Chances Of Father Getting 50/50 Custody

Child custody arrangements have long been a topic of debate and concern within the family law system. Recently, there has been an increased interest in the chances of a father obtaining 50/50 custody rights. However, the odds of this arrangement being put in place depend on several factors outlined below.
What Are The Chances Of A Father Getting 50/50 Custody?
The likelihood of a father acquiring 50/50 custody of a child will depend on various factors, such as the specific circumstances of the case, the jurisdiction’s prevailing legal standards, and the ability of both parents to provide a stable and safe environment for the child.
In the majority of jurisdictions, there has been a recent shift toward recognizing the importance of equal custody arrangements and shared parenting rights. It is, however, important to note that each and every case is unique, as the courts will always consider multiple factors when determining the best custody arrangement.
While there has undoubtedly been an increase in this arrangement, obtaining 50/50 custody as a father still depends on various issues. Let’s look at these specific factors below.
Factors Affecting Custody Arrangements
Here is an overview of issues the court will evaluate when determining the best custody arrangement for the child:
- The caretaking and nurturing ability of both parents.
- Age, activities, and the child’s individual needs.
- Relationship child has with both parents and siblings, if applicable.
- Communication between the parents.
- How the parents ultimately share roles and responsibilities related to the child.
- What the home environment is like.
- How disruptive it may be for the child to be with one parent opposed to the other.
- Whether either parent “bad mouths” the other parent around the children.
- Whether the parents can resolve any disagreements in a civil manner.
The court will also thoroughly examine safety issues, including the following:
- A parent’s struggle with either substance abuse and/or mental health.
- Any history of domestic abuse toward the other parent or child.
- Whether either parent lives in a household with someone who may be a safety risk for the child.
The court could always consider additional factors given the complexity of the case.
“Best Interests Of The Child” Standard In Custody Cases
Judges will enter custody orders based on the best interest of the child. Of course, this can be a subjective standard because every family’s situation is unique.
It would be easy for the judge to simply award the parent earning the larger income with custody, but the judge will only create an arrangement that works best for the child.
Source: “What Are The Chances Of The Father Getting 50/50 Custody?” Philip Goldberg PC
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Contact Canterbury Law Group today if you need an experienced child custody lawyer or guardianship lawyer in Phoenix or Scottsdale, Arizona to help with your case. Our experienced family law attorneys will work with you to achieve the best outcome for your situation. Call today for an initial consultation! 480-744-7711