Written by Canterbury Law Group

3rd DUI Arizona: Laws And Penalties

3rd DUI Arizona

A third DUI conviction within seven years in Arizona is considered an “Aggravated DUI”. This results in a class four felony. A third DUI conviction will come with a felony charge even if there is no one injured or no property damage whatsoever. 

Third DUI Laws In Arizona

In the state of Arizona, it is unlawful for any individual under the influence of drugs or alcohol to be in physical control of a vehicle. Once you have obtained a driver’s license in the state, you are implicitly agreeing to allow the administration of a blood alcohol content test (BAC) and field sobriety tests if you are suspected of driving while under the influence.

A third or subsequent offense DUI in this state carries felony fines, as well as harsh penalties. This does include mandatory jail time.

Third DUI Penalties In Arizona

A third DUI conviction in Arizona within seven years will carry some stiff penalties, including the following:

  • Incarceration of at least four months with the possibility of three and three-quarter years.
  • Base fine of at least $750.
  • Fees and fines ranging from $4,000-$150,000.
  • Impoundment of the vehicle.
  • Up to 10 years’ probation.
  • A driver’s license revocation of up to one year.
  • Installation of ignition interlock device for two years following reinstatement of driver’s license.
  • Traffic survival school.
  • Inability to plea charge down to a wet reckless.
  • The felony remains a “forever allegeable” prior.

How Long Does a Third DUI Take to Resolve?

From the moment our respondents were arrested to the time for everything to be finalized, the average time was 7.8 months. This was 2.5 months longer than first time DUI offenses.

How Much Does A Third DUI Lawyer Cost?

When averaged out from the respondent’s answers, the average mean cost was $7,300 – included in this were court ordered fines averaging $1,600, the same amount again for increased insurance premiums not to mention additional costs such as ignition interlock devices, bail costs, alcohol education courses and expenses and criminal defense attorney’s fees.

Average attorney expenses and fees figured out at $2,700 but the price escalated when private DUI lawyers were hired to a mean of $4,000. However, it is very important to get an attorney as soon as you can. The total average cost does not include income lost by a defendant and fifty percent of the respondents said they had greater income loss than for their first DUI offense.

3rd or 4th DUI Lawyer Cost

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*This information is not intended to be used as legal advice. Please contact Canterbury Law Group today to learn more about your personal legal needs. 480-744-7711 or [email protected]