Written by Canterbury Law Group

3 Reasonable Alternatives to Bankruptcy

Declaring bankruptcy is a relatively extreme measure. Having said that, when used in the right way and at the right time, it can actually save you money, sustain your peace of mind, and get you back in a good place financially.  It can literally set you free.

Nonetheless, declaring bankruptcy can also be expensive and time-consuming. Furthermore, it can have an enormous impact on your credit score. As a result, this can have far-ranging effects on other aspects of your life, such as applying for an auto or home loan and even applying for jobs. You may be surprised to learn that waiting to declare bankruptcy until you are broke can actually do more harm than good.  If you’re on the path to financial ruin, you likely should consider bankruptcy sooner, not later.  You will end up with more in the end.

Because declaring for bankruptcy has long-lasting effects, bankruptcy lawyers in Scottsdale recommend the following alternatives to help you navigate through your financial situation.

Pay Bills Another Way

Working a second or third job is never a good time, nor is it a great way to spend your evenings and weekends. If it’s just for a short period of time, however, the extra income could put a real dent in your debt. What could be better? Although it may be difficult, consider working another job or two in order to make extra cash, if you can climb out of your debt hole within 12 to 24 months, this non-bankruptcy approach may make sense.

Follow a Budget

You’d be surprised to learn that many people don’t follow a budget and, as a result, don’t have a strong grasp on where their money goes (other than to pay bills, of course). In the absence of a written budget, it’s very difficult to see where or how you can make changes in your life that will free up your money.

For many people, the largest portions of our income go towards housing and transportation costs. For example, if you rent, downsizing your home and moving to a smaller place or searching for a roommate could largely impact your rent cost (it could also save you money on utilities as well). If your car is a gas guzzler, for example, selling and buying a small, fuel-efficient car could save you a lot of money that can be put towards debt payments.

Negotiate With Your Lenders

Fortunately, many lenders will lower interest rates or even consider adjusting your payment plan if you tell them you’re going to file for bankruptcy. This is particularly true of credit card companies, which stand to lose the most. Don’t be afraid to negotiate with your lenders in order to alleviate part of your situation. Or hire your bankruptcy counsel to conduct these negotiations for you.

Written by Canterbury Law Group

10 Well-Known Causes of Bankruptcy

While there are a variety of reasons as to why people end up filing for bankruptcy, there are certainly some leading causes. Based on recent studies, bankruptcy lawyers in Scottsdale break down the top 10 leading reasons. As you’ll see, the percentages represent the proportionate weight as to why an individual ultimately files for bankruptcy. Let’s take a look at them.

Medical Expenses (42%)

According to research, 42% of all personal bankruptcies are a result of complicated medical expenses. Interestingly enough, the studies also show us that 78% of those who filed had health insurance.

Job Loss (22%)

There are millions upon millions of Americans that are unemployed. As a result, this makes them much more likely to file for bankruptcy. Those who are unemployed often pay for health insurance out-of-pocket.

Unmonitored Spending (15%)

Bankruptcy can often come as a result of credit card bills, hefty mortgages, and expensive car payments. Uncontrolled spending habits can put Americans on the unfortunate path to filing.

Divorce (8%)

Legal fees, child support, and alimony can result in heightened financial stress. Unfortunately, nearly one out of every two marriages fail in America.

Unexpected Disaster (7%)

Unanticipated disasters such as earthquakes, floods, or hurricanes can be very hard to prepare for. Without insurance, this can possibly result in bankruptcy.

Avoiding Foreclosure (1.5%)

Someone can spend nearly a lifetime preparing to buy a home. In order to avoid foreclosure, some Americans will file for bankruptcy to reorganize debt in an effort to save their homes.

Poor Financial Planning (1.5%)

In the absence of a logical financial plan, bankruptcy can always occur. You should always build up your cash savings for out of the blue expenses that could lead to debt.

Preventing Loss of Utilities (1%)

With a foreclosure, you also run the risk of losing utilities. Keeping your lights and heat on too often can have severe financial consequences.

Student Loans (1%)

Fortunately, it may be possible to consolidate student loans with a bankruptcy.  Speak to your bankruptcy lawyer about your options, if any.

Preventing Repossession (1%)

If a creditor repossessed your car, bankruptcy may put you in a position to have your vehicle returned, in addition to any other personal property that may have been repossessed.

In order to avoid bankruptcy, consider steering clear of the aforementioned leading causes. Reading often and talking to people in order to education yourself will help you in the long run. Doing a few things right and maintaining those habits will put you a great place financially and will help you see through your monetary goals.

Written by Canterbury Law Group

When to File For Bankruptcy

When it comes to filing for bankruptcy, timing is everything. While everybody’s situation is different, divorce lawyers in Scottsdale suggest paying attention to the following four signs, which may mean that it’s the right time to file for bankruptcy.

