Written by Canterbury Law Group

Termination of Parental Rights

Termination of Parental Rights

Terminating parental rights is a serious subject and should be very carefully considered before any actions are taken. Read on to learn more about the termination of parental rights.

What Does Termination of Parental Rights Mean?

When the rights of a parent are terminated it means the rights that person had as a parent of their child or children have been taken away so that person no longer remains the legal parent of the child. This has a number of implications:

  • There is no longer a parent-child relationship.
  • The parent usually has forgone the right to speak with or visit with the child or children.
  • The parent no longer has an obligation to pay child support.
  • The parent no longer gets to raise the child or children.
  • The parent is removed from the birth certificate of the child or children.
  • The child or children can be adopted by another without the permission of the parent.

There is a reason the nickname for the termination of a parents right is referred to as the civil death penalty – such matters are taken with a great deal of levity by judges, who do not usually terminate the rights of a parent unless there is a very good reason to do so. The following information is in reference to private terminations of parent’s rights among family members only.

Who Is Allowed to Terminate A Parent’s Rights?

A petition to terminate the rights of a parent can be filed by a guardian, parent or family member. When the petitioner of the child is in receipt of public assistance such as SNAP or TANF it is not very likely the parent’s rights will be terminated by a judge. In those circumstances, the child support office has to mandatorily notified regarding a termination if the petitioner is in receipt of public assistance. The Department of Family Services, known as the DFS may request a judge to terminate the rights of a parent in instances when CPS has been involved with a family. Normally, this occurs when the DFS has been involved with the family for in excess of a year and has made numerous attempts to address the outstanding family problems. If the issues are very serious and/or the parent has failed to make progress, the District Attorney may be asked by the DFS to file a parental rights termination case.

Can I Opt to Give Up My Parental Rights?

In most cases the answer will be no. Judges, more often than not, have the view a child or children need two parents so that sufficient financial and emotional support is provided. Parental rights cannot be given up in order to avoid addressing poor behavior in a child or children and neither can you unilaterally relinquish your parental rights. In normal circumstances, you will usually have to attend a court hearing in person to explain your situation and unique goals to the judge.  Every case is different and no outcome can be guaranteed by any lawyer.

Reasons for Termination of Parental Rights

  • Only a very minimal effort has been made to support the child or children by the parent – this includes taking care of the child or children and communicating with the child or children.
  • The child or children would face a serious risk of mental, emotional or physical injury being in the company of the parent.
  • The parent is unfit in that they refuse or are incapable of providing the child or children the proper guidance, support or care.
  • When the child or children were conceived following a sexual assault. When the parent has been convicted for such a crime, their parenting rights can be legally terminated.
  • The parent has been neglectful meaning the child or children have not been correctly taken care of, this includes shelter, medical care, providing food, education and any other special need the child or children may require.
  • When CPS has taken a child or children from the home, the parent only has a limited window of time to address and correct the reasons for the removal of the child or children. If in a reasonable time, the parent does not correct those issues, the state can and often will petition to terminate parental rights.
  • When the parent displays behaviors related to abandonment indicating they desire to give up all their rights regarding the child or children. In these cases, it usually means a parent has not contacted the child or children for a time in excess of 6 months without good reason for doing so.

Regardless of any parent’s preference, the assigned judge is always going to decide on what they consider is going to be in the best interests of the child or children. Clear and convincing evidence must be produced by the party requesting the termination; this is one of the highest burdens of proof imposed by the law.

Where Do I File for Termination Of Parental Rights?

Termination of parental rights and be filed at the Juvenile or Family Superior Court in the county where the child or children resides. You may also file in the county where one of the parents makes their home. However, when the child or children are Native American, these matters are usually handled by the independent tribal court.

I Haven’t Heard From The Other Parent In Years. Is There A Fast Way To Terminate Their Rights?

Sadly, in these circumstances, it may take longer if the other parent cannot be located. The other party will have to be personally served with papers, giving them the opportunity to attend court and defend their custodial rights, should they choose to do so. When you are not aware of the location of the other parent, the judge has an expectation you will do everything in your power to locate them by speaking with family, friends, their employer, email and online searches, etc. A judge may allow you to post a notice in a newspaper should the previously named searches do not reveal the parent’s location.

How Do I Terminate Parental Rights In Arizona?

In Arizona, at least one of the following statutory grounds must be asserted and proven with clear and convincing evidence:

  • Within 30 days after being served with a Notice of Adoption, the presumed father failed to file a claim of paternity.
  • The parents have agreed to an adoption of their child or children or have relinquished the child or children to a licensed adoption agency.
  • Serious Neglect or abuse of the child or children.
  • Abandonment
  • A chronic substance abuse history from the parent which cannot be remedied or treated
  • When one parent faces felony incarceration for a considerable period of time, or life sentence.

