their spouse.


Men place a high value on feeling respected and loved and are far more likely to be committed to a relationship when they feel those qualities.  Wives frequently provide respect to virtually all of the people in their inner circles, except their husbands.  Husbands notice this.  Husbands crave daily acknowledgment and respect, wives who don’t give it, may find themselves single again.


When the intimacy one partner in a relationship is something they crave for and the other partner is not willing or unable to provide that emotional closeness and romantic contact, the relationship may struggle to survive.  This often drives the spouse yearning for physical intimacy into the arms of another woman.


A man will often go to great lengths for a woman he really loves if he feels he is being appreciated. Letting him know you realize that is a good thing! So many spouses take the other for granted, everyone eventually has their ‘limit’ on being ignored.

Mom, Not Lover

If you are always reminding him of things he needs to do, clean up the mess he leaves, question about where he is going, where he is and where has he been, he can start to see you adopting the role of a Mother towards him.  This kills romance and passion in the bedroom, and launches you onto a one way trip to dissolution.


If your womanly success highlights his sense of inadequacy it may be more likely he will leave. It is a fact many men have issues with dating a woman of high achievement who may have obtained greater success than themselves.


When one has an attitude of desiring financial things that are out of reach as opposed to displaying an appreciation of what is already there, it may well be that a man takes that personally. It is important to talk about the things you both appreciate from your relationship and to seek out to achieve mutual financial goals and achievements.

Source: ReichSpecializing, Kristine. “8 Reasons Men Leave Women.” Best Legal Choices, 7 Nov. 2019, bestlegalchoices.com/why-men-leave-good-women/.

Need a Divorce Lawyer in Scottsdale or Phoenix?

As proven legal counsel in family court, we have a network of Arizona mediators, attorneys, tax specialists, estate planners, financial planners, child specialists, real property appraisers, adult and child therapists and parenting coordinators who are here for you if you ever need them. Our lawyersdivorce mediators and collaborative divorce attorneys in Scottsdale are here to make your divorce less stressful and keep you in control and the costs contained. Call today for an initial consultation at 480-744-7711 or [email protected]. Our family lawyers can also help with divorce litigation, child custodylegal guardianshippaternityprenuptial agreements, and more.

*This information is not intended to be legal advice. Please contact Canterbury Law Group today to learn more about your personal legal needs.

Written by Canterbury Law Group

My Husband Cheated Twice Should I Stay?

My Husband Cheated Twice Should I Stay

When your spouse has had more than a single affair, what is the best course of action to take. Do you keep forgiving them – especially when you want to remain married to them? Read on to learn more.

Once A Cheater, Always A Cheater?

This is not an entirely true statement. That said, when an affair is discovered, statistically speaking, there will be more than one affair. Yet there is little in the way of quality assistance for couples who want their marriages to heal and maintain their truth to their wedding vows. This is especially the case when a partner in marriage has an affair that they know goes against everything else they morally stand for – especially so when their faith teaches marital fidelity.

Yet there is a rising culture in today’s society who think monogamy is not a realistic population. If you think that, it is very likely you will cheat. But many people who do have an affair want to address what they have done wrong and do their utmost to ensure they never once stray and have an affair. When you are married to someone who claims they appreciate the virtues of monogamy but on the inside thinks otherwise or they have the concept that they have an entitlement to affairs, cheating is almost inevitable. Simply put, monogamy has to be something both sides believe in.

Behaviors, Not Words Are The Key

Promises obviously do not work so behaviors need to change hen a couple are determined to stay monogamous relationship following an affair. Above all, the party who had the affair is the one who needs to change their behavior. Let’s look at what works well and does not work well in achieving this goal.

Ideas That Do Not Work

  • There is no guarantee from renewing your wedding vows
  • No guarantee comes with them saying “I will never do that again”
  • Promises are not a guarantee of monogamy in the future
  • While meeting the needs of your spouse is important, it is wrong to think the hey to the previous affair is the spouse who was faithful not being a good enough partner.

The last point is of vital importance because it is easy for one party to blame the faithful party and for the faithful party to accept they were not good enough – bluntly speaking, you can be a perfect partner and still have no guarantee of monogamy.