Behind on Bills

Sure, life is certainly unpredictable and, generally speaking, you may not be prepared for a financial crisis. If you are in a tough position and know you won’t be able to pay your bills on time each month, (or have already fallen behind), filing for bankruptcy can really help you get back to where you need to be. For example, a Chapter 7 bankruptcy is deemed a liquidation bankruptcy that is structured to immediately eliminate your debts. Throughout this process, your Trustee will sell your property and use the funds to compensate your creditors. Unless otherwise
specified by you, your automobile can also be included in the sale of your property.

You’re in Debt Through a Collection Agency

If you have debt that’s been building up, there is a chance you may end up being sued if you continue to ignore debt collectors. Filing for bankruptcy can really help if you think you may end up in this position. Filing for bankruptcy puts what’s known as an “automatic stay” against debt collectors and can put an end to any additional collection actions.

Your Wages Are Garnished

In order to pay down a debt, creditors often take extra action to ensure the amount owed is legitimately paid. In doing so, collection agencies obtain a court order to garnish your wages. As soon as this happens, your employer is bound by law to hold back a specified amount from each paycheck, which ultimately goes towards paying down the debt that you owe. Similar to being sued, the automatic stay after filing for bankruptcy can block a company from further garnishing your wages.

You Might Lose Your House or Car

Let’s say you’re behind on payments for your house or car. Bankruptcy might be an effective way to stop repossession or even foreclosure (even if it’s temporarily). Furthermore, this will give you enough time to catch up on payments. Nonetheless, you’ll always want to speak with your lender regarding various options before you take an initial step.

A great deal of thought should go into the decision to file for bankruptcy. As always, you should seek advice from an attorney if this is something you are considering. The sooner you consult a lawyer, the better, do not wait until the last minute when all of your money is gone and your debts are at their peak levels.

Written by Canterbury Law Group

Do I Become Ineligible for a Home Loan After Filing for Bankruptcy?

Filing for bankruptcy could affect your life in both positive and negative ways. The main negative in declaring bankruptcy is that the debtor’s credit score will take a major hit. While it’s very much possible to restore a bad credit score, many consumers do wonder what it means for immediate financial assistance requirements. For example, if you don’t own a home and have filed for bankruptcy, does that mean you are ineligible for a mortgage now and for how long?

The question is not easy to answer. Personal circumstances and specific situations can matter. It’s best to first get advice from a qualified bankruptcy lawyer in Scottsdale. However, consumers can also get a general idea of obtaining a home loan following bankruptcy by reading this article.

Qualifying for a Home Loan Following Bankruptcy

There are no legal barriers to qualifying for a home loan following a bankruptcy declaration. A lender cannot deny you a mortgage based solely on the fact that you have filed for bankruptcy once. Lenders will use other underwriting factors to determine your eligibility.

A consumer’s ability to get a home loan following bankruptcy is determined largely by the credit score, monthly income, down payment levels and the remaining savings. Keep in mind that mortgage lenders require a down payment on the loan. If you have no trouble paying for the down payment, then you can quite often also qualify for the loan. If not, you should at least be able to pay 20 percent of the down payment right away. The higher the down-payment one can offer a lender, the higher the chance that your mortgage loan will close and fund on the date of purchase.

How Bankruptcy Affects Credit Scores and Eligibility for Home Loans

You should expect your credit to plummet by at least 120 points if you file for bankruptcy. All of the credit monitoring companies scan the bankruptcy dockets every day to watch consumers.  After you are discharged from your bankruptcy case, you will need to soon start rebuilding credit to prevent going into the negatives. If you start repaying remaining debts that survived your bankruptcy, your credit score will rise without a problem. Rehabilitating credit in this manner is the best option you have for being qualified for a subsequent home loan. Even if your credit score is low, if you can show the lenders that it has been improving, then your mortgage application may receive more favorable treatment during the loan application process.

How to Improve Your Chances of Obtaining a Home Loan Following Bankruptcy

First of all, you should take steps to get your credit score back up. If you filed for Chapter 13 bankruptcy, sticking to the monthly court-approved payment plan should do it. Otherwise, you can get a credit card and make timely payments without missing a single payment due.  Pay on time, each and every month.

Start saving. You should certainly expect to spend some time-saving money before you can apply for a mortgage. Let your savings accumulate so you have enough to at least partially cover a down payment. The more savings you have, the better your application will look.   You can get friends or family to help you accumulate down payment funds as well, so long as they are willing to sign off and release those funds to you in writing.

Don’t forget to repay existing loans such as student loans, taxes owned, or child support. Always continue to timely pay your regular bills on time as well.

What matters is that you maintain a good financial profile by not falling back into the previous circumstances that caused you to file for bankruptcy.  Time is your friend.  After a bankruptcy, the longer you have come through and demonstrated a strong credit history and ability to pay—the mortgage lenders will start to consider you again for home mortgage loan qualifications.