The statutes containing the comprehensive list a court may rely on when terminating parental rights can be discovered here.

Do I Need A Lawyer for Termination Of Parental Rights In Arizona?

The termination of parental rights is a very serious matter and you should ideally engage a lawyer to assist in navigating difficult to understand laws and procedures that are mandatory in this process. In situations where DFS has filed a case seeking to terminate your custodial rights, an attorney will usually be appointed to represent your situation at no cost. However, you sometimes get what you pay for.  In circumstances where the other parent has decided to file a case against you, you should seriously think about getting a qualified and experienced attorney to help defend your rights.


Martin, Kasio. “Family Law Self-Help Center – Overview of Termination of Parental Rights.” Family Law Self-Help Center – Overview of Termination of Parental Rights, https://www.familylawselfhelpcenter.org/self-help/adoption-termination-of-parental-rights/overview-of-termination-of-parental-rights.
“FAQ about Termination of Parental Rights in Arizona -.” Internet Marketing for Attorneys – Big Mouth Marketing, 3 Jan. 2018, https://www.bigmouthmarketing.co/legal-resources/faq-termination-parental-rights-arizona/.

Need A Family Lawyer In Scottsdale?

Our experienced family law attorneys will work with you to obtain the best possible outcome in your situation.  As proven trial lawyers in family court, you can trust the firm to represent you fully so you can move on with your life and your children. Call today for your initial consultation. Our family lawyers can help with divorce litigation, collaborative divorcedivorce mediationchild custodylegal guardianshippaternityprenuptial agreements, and more.

*This information is not intended to be used as legal advice. Please contact Canterbury Law Group today to learn more about your personal legal needs. 480-744-7711 or [email protected]

Written by Canterbury Law Group

Can a Father Take a Child Away from the Mother?

Can A Father Take a Child Away From The Mother

If you have sole physical custody, also known as, the primary custodial parent, you can take your child away from the mother. However, if you do not have primary custody, it can be virtually impossible to take the child away from the mother.

On occasion, when your child or children are taken from you, it can constitute a crime such as unlawful kidnapping. However, when you are married and there are no custody orders from the court, it remains legal for your child or children to be taken by the other parent until a court issues orders to the contrary. Or, in the case where you are divorced, and the mother has been granted primary custody for the child or children it is not appropriate for the other parent to take them. On the other hand, it becomes more complicated when there is joint legal decision making. You would need to consult a copy of the custody order to ascertain when your child or children can be taken by the other parent. It is crucially important to have an understanding that primary custody is markedly different than joint legal decision-making.

Following visitation or parenting time, the other parent has an obligation to return your child or children or let you collect your child or children.  Both parents can and should follow their family custody orders insofar as they are formal orders by the court, enforceable by law, and by extension, law enforcement officers if necessary.  Should one parent unilaterally elect to refuse return of your children, this act, standing alone, is a violation of a court order which can lead to fines, purge orders, or even confinement should a finding of custodial interference or parental kidnapping be made by the Court.

When You Have Sole Legal Decision Making

  • When there is an ongoing 209A Abuse Prevention Case pending and you have a custody order relevant to it.
  • When as a parent who is not married, you have a court order that states you have primary custody and parenting time.
  • When you are a mother who is not married and there is no custody order, but you are in possession of a court order that states the name of the father of the child or children.
  • When you are a mother who is not married, and no party has been to court to obtain an order stating who is the father of the child or children – this is known as establishing paternity.
  • When you are a divorced parent, or married, and you are in possession of a court order that states you have primary custody for the child or children.

When You Don’t Have Sole Legal Decision Making

  • When you are married and there is not a custody order in place. In that situation physical custody is presumably shared by both parents.
  • When there is a court order stating the other parent and you have shared physical custody.

What Can I Do if the Other Parent Decides to Kidnap Our Child or Children?

It is a crime when the other parent takes your child or children or keeps your child or children away from you when they do not have a right to do so.

The other parent does not have the right to keep or take your child or children from you when you have an order of primary or shared custody. When visitation or court-ordered parenting time has reached its conclusion, the other parent must return the child or children to you or allow you to collect the child or children. The other parent does not have the right to keep your child or children away from you or take the child or children away from you when you have courYt-ordered parenting time or shared physical custody. In addition, the other parent has no right to keep your child outside of the scheduled parenting time, nor do they have the right to take the child or children without your permission.

In situations where the other parent keeps or takes your child or children when they do not have the right to do so, you have the following options:

  • Contact the police.
  • Encourage local prosecutors to file criminal charges.
  • Go to the Probate and Family Court to file an enforcement motion.
  • If your child or children was taken abroad contact the U.S. State Department.
  • Make contact with the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.