Ideas That Work

  • The spouse who cheated must take responsibility for their actions – understand what went wrong and fully comprehend their behaviors and change to make sure they never go down this path again
  • The couple must face the reality of the affair and deal with its ramifications. This means the party who had an affair needs to be responsible for what they have done as well as handling the consequences without making excuses. They also need to exercise a degree of patience with the spouse who has been betrayed and assist in their healing process
  • Whatever demons the person who had the affair has need to be “exorcised.” They need to take a frank and honest look at themselves and question their own morality, as opposed to assigning the responsibility for the affair on their partner
  • The spouse who was faithful need to have their questions answered honestly regarding the affair
  • The couple must work to find out the issues at the core of the causes of the affair and have a clear vision for the future to ensure success
  • The party who took part in the affair needs to fully disclose what happened and both parties need to understand the actions that impact marriages. It is never too late to change behaviors

Keep Forgiving?

This is a personal question and there is no correct answer. Possibly, you may be aware your spouse continues to be unfaithful, but you decide to stay and maintain the marriage. Only you can decide if that is right or wrong for you. But if that is not acceptable, you are setting yourself up for more emotional upheaval. Often it is not until you take a stance where you give up your marriage that you obtain it as the person having the affair does not realize they have lost you until you take that stance. Threatening does not work. You have to decide for there to be an impact.

Source: Bercht, Anne. “Multiple Affairs – When Your Spouse Has Had Multiple Affairs.” Brian and Anne Bercht, 6 Feb. 2015, beyondaffairs.com/special-circumstances/multiple-affairs/.

Need a Divorce Lawyer in Scottsdale or Phoenix?

As proven legal counsel in family court, we have a network of Arizona mediators, attorneys, tax specialists, estate planners, financial planners, child specialists, real property appraisers, adult and child therapists and parenting coordinators who are here for you if you ever need them. Our lawyersdivorce mediators and collaborative divorce attorneys in Scottsdale are here to make your divorce less stressful and keep you in control and the costs contained. Call today for an initial consultation at 480-744-7711 or [email protected]. Our family lawyers can also help with divorce litigation, child custodylegal guardianshippaternityprenuptial agreements, and more.

*This information is not intended to be legal advice. Please contact Canterbury Law Group today to learn more about your personal legal needs.

Written by Canterbury Law Group

How Much Does A Postnuptial Agreement Cost?

How Much Does A Postnuptial Agreement Lawyer Cost

Postnuptial Agreement costs can vary enormously and there is little that can be clearly established. However, in the US in 2020, he average cost for a postnuptial agreement is $4,750. On the low end, it can be as little as $50 and on the upside, it can be greater than $10,000. Read on to learn more.

There are many issues that can have an impact of the price of postnuptial agreements. From your own financial situation that may need the services of an auditor and to whether the two partners agree on provisions and terms of the postnuptial agreement. In some cases, the documents can be created by yourselves as well as consulting an attorney to assists in the drawing up of a postnuptial agreement. Attorney fees can go from those who charge a flat-fee rate to in excess of $500 per hour.

To further clarify, here are some estimates based on an average highlighting the costs for postnuptial agreements.

  • $50 can buy you DIY style of postnuptial agreements, forms, books and even software to prepare the documents.
  • There are multiple online options that can range from $100 to around $250.
  • Attorneys will charge on average $1,000 for a simple postnuptial document and the costs can rise to around $3,000.
  • Postnuptial agreements that are complicated in nature and require ongoing and prolonged negotiations and especially when substantial provisions and assets are involved, costs can start at around $10,000.

Psychology Today suggests the average cost for a prenuptial agreement in somewhere from $2,500 to $7,000. They also note there have been cases (although very extreme examples) can cost in excess of $50,000.


Source: Ogbornelaw.com

Contact Our Prenuptial Agreement Lawyers In Scottsdale

Consulting with a talented Scottsdale prenuptial agreement lawyer or family law attorney who is knowledgeable and experienced in drafting and litigating premarital agreements will save you a great deal of grief and expense in the future. Contact Canterbury Law Group today.

*This information is not intended to be used as legal advice. Please contact Canterbury Law Group today to learn more about your personal legal needs. 480-744-7711 or [email protected]

Written by Canterbury Law Group

How Much Does A Prenuptial Agreement Cost?

