Written by Canterbury Law Group

Need Help Receiving Your SBA Disaster Loan?

Business Losing Money Due to Coronavirus - We Can Help

We Can Help You Get Your Share of the Federal Dollars!

The SBA is injecting cash to businesses affected by the recent disaster with a maximum of $2 Million per business.

Even the first one million applications that are denied are still guaranteed $10,000 in forgivable loans.

Loans for $200,000 or less do not require personal guarantees.

How does the disaster loan application process work?

There are reams of paperwork to fill out and documents you need to turn in.

The estimated time it takes to fully complete the application is between 8-15 hours.

Things you will need to turn in include:

  • Most recent federal tax return
  • Personal financial statements for owners with 20% or more ownership
  • Schedule of liabilities listing all fixed debts
  • Fill out all mandatory SBA paperwork
  • Year-end profit-and-loss statement and balance sheet for that tax year
  • A complete year-to-date profit-and-loss statement
  • Monthly sales figures to substantiate company economic damages

These loans will be

  • Competitive (rates 3.50%)
  • Strict on quality of financial information
  • Gone soon, first come, first paid
  • Easy to get early, hard to get later

And more is coming

  • Payroll tax credits
  • Possible cash support
  • And More loans

How Do I Qualify for the Small Business Disaster Loan?

Congress has approved $350 billion dollars for immediate distribution to businesses across the nation.

So long as you have less than 500 employees, were operating on Feb 15, 2020 and have suffered some economic damages, you likely qualify for immediate federal dollars.

  • Applicants obtaining less than $200,000 in federal aid need not sign any personal guarantees.
  • Applicants obtaining between $200k and $2mm in aid will have to personally guarantee their loans.
  • And, even the first one million applicants who are denied still will be awarded $10k in fully forgivable loan money.

In a word: You have nothing to lose in tendering your federal application.

Eligibility for SBA Disaster Loan

Am I eligible for a SBA disaster loan?

Yes you are eligible for the SBA disaster loan if you run a small business with less than 500 employees or:

  • Are a small business that meets the size standard of SBA
  • Are a 501(c)(3) with less than 500 employees
  • You are an individual operating as a sole proprietor
  • You are an individual operating as an independent contractor
  • You are an individual who’s self-employed who regularly carries on any business or trade
  • You are a Tribal business concern and meets SBA’s size standard
  • A 501(c)(19) Veterans Organization that meets the SBA size standard

In addition, some special rules may make you eligible:

  • If you are in the accommodation and food services sector (NAICS 72),
    the 500-employee rule is applied on a per physical location basis
  • If you are operating as a franchise or receive financial assistance
    from an approved Small Business Investment Company the normal
    affiliation rules do not apply

Why You Need Professional Help to Fill Out The App

Navigating the federal loan application process is complex, tedious and prone to user error.

Save yourself time and increase your chances of getting money by hiring experienced lawyers to handle your entire application.

The lawyers at Canterbury Law Group will handle your entire file from start to finish for a fair, fixed fee.

Call now to become one of the nation’s first federally rescued businesses.  Call the firm at 480-744-7711 or [email protected]

Why Reinvent the wheel? The licensed attorneys at Canterbury Law Group have already perfected the means by which your company can timely obtain your share of the federal rescue dollars.  Time is money, and by hiring Canterbury Law Group, you assure your application will be done on time, and correctly.

Contact Canterbury Law Group today to get help processing your application correctly. [email protected] or 480-744-7711

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