The Police Can Do The Following:

  • Attempt to find your child or children and then return your child or children to you.
  • Criminal charges can be filed against the other parent in the sole discretion of the local prosecutor’s office.
  • Find your missing child or children by working with the National Center for Missing And Exploited Children.

Note: If you do not have a custody order and you are not married to the father of the child or children, the police may require you to go to the Probate and Family Court to obtain a custody order.

File Criminal Charges

  • A criminal complaint can be filed against the other parent by going to the District Court near you and filing at the office belonging to the criminal clerk.
  • If the other parent has kidnapped your child or children, you can also call the office of the District or County Attorney to let them know.

When You Go to Probate and Family Court

  • You may file a petition to establish custody or paternity depending on whether you are married or not married to the other biological parent.
  • Your family law petition will address the Juvenile or Family Court which may order the other parent to return the child or children to you. Another option is the court can also give an order to the sheriff so they can forcibly bring the other parent to the court. It will be necessary for a lawyer to assist you with this process.
  • File what is known for as “Petitioner for Contempt”. Jail can be a consequence for the other parent if they do not obey the orders if issued.

Contacting the U.S. State Department

Once contacted, the U.S. State Department is able to assist when the other parent takes your child or children outside the boundaries of the United States.

What If the Other Parent Takes our Child but We Are Married and There Is No Court Order of Custody?

In circumstances when there has never been a court order regarding custody and you are married, it is not a crime when the other parent takes your child or children away from your home. Under the law, it is not considered to be kidnapping under the law. To try and get your child or children back, you may be able to obtain the custody order from the Family Court by commencing an action for marital dissolution or legal separation and seeking immediate temporary orders awarding you some level of custody.

How Can I Stop The Other Parent from Taking Our Child Out of the Country?

When you think your child or children may be removed from the country by the other parent, you can request an order from the Probate and Family Court that:

  • Places the name of your child or children on the Do Not Depart list maintained by the federal government.
  • The other parent can be court ordered and forbidden from departing the United States with your children or child.

When the name of your child or children are not on the Do Not Depart list, an alert will be triggered by the Transport Security Administration, known as the TSA, which routinely scans all passports belonging to your child or children when they are at the airport. When this occurs, the TSA will not allow your child or children to proceed further through the airport. In this case, you will need the skills of a lawyer for help with this particular court order. A lawyer can:

  • Demonstrate to the family court judge the need for such an order;
  • Ensure the TSA has full knowledge your child or children is on the Do Not Depart list after orders are issued by the family court judge.

Source: “Can the Other Parent Take Our Child Away?” MassLegalHelp, https://www.masslegalhelp.org/domestic-violence/wdwgfh7/other-parent-take-child.

Speak with Our Father’s Rights Attorneys In Scottsdale

Our Father’s Rightschild custody, and guardianship attorneys in Phoenix and Scottsdale address your case with concern and personal attention, and always have you and your children’s best interest in mind when offering legal solutions.

We are experienced family law attorneys and will work with you to obtain the best possible outcome in your situation. You can trust us to represent you fully, so you can get on with your life. Call today for an initial consultation!

*This information is not intended to be used as legal advice. Please contact Canterbury Law Group today to learn more about your personal legal needs. 480-744-7711 or [email protected]

Written by Canterbury Law Group

Can A Mother Lose Custody Of Her Child?

Can A Mother Lose Custody Of Her Child

Many fathers think there is a bias in favor of mothers when it comes to custody cases. Indeed, in common parlance, one hears of the mother losing custody a great deal more than the custodial parent (regardless of gender) losing custody of their child or children. This outlook is very understandable, and you can be forgiven for thinking the road to obtaining custody is long and fraught with pitfalls…but the reality is usually different. Remember, certain parental misconduct, regardless of gender, can be just cause for that parent to lose custody of their child or children.

Read on to learn more about how a mother can lose custody over her child or children and what your role might be in the process.

There are two things to keep in mind as you are reading this:

  1. This piece discusses serious acts of misconduct originated by the custodial mother that should be the cause of her losing custody over her child or children. It is not, however, about how a father seeking custody should conduct themselves or take part in litigation that is not needed and not reasonable.
  2. This piece is for fathers who have a goal of obtaining custody over their child or children but as yet do not have a plan in place to achieve that goal. There is no question of the courage required to go to litigation in a case of child custody. When you lack a plan to achieve a goal, it is little more than wishful thinking on the part of the father. You have to seriously ask yourself:  “Am I willing to follow through on this and commit to the process and the results?” – If you are unsure or the answer is a resolute “No” – you are wasting your time reading further.

However, if you possess the skills, courage and fiscal ability to go to family court and expose the misconduct of the mother towards the child or children and then make positive changes in the lives of your child or children, by reading this you are in a great place to proceed!

The Top Reasons for A Mother to Lose Custody of her Child or Children

  • The mother committed acts of physical abuse towards the father or the child or children.
  • The mother committed acts of mental abuse on the child or children and this includes acts and behaviors designed to promote the concept of parental alienation to the child or children.
  • The mother is neglecting the child or children.
  • The mother expresses frustrations or acts in a way that produces custodial interference of father’s parenting time.
  • The mother is violating existing orders of the court.

How Can a Mother’s Physical Abuse of a Child or Children Cause Her to Lose Custody?

Unquestionably, physical abuse is a valid basis for a mother to lose custody of her child or children. Furthermore, as the father, you may be found to be partaking in child neglect if you do not take appropriate action and do not prevent the continuation of said physical abuse. You have a responsibility and a duty to undertake the protection of your child or children. In simple terms, time cannot afford to be wasted and you need to act without delay to remove your child or children from a situation that is physically abusive towards them. A mother may (and very frequently does) lose custody of her child or children in any of the ways described below. But please note, this is not an exhaustive or all-inclusive list.

  • Law enforcement deciding to pursue action following a report of physical abuse towards the child or children.
  • Social services (often known as Child Protective Services or CPS or DES in some areas) receives a report alleging physical abuse of a child or children and then opens a case with the purpose of investigating the allegation. CPS retains the legal powers to physically remove a child or children from a home where they suspect or have evidence of a child or children have been the victims of physical abuse and they often provide custody, albeit on a short-term and temporary basis to other family members or the non-abusive parent. Many times, this is the first step towards what is known as a “dependency” court action.
  • The father goes to a family court and files what is called a “request for order.” This process informs the court of the physical abuse being perpetrated by the mother towards the child or children. In normal circumstances the order requests the court to make a determination awarding sole physical and legal custody of the child or children to the father with the mother of the child or children receiving visitation that is professionally monitored.

The Mother’s Physical Abuse Towards the Father

If the mother has committed acts of physical abuse to the father in the following ways, she can lose custody of her child or children:

  • Law enforcement arrests the mother of the child or children following an act of domestic violence. Normally this means the father will obtain from the police an “emergency protective order” and in some cases the criminal law judge will issue what is called a criminal protective order. This happens when the mother is going to be prosecuted by the city attorney or the district attorney.
  • The father requests sole physical custody and sole legal custody when filing with the family a court a domestic violence restraining order petition that will most likely include terms for supervised levels of visitation for the mother of the child or children.

Can Emotional Abuse Perpetrated By the Mother of a Child Or Children Cause Her to Lose Custody?

Here are some of the most frequently experiences forms of emotional abuse that can be inflicted by a mother towards a father or a child or children. Again, this list is not exhaustive or all inclusive:

  • Verbal abuse from the mother aimed at a child or children. Usually in the form of disparagement, belittling or badgering and often by the means of shouting at the child or children for reasons that cannot be rationally justified.
  • The mother working to isolate the father in the mind of a child or children by utilizing what is known as parental alienation.
  • Although very difficult to provide convincing evidence to back up…the assertion emotional or love support is being withdrawn or has been withdrawn from the child or children.
  • Emotional and/or physical abuse of a sibling or the father. If a mother exposes a child to the aforementioned abuse, these are legitimate and correct grounds that the mother may lose custody of the child or children as a result of her actions.

How Serious Does Neglect Have to Become for a Mother to Lose Custody of Her Child or Children?

Serious neglect is undoubtedly a correct, proper and legitimate basis for a mother to lose custody of her child or children. Obviously, parenting is not a perfect process and even the strictest family law judge appreciates this fact and that parents may make unintentional mistakes. However, a mistake is very different from a parent exercising poor judgment on a consistent basis throughout the lives of their child or children. When a mother chooses to seriously neglect the safety, the wellbeing, health, education of her child or children it is very clear these derelictions of duty should be just cause for the mother to lose custody of her child or children.

Can A Mother Lose Custody of Her Child or Children Because of the Frustration Of Parenting Time?

There is a lack of a specific legal definition for frustration of parenting time but it can be summed up as: consistent and unreasonable limitation or interference with the parenting time of the other parent. There are at least three different reasons why this should be a justified cause for a mother to lose custody of her child or children:

  • It shows a lack of respect and for the dignity of the father and his role in the life of the child or children when a mother continually frustrates the parenting time of the father.
  • It displays a refusal or lack of ability to co-parent.
  • It is indicative the mother is capable of engaging in more destructive behaviors and conduct that will be detrimental to the lives of the father and the child or children. When this issue is not addressed at the outset, the next step the mother often takes is actively causing parental alienation, further separating the physical and emotional bonds a father has with his child or children.

If A Mother Violates A Court Order, Is This Cause For Her To Lose Custody Of Her Child Or Children?

Another type of misconduct is when court orders are violated. As you would imagine, the seriousness of the violation committed should be a reflection of the seriousness of any resulting consequences. Even if a mother is routinely a few minutes late dropping off or picking up her child or children, it is very unlikely this will result in any change of the outstanding custodial arrangements. Conversely, let us say a mother decides to interpret that the parenting time of the father is merely a suggestion by the court that she can use her discretion as opposed to a court order – this will represent a violation of a very serious nature and may well lead to the custody of a child or children being transferred to the father.

What Steps Need To be Taken For a Child Or Children To be Extracted From the Custody of A Mother?

This is dependent on whether the father already has a child custody order in place.

When Married Parents Do Not Have A Child Custody Order In Place

When the father is still married to the mother and no divorce has been filed – the father has to make a determination regarding the current situation. His options are:

  • Commence and file a formal dissolution of marriage case.
  • Start the process of legal separation.

When the parenting issue has become so strained it is just another indication the marriage is beyond reconciliation, fathers would be wise to do the following regarding the treatment the child or children receive from their mother:

  • Document mother’s misconduct and make a reasonable effort to communicate in order to get to a stage where the misconduct stops. The documentation can be in the forms of written or electronic communication with the mother.
  • The father will need to speak with an attorney nuanced in family law should the misconduct of the mother continue. Together, the father and the family law attorney can review the situation and look at further options.
  • The father should file a request with the court for an order for an appropriate amount of parenting and custody time, should the father move forward with a child custody petition, legal separation or marriage dissolution.

When Unmarried Parents Do Not Have A Child Custody Order

In this situation the father will need to file what is known as a paternity action. Once filed, the petition is served through the appropriate channels to the mother of the child or children. At the same time, the father will need to obtain appropriate child parenting time and child custody by filing and serving a request for order of such with the court.

When Parents Have A Custody Order

In these circumstances, a father may have several options. please note this list is not exhaustive or all-inclusive.

  • Following communication between the father and the mother, a violation that has been documented may result in an attempt at the parents achieving a private resolution without further intervention from the court.
  • A father can attempt to show cause against the mother by the filing of a contempt order with the purpose of providing evidence that Mother’s conduct violated existing court orders.
  • A father may make a determination he wishes the court to seek a parenting time or modification of child custody order. Depending on the severity of the violations the mother has inflicted on her child or children will be a material factor in the decision of the father to pursue not only the sole physical custody of a child or children but also consideration should be given to whether the father also wants to obtain sole legal custody of the child or children.

Is The Custody order From A Judgment?

The options mentioned above are applicable if the father has a custody order following a final judgment. That said, if a father seeks a modification of legal custody or seeks significant change to parenting time, he usually has to justify this to demonstrate why this will be in the best interest of the child or children. This should not be a struggle if the misconduct and poor behavior of the mother of the child or children is of a serious nature to give reason the mother should lose custody of the child or children.

Next Steps

When fathers have to deal with mothers who are being very unreasonable and even malicious when the father is trying his utmost to fulfill and take seriously his responsibilities as a father, he should, without delay, seek intervention from a court. There is no doubt the life and wellbeing of your child and/or children are fully worth your effort and time. To not act, risks your child or children being further exposed to a destructive, unhealthy or unsafe environment that may have a negative and lasting impact on their current and future lives.

Speak with Our Father’s Rights Attorneys In Scottsdale

Our Father’s Rightschild custody, and guardianship attorneys in Phoenix and Scottsdale address your case with concern and personal attention, and always have you and your children’s best interest in mind when offering legal solutions.

We are experienced family law attorneys and will work with you to obtain the best possible outcome in your situation. You can trust us to represent you fully, so you can get on with your life. Call today for an initial consultation!

*This information is not intended to be used as legal advice. Please contact Canterbury Law Group today to learn more about your personal legal needs. 480-744-7711 or [email protected]

Written by Canterbury Law Group

Father’s Rights Help From Experienced Attorneys

Fathers Rights From Experienced Attorneys

Fathers’ rights are increasingly recognized as being vital to child development and Fathers must finally be protected here and now.

The “stay at home mother” era is over.  Those 1960’s and 1970’s mothers who held all the cards in her favor when it came to child custody are behind us. Today 2019, both parents usually work to provide financial security for their families and when there is a stay at home parent, it is now often the father. This new trend has realigned the traditional family dynamic but the laws do not always keep up with the changes n society. So it is important you speak with an experienced fathers rights attorney. At The Canterbury Law Group we have those experienced professionals who you can go and visit for an initial evaluation so you can start to understand the rights you have and the rights your child or children deserve so their father can be an active part of their lives.

Fathers’ Rights Matter

A father has a special relationship and bond with his children so it goes without saying you need a seasoned advocate deeply experienced in fathers rights who will fight for you. Social and academic studies continually state a child or children without the influence of a father in their lives makes them susceptible to a range of long term negative including:

  • Kids without a father are more likely to become murderers as teenagers;
  • The school drop out rate of kids increase when they are fatherless;
  • Illegal drug use is greater among fatherless kids; and
  • When they are adults, children from fatherless families are more likely to commit acts of domestic violence.

A child’s chance of success in life is severely hampered without the beneficial relationship of a strong father in their lives. There is no argument; the long-term future of your child or children is at stake. Understanding the pitfalls and knowing your rights is very important to establish at the outset of any legal case. Hire the right lawyer and lay out your strategy before the court.

How Can A Fathers’ Rights Attorney Help You?

At The Canterbury Law Group we will be your partners to obtain your father’s rights.  Over the years as clients come to our offices, we often find fathers’ have made the same mistakes over and over. Some include:

  • Prematurely relocating from the house where the child or children reside;
  • Living in a studio or home that is constantly a mess;
  • Being unable to hold down a steady job and income; and
  • Not fighting misleading order of protection charges that were instigated by the mother of your child or children.

Getting The Finest Fathers’ Rights Advice

At Canterbury Law Group, www.clgaz.om our experienced attorneys will put your needs and the needs of your child or children first. We have helped hundreds of fathers get the rights they deserve so they can have a positive impact on the lives of their child or children. For example, visitation is something that needs to be arranged and entered into what is known as a parenting plan and it may well be you have to go to court so you can make sure your rights are protected but there other options as well such as divorce collaboration. Remember a court is always going to judge on the side of what they consider to be the best interests of the child or children in each individual case. We can help you show that it is in the best interests of your child or children to spend as much of their time with you as possible.

Protecting Your Fathers’ Rights

The rights of a father to have visitation of his child or children are very complicated and the skills a family law attorney brings to the table are invaluable, even more so when they specialize in fathers rights. At The Canterbury Law Group, our experienced team of family law attorneys understand the law. You can contact us today to set up an initial consultation with the confidence; we will take your case as seriously as you do.

Source: “Father’s Rights Help: Fathers Rights Attorney Support and Advice.” Family Law Rights, https://www.familylawrights.net/fathers-rights/.

Speak With Our Father’s Rights Attorneys In Scottsdale

Our Father’s Rightschild custody, and guardianship attorneys in Phoenix and Scottsdale address your case with concern and personal attention, and always have you and your children’s best interest in mind when offering legal solutions.

We are experienced family law attorneys and will work with you to obtain the best possible outcome in your situation. You can trust us to represent you fully, so you can get on with your life. Call today for an initial consultation!

*This information is not intended to be used as legal advice. Please contact Canterbury Law Group today to learn more about your personal legal needs. 480-744-7711 or [email protected]

Written by Canterbury Law Group

Are Your Fathers’ Rights Being Violated?

Are Your Fathers Rights Being Violated

When a court has issued visitation and child custody orders, parents have an obligation to follow them. When a parent does not do this, there are several options open to the other party, depending on how severe the outstanding issues are. Mothers can face serious consequences including a jail sentence, the payment of attorney fees and maybe even the loss of any custodial rights, should the mother violate the rights of a father. Read on to learn more about this important subject that can have a huge impact of the lives of families.

Custody Violations and Custody Decisions

There are several types of custody a court can make but in essence they are dealing with the assignation of child custody to one or both parental parties. Popular custody types include:

  • Primary Custodial Parenting Time– the child or children resides with only one of the parents
  • Sole Legal Decision Making– one parent has the complete responsibility for the welfare, health and education of the child or children
  • Joint and Equal Parenting Time – both parties have large amounts of physical visitation with their child or children
  • Joint Legal Decision Making – both parents share equal responsibility for the decisions regarding a child or children’s welfare, health and education

A mother can face an accusation of violating the rights of a father if she does not uphold her court-mandated responsibilities to the child or children, or if she decides to interfere with the ability of the father by making it difficult or impossible for him to invoke his custodial rights. Courts view paternal rights very seriously including the rights a father has to be a co-parent in the raising of his child or children. Judges tend to reject a parent’s credibility when one parent purposefully or even accidentally interferes with the responsibilities and rights of the other party or acts as a damaging influence in the relationship a parent has with their child or children.


Parents’ parenting time rights are shared via written court orders including the times and dates when a parent may invoke custody rights. The court order may be more specific and clearly make a determination regarding child transportation and locations where the kids can be collected at the start and end of a visitation. Both parents are strongly urged to stick to the mandated court schedule yet remain flexible to accommodate reasonable needs of the other parent. When the court ordered schedule is deviated against your wishes for multiple weeks or months, it is usually best to head back to court and have a legal modification completed to the court order. If a new schedule has been verbally agreed by the parents and the mother then commit a violation of said schedule, the father may be in a position whereby he is not able to obtain the legal enforcement of the previously stated verbal agreement.

Can A Mother Violate The Rights Of A Father?

Here are some of the common ways a mother can violate a fathers’ rights:

  • Mother’s unilateral scheduling of activities during Father’s custodial parenting time, thereby making it impossible for father to be able to spend time with his child or children to the extent allowed under the terms of the court ordered visitation schedule;
  • Encourages others or takes part in ridiculing the father with the purpose of discrediting the father and his relationship with his child or children;
  • Without permission or agreement with the father, takes the child or children and permanently moves them to an out of state location;
  • Uses the child or children as a message boy or girl to the father or involving the child or children in any issues regarding divorce proceedings or custody issues with a goal of disturbing the time a father has with his child or children;
  • Does not co-parent with the father of the child or children;
  • When the father is behind on child support, the mother denies him access to the child or children;
  • Mother does not adhere to an established schedule and frequently has the father waiting on her to deliver or collect the child or children;
  • The mother neglects to include and involve the father of the child or children when he has joint custody in making decisions regarding the upbringing of the child or children; and
  • Subjects the father to accusations of child neglect and/or abuse of his child or children despite knowing what she is saying is false.

Recourse When a Mother Violates The Rights Of A Father

The first thing a father should attempt is communication with mother but not when a restraining order against you is not already in place. If this is the case, you need to speak to a family law attorney without delay to initiate conversation with the attorney of the other party. It will be of great benefit to keep a documented record of the times, dates and methods used by the mother whenever a violation of your rights has occurred. Should the mother make a decision to continue with the violation of your visitation or custody rights, you can call the local police department and they have the means to enforce the orders of the court. If the mother refuses you access to your child or children, help can be obtained from the local district attorney’s Child Abduction Unit. And of course, you should let your attorney know about any involvement of law enforcement in the scenario you are facing.

If you desire, a contempt court action can be filed by your attorney against the mother of your child or children. A contempt hearing can then be scheduled and a Judge will make a determination if the mother is indeed in violation of the established court custodial orders. If this is found to be the case, the court can do some or indeed all of the following in their judgment:

  • Permit the father additional visitation rights to his child or children by making a change to the established custody order;
  • Grant the father primary physical custody of the child or children, thereby again changing the established custody order;
  • Change the custody order to give the father sole legal custody;
  • Make an order where the mother can only have visitation which is limited to “supervised visits”;
  • Impose a jail sentence or fines on the mother for contempt of court; and
  • As the father had to bring the contempt of court action, the judge may decide the mother is responsible for the legal fees of the father.

Source: Wallin, Paul. “Consequences Mothers Face for Violating Father’s Rights: WK.” Wkfamilylaw, 17 Dec. 2018, https://www.wkfamilylaw.com/consequences-mothers-face-violating-fathers-rights/.

Speak with Our Father’s Rights Attorneys In Scottsdale

Our Father’s Rightschild custody, and guardianship attorneys in Phoenix and Scottsdale address your case with concern and personal attention, and always have you and your children’s best interest in mind when offering legal solutions.

We are experienced family law attorneys and will work with you to obtain the best possible outcome in your situation. You can trust us to represent you fully, so you can get on with your life. Call today for an initial consultation!

*This information is not intended to be used as legal advice. Please contact Canterbury Law Group today to learn more about your personal legal needs. 480-744-7711 or [email protected]

Written by Canterbury Law Group

What Is A Fair Prenup?

What Is A Fair Prenup

A prenuptial agreement (known as a prenup) has the purpose of establishing certain assets brought into the marriage and protecting them in the event the marriage should fail or one of the partners becomes deceased. Another purpose for a prenup is the protection of an inheritance. This is very much the case in instances of second or third marriages where the welfare and future of children from prior marriages  have to be protected from subsequent divorce.

Fair Prenup

Prenups are good when they protect a party. It also establishes a route to follow for the future if the marriage ends in the death of a partner or a divorce and should avoid the need for future litigation. A prenup should have both parties represented by separate lawyers and it is vital to make sure there is a complete and full disclosure of liabilities and assets and the marriage is being entered into between two consenting adults. The agreement needs to be fair when it is signed and the enforcement should be fair as well, regardless of whether it is five years down the line or decades later. These are all primary aspects of a good and healthy prenup.

Unfair Prenup

A bad prenup often results when a party feels a great deal of pressure to sign, particularly on the eve of a wedding – and that is clearly unfair. Some agreements can be so one sided in favor of one spouse there would be no way an equitable solution could be agreed if the agreement was put into practice. Although each case is unique, some unfair features can include when both parties have to pay their own fees for legal fees during a divorce. Equal divisions of assets obtained in marriage when individual states often have different rules governing the allocation of assets, especially regarding property.  Sometimes agreements state one party will receive a set income in the case of a divorce which decades later can be wholly inadequate because of inflation and the shifting cost of living.  Agreements that in the case of a contested divorce that the “losing side” should shoulder all the attorney fees can been deemed void by a judge as fundamentally unfair. This kind of unfairness is often seen when one party is wealthier than the other and also the case when both parties are entering marriage for the first time.

Last Minute Prenup

The inherent problem with last minute prenups is the wedding is so soon, there is often not the time, or the party is not in a reasonable emotional state to negotiate the prenup in a way that is fair. It is a modern equivalent of the “shotgun wedding” scenario and often it is the female partner who is put in this situation by their fiancé who usually has far greater assets. In the U.S. it is traditional (and dictated by some religions) the family of the bride foot the cost of the wedding so there may already be a great investment in the marriage and the female partner feels as if she cannot back out and so she signs the unfair prenup despite their being a large deficit in the balance of power of the relationship. It is a very unfortunate egregious scenario that does not at all reflect well on the person trying to get the other party to agree and sign.

Advice For Fair Prenups

  • In marriages where there is a great deal of net worth, institute a phasing in of sharing assets obtained before the marriage over a number of years with a guarantee of support under certain circumstances.  This is a phase-in-over time approach of wealth transfer.
  • Make provisions for when things change. Remember an agreement can be reviewed once more and revised. Do not forget there is the option of a sunshine clause where after X amount of years, the agreement is no longer valid and it simply evaporates as void.
  • Be fair in your negotiations and avoid being greedy. Remember, you want a successful and happy marriage. if you focus on the negative, it is more likely to lead to a divorce down the line.


Gornbein, Henry. “How To Avoid Becoming A Prenup Horror Story.” HuffPost, HuffPost, 16 Jan. 2012, https://www.huffpost.com/entry/prenuptial-agreements-the_b_1088748.

Contact Our Prenuptial Agreement Lawyers in Scottsdale

Consulting with a talented Scottsdale prenuptial agreement lawyer or family law attorney who is knowledgeable and experienced in drafting and litigating premarital agreements will save you a great deal of grief and expense in the future. Contact Canterbury Law Group today.

*This information is not intended to be used as legal advice. Please contact Canterbury Law Group today to learn more about your personal legal needs. 480-744-7711 or [email protected]

Written by Canterbury Law Group

Should I Get A Prenup?

Should I Get A Prenup

Millennials are embracing prenups like never before – but is it right for you? Older generations have forever complained their offspring do things differently and marriage is not exempt from that. Millennials are getting married later in life and a prenup is becoming more common. Once only the choice of the wealthy, Millennials are getting prenups for non-financial reasons, too, reflective of the fact many Millennials put a higher value on experiences than material possessions. Therefore, Millennial prenups often cover “intellectual property” rather than physical or financial assets.

If you are a millennial and considering a prenup, read on to find out if it may be right for you.

What’s A Prenup?

Officially called a “Prenuptial Agreement” it comprises a legal document couples obtain before tying the knot. Its purpose is to make a determination of property division should the marriage end in divorce. It also protects one spouse from the debt of the other partner. Laws regarding what can and cannot be included in the agreement as well as what happens to assets that are accumulated during the course of the marriage differ from state to state. Normally a prenup does not address items earned |during the lifetime of a marriage – this has posed issues for lawyers as millennials often want to include concepts, ideas and assets that they may obtain in the future.

Why Are Millennials Getting Prenups?

When polled by their own member organizations, attorneys claim there has been a marked increase in the total amount of millennials seeking prenuptial agreements. Indeed, prenups are up around 62 percent for all sections of the population but the greatest spike has been for millennials. One reason is millennials are more aware of the high divorce rate that hovers around 40 percent. Therefore, millennials feel it is important to enter marriage with a plan as opposed to spending large sums of money should they later divorce. Millennials are also wanting to include more than just physical property in prenups. The thought being if a partner creates something (e.g. a company), their intellectual property should be protected in a prenuptial agreement. There is even a concept that a prenup can prevent couples from sullying the reputation of the other partner should the marriage end in divorce. This is considered important for professional occupations, particularly roles with a strong exposure to social media populations.

Do I Really Need A Prenup?

Prenups can be good but they are not always needed. if a couple has large financial assets it may be wise but there are also other reasons to consider a prenup. Your credit can take a major hit in a divorce and you may have to pay alimony as well as the debts of your spouse and of course you will be required to pay child support as well as your own living expenses. Prenups are also good at avoiding potential debt traps like the other person’s student loan debt. It is a fact millennials have more student loan debt than any previous generation and a couple who has to shoulder additional debt when they marry should certainly be considering a prenup to keep those debts solely on the shoulders of the person who incurred them.

How Do I Get A Prenup

Prenups are not free but they cost a lot less than what you would pay lawyers in a subsequent divorce. Each party should have their own legal representation. Thankfully