How Much Does A Prenuptial Agreement Cost

The average price of a prenuptial agreement for the US is $2,500 with prices varying from $1,200 to $7,500 to $10,000. Read on to learn more.

Prenuptial agreement costs will vary depending on the agreement and its complexity as well as the assets you have. Often, lawyers will charge hourly fees when compiling these agreements and other will work on a flat fee.

Businessinsider says: “Typically, prenups cost around $2,500, but can cost more if you spend a while haggling out various issues.” – however on the low end you can expect at least am investment of $1,200 to $2,400 for a basic prenuptial agreement but again to quote Businessinsider: “…can cost more if you spend a while haggling out various issues.” It is important to understand this really only applies when your financial situation is not complicated. When it comes to the negotiation of issues that are far more complex or when you live in one of the countries major population centers, the cost can go up to $7,500 to $10,000 for each party involved in the prenuptial agreement.

Furthermore, GoBankingRates says: “Prenup price estimates are all over the map. One California firm says the average prenuptial agreement its attorneys write costs between $2,000 and $6,000 per person. Some charge a set fee; many charge by the hour. If you have no money, you have no prenup.” – Remember fees can change constantly, so it is a great idea to get a prenuptial attorney with experience to become part of the process as soon as you can.

When you think the average wedding in the US costs just under $27,000 and the average sale price of an engagement ring is a shade under $46,000 it puts the prenuptial agreement fees a little more in context – not to mention a prenuptial agreement offers you protection from a financial standpoint as you go forward in married life.

Prenuptial Agreement Cost Considerations

  • The assets you have
  • The complex details of the prenuptial agreement
  • Where you reside
  • The reputation and of the lawyer and the practice where they work
  • Negotiations that take a prolonged time to resolve
  • Lawyer fees for the prenuptial agreement
  • The negotiation of complicated and complex issues

Long Term Considerations

It is very fair to say if you and your soon to be spouse are already discussing details of a prenuptial agreement you are way ahead of the curve compared to many couples. There is no doubt talking honestly about your future relationship will pay dividends over time. If a marriage fails, it is never easy and the stating of ground rules regarding finances at the outset of a marriage can be of great benefit to both parties at a later date.

Discussing Prenuptial Agreements

This can be a tough topic to raise. It is a good idea to have the prenuptial agreement in place at least thirty days before the date of the wedding but the papers should be drawn up months beforehand as this allows everyone to look over the paperwork fully and gather a comprehensive understanding of the prenuptial agreement. Obviously, it is best if you and your spouse can discuss this before the papers are initially written – people often do these six months or so before the actual date of the wedding. This allows sufficient time for financial goals to be stated and agreed upon as well as other factors like lifestyle options and come with some establishing rules as you go forward together in your relationship.

Source: OgborneEngaging, Michelle N. “How Much Does a Prenuptial Agreement Cost?” Ogborne Law, PLC, 4 Dec. 2019, https://ogbornelaw.com/prenuptial-agreement-cost/.

Source: Hoffower, Hillary. “You Don’t Need to Be Rich to Get a Prenup – Here’s How Much You Should Expect to Pay.” Business Insider, Business Insider, 20 Oct. 2018, https://www.businessinsider.com/how-much-does-prenup-cost-2018-10.

Source: Spengler, Teo. “9 Reasons a Prenup Isn’t Worth the Cost.” GOBankingRates, Toggle Navigation Back, 7 Mar. 2019, https://www.gobankingrates.com/saving-money/relationships/reasons-prenup-isnt-worth-cost/.

Contact Our Prenuptial Agreement Lawyers In Scottsdale

Consulting with a talented Scottsdale prenuptial agreement lawyer or family law attorney who is knowledgeable and experienced in drafting and litigating premarital agreements will save you a great deal of grief and expense in the future. Contact Canterbury Law Group today.

*This information is not intended to be used as legal advice. Please contact Canterbury Law Group today to learn more about your personal legal needs. 480-744-7711 or [email protected]

Written by Canterbury Law Group

What Is A Fair Prenup?

What Is A Fair Prenup

A prenuptial agreement (known as a prenup) has the purpose of establishing certain assets brought into the marriage and protecting them in the event the marriage should fail or one of the partners becomes deceased. Another purpose for a prenup is the protection of an inheritance. This is very much the case in instances of second or third marriages where the welfare and future of children from prior marriages  have to be protected from subsequent divorce.

Fair Prenup

Prenups are good when they protect a party. It also establishes a route to follow for the future if the marriage ends in the death of a partner or a divorce and should avoid the need for future litigation. A prenup should have both parties represented by separate lawyers and it is vital to make sure there is a complete and full disclosure of liabilities and assets and the marriage is being entered into between two consenting adults. The agreement needs to be fair when it is signed and the enforcement should be fair as well, regardless of whether it is five years down the line or decades later. These are all primary aspects of a good and healthy prenup.

Unfair Prenup

A bad prenup often results when a party feels a great deal of pressure to sign, particularly on the eve of a wedding – and that is clearly unfair. Some agreements can be so one sided in favor of one spouse there would be no way an equitable solution could be agreed if the agreement was put into practice. Although each case is unique, some unfair features can include when both parties have to pay their own fees for legal fees during a divorce. Equal divisions of assets obtained in marriage when individual states often have different rules governing the allocation of assets, especially regarding property.  Sometimes agreements state one party will receive a set income in the case of a divorce which decades later can be wholly inadequate because of inflation and the shifting cost of living.  Agreements that in the case of a contested divorce that the “losing side” should shoulder all the attorney fees can been deemed void by a judge as fundamentally unfair. This kind of unfairness is often seen when one party is wealthier than the other and also the case when both parties are entering marriage for the first time.

Last Minute Prenup

The inherent problem with last minute prenups is the wedding is so soon, there is often not the time, or the party is not in a reasonable emotional state to negotiate the prenup in a way that is fair. It is a modern equivalent of the “shotgun wedding” scenario and often it is the female partner who is put in this situation by their fiancé who usually has far greater assets. In the U.S. it is traditional (and dictated by some religions) the family of the bride foot the cost of the wedding so there may already be a great investment in the marriage and the female partner feels as if she cannot back out and so she signs the unfair prenup despite their being a large deficit in the balance of power of the relationship. It is a very unfortunate egregious scenario that does not at all reflect well on the person trying to get the other party to agree and sign.

Advice For Fair Prenups

  • In marriages where there is a great deal of net worth, institute a phasing in of sharing assets obtained before the marriage over a number of years with a guarantee of support under certain circumstances.  This is a phase-in-over time approach of wealth transfer.
  • Make provisions for when things change. Remember an agreement can be reviewed once more and revised. Do not forget there is the option of a sunshine clause where after X amount of years, the agreement is no longer valid and it simply evaporates as void.
  • Be fair in your negotiations and avoid being greedy. Remember, you want a successful and happy marriage. if you focus on the negative, it is more likely to lead to a divorce down the line.


Gornbein, Henry. “How To Avoid Becoming A Prenup Horror Story.” HuffPost, HuffPost, 16 Jan. 2012, https://www.huffpost.com/entry/prenuptial-agreements-the_b_1088748.

Contact Our Prenuptial Agreement Lawyers in Scottsdale

Consulting with a talented Scottsdale prenuptial agreement lawyer or family law attorney who is knowledgeable and experienced in drafting and litigating premarital agreements will save you a great deal of grief and expense in the future. Contact Canterbury Law Group today.

*This information is not intended to be used as legal advice. Please contact Canterbury Law Group today to learn more about your personal legal needs. 480-744-7711 or [email protected]

Written by Canterbury Law Group

Should I Get A Prenup?

Should I Get A Prenup

Millennials are embracing prenups like never before – but is it right for you? Older generations have forever complained their offspring do things differently and marriage is not exempt from that. Millennials are getting married later in life and a prenup is becoming more common. Once only the choice of the wealthy, Millennials are getting prenups for non-financial reasons, too, reflective of the fact many Millennials put a higher value on experiences than material possessions. Therefore, Millennial prenups often cover “intellectual property” rather than physical or financial assets.

If you are a millennial and considering a prenup, read on to find out if it may be right for you.

What’s A Prenup?

Officially called a “Prenuptial Agreement” it comprises a legal document couples obtain before tying the knot. Its purpose is to make a determination of property division should the marriage end in divorce. It also protects one spouse from the debt of the other partner. Laws regarding what can and cannot be included in the agreement as well as what happens to assets that are accumulated during the course of the marriage differ from state to state. Normally a prenup does not address items earned |during the lifetime of a marriage – this has posed issues for lawyers as millennials often want to include concepts, ideas and assets that they may obtain in the future.

Why Are Millennials Getting Prenups?

When polled by their own member organizations, attorneys claim there has been a marked increase in the total amount of millennials seeking prenuptial agreements. Indeed, prenups are up around 62 percent for all sections of the population but the greatest spike has been for millennials. One reason is millennials are more aware of the high divorce rate that hovers around 40 percent. Therefore, millennials feel it is important to enter marriage with a plan as opposed to spending large sums of money should they later divorce. Millennials are also wanting to include more than just physical property in prenups. The thought being if a partner creates something (e.g. a company), their intellectual property should be protected in a prenuptial agreement. There is even a concept that a prenup can prevent couples from sullying the reputation of the other partner should the marriage end in divorce. This is considered important for professional occupations, particularly roles with a strong exposure to social media populations.

Do I Really Need A Prenup?

Prenups can be good but they are not always needed. if a couple has large financial assets it may be wise but there are also other reasons to consider a prenup. Your credit can take a major hit in a divorce and you may have to pay alimony as well as the debts of your spouse and of course you will be required to pay child support as well as your own living expenses. Prenups are also good at avoiding potential debt traps like the other person’s student loan debt. It is a fact millennials have more student loan debt than any previous generation and a couple who has to shoulder additional debt when they marry should certainly be considering a prenup to keep those debts solely on the shoulders of the person who incurred them.

How Do I Get A Prenup

Prenups are not free but they cost a lot less than what you would pay lawyers in a subsequent divorce. Each party should have their own legal representation. Thankfully, most lawyers will assemble a prenup for a flat fee. You will have to spend time deciding on the proposed division of debts and assets you both have, and your lawyers can guide you through the rest of the process.


More than ever, couples are choosing prenups when they marry. A lot of stress can be saved if alimony, assets and debts are divided up prior to the marriage taking place, should the marriage end in a divorce.


“Should You Get A Prenup?” Money Under 30, https://www.moneyunder30.com/should-you-get-a-prenup.

Contact Our Prenuptial Agreement Lawyers in Scottsdale

Consulting with a talented Scottsdale prenuptial agreement lawyer or family law attorney who is knowledgeable and experienced in drafting and litigating premarital agreements will save you a great deal of grief and expense in the future. Contact Canterbury Law Group today.

*This information is not intended to be used as legal advice. Please contact Canterbury Law Group today to learn more about your personal legal needs. 480-744-7711 or [email protected]

Written by Canterbury Law Group

Five Ways to Keep Your Marriage Alive and Well

There is absolutely no doubt that sustaining a healthy marriage is a challenging feat. Having said that, there is a myriad of things that you can do to maintain a happy and flourishing marriage. Divorce attorneys in Scottsdale recommend considering the following points about maintaining a lively and happy marriage.

Find your bliss

While you and your spouse love each other, you (and only you) are the one driving your happiness. Thus, you should never place that responsibility on your significant other. Take time to understand what makes you happy and what makes you tick.

Take it one day at a time

You should be both honored and ecstatic to be in a loving marriage. As a result, it takes work (on a daily basis) to maintain that fire. It’s important for the two of you to take a few minutes out of each day to express your affection towards one another. Whatever you both deem as intimate should be brought to the forefront each and every day. Ultimately, you should think of this as a daily practice.

Be in the same lane

One of the most critical components of a relationship is making sure that you’re both on the same page when it comes to a variety of issues/topics. Rushing into an engagement without similar outlooks can lead to trouble.

At times, divorce is the answer

While some people refuse to admit that divorce is the best solution, others understand if/when it’s necessary. After all, there really is no reason for everyone to be upset. Think about how much happier people would be if you removed yourself from the equation.

Other times, divorce is not the answer

It is absolutely critical to understand the difference between employing divorce as a means to avoid conflict and a way to legitimately make a situation better. Don’t be one of those people who gets divorced for all of the wrong reasons.

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