Written by Canterbury Law Group

How to Cope with the Stress of Fighting a Bankruptcy Case

No one really wants to be in a situation where they have to file for bankruptcy. It can be immensely stressful to go through with the proceedings. If you have trouble managing stress while you are petitioning for bankruptcy, here are several tips to help you reduce the mental burden:

Don’t Hesitate to Ask Your Lawyer the Tough Questions

Bankruptcy cases can be particularly stressful because the law involved in these cases can be quite complicated. Don’t be confused and or angered about the issues raised. If you have questions, ask your bankruptcy attorney in Scottsdale. A good lawyer will be more than happy to help you with whatever questions you have. Your attorney is also the best person to explain how the law applies to your unique situation. You will feel much better after you have spoken to your attorney regarding the tough parts of your case.

Think About Positive Aspects of Bankruptcy

Yes, it may seem impossible to look on the bright side of filing for bankruptcy, but there really is one. Bankruptcy can actually be good for you. Think about all the good things happening. For starters, your creditors can no longer harass you with never-ending phone calls. You are no longer avoiding debt issues. Some of the debt you have, like credit card debt, can be dismissed by the court depending on under which chapter you file.

Chapter 7 bankruptcy is considered the “best plan for debt elimination” because the court discharges most types of unsecured debt under this law.  The court will order a credit plan to pay back whatever remaining debt you have. So when the court proceedings are done, you will mostly be debt free!

Sleep Properly

Do not stay up late worrying about your case; let your attorney handle that part. Try to get at least 7 hours of sleep each night when the case is proceeding. If you are sleep deprived, you will feel even more stressed out. A good night’s sleep can clear your head and prepare you mentally to navigate your case.

Educate Yourself about Issues Involved

Your attorney may not have time to explain every little thing about your case to you. In this situation, you can always go online and read about the basics of filing for bankruptcy litigation. If you don’t understand what Chapter 7 or Chapter 11 bankruptcy is, there are plenty of resources online (and also on this blog) that will help you understand the process involved. Don’t hesitate to do your research. When you are educated about the laws involved, the case will seem a lot less complicated to you. That should relieve most of your stress issues.

You can also read blogs about people who have overcome debt after filing for bankruptcy. Reading about the experiences of others will help you overcome yours better.

What’s more stressful than going through with a bankruptcy case? Crushing debt. Once the case is over, your debt will be largely be gone too. So think about the positives and don’t dwell on the negatives until your case concludes and you are fully discharged.  This too shall pass.  

Written by Canterbury Law Group

When Should You File for Bankruptcy?

Of course, filing for bankruptcy is not easy on anyone. The filing process can go smoothly if you have a good lawyer. What’s really difficult is deciding when to file for bankruptcy. Does your financial situation actually call for you to throw in the towel? This article will help you understand which situations call for declaring personal bankruptcy:

Do a Self-Assessment of Your Situation

No one knows your financial situation better than you. So, when deciding to file for bankruptcy, you should do a self-assessment of your financial situation. Even if you feel like your debts are unbearable, you may not necessarily be in the danger zone that calls for declaring bankruptcy. There are several indicators that you are in serious financial trouble. Here is a short list:

  • You get constant debt collection calls
  • You are unable to, and have not recently made, minimum payments on credit cards
  • You don’t know the size of your debt
  • Your family home is at risk of foreclosure due to a debt
  • You have to borrow money to pay for necessities
  • You get a lot of red notices in the mail
  • Your creditors are threatening legal action

If you answer yes to three or more questions above, then you are seriously in debt. If you are unable to pay for everyday necessities without using credit cards or borrowing money in another manner, then you are definitely in the financial danger zone. You could consider bankruptcy as a possible solution.

Consider Alternative Routes

Filing for bankruptcy will lower your credit score significantly. Therefore, it’s not something that should be done frivolously. First, consider if there are alternatives to bankruptcy you can consider. Try calling your creditors and renegotiating the terms of your loans. Most creditors prefer if debtors don’t go bankrupt as a judge could erase the unsecured debt. It’s very likely that the creditor will be able to come into new favorable terms with you.  You can also consider selling stuff around the house to find funds to repay loans. It’s possible that you are spending money unnecessarily, so a household budget adjustment may solve your problems. Exhaust your alternatives first, and then decide to file for bankruptcy.

Consult with an Attorney

If you are really not sure about doing either of the above, you can always consult with an attorney for professional advice. Find a local bankruptcy attorney in Scottsdale or other cities in the state. Most will be willing to hold a consultation for a lowered fee. The state of Arizona does pose limits on how much a bankruptcy attorney can charge so money may not be an issue.

Know What Types of Debt You Owe

Are your debts mostly because of secured loans, unsecured loans, unpaid taxes, or fees due like alimony? Some debts, like taxes and child support, cannot be wiped out by filing for bankruptcy. If you owe a lot of unsecured debt, like credit card debt, then filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy is a good option.

It all depends on the type of debt you owe, and your income level. Before you file for bankruptcy, make sure you are eligible for it. You may also want to ask your attorney whether a certain type of debt can actually be forgiven by a bankruptcy court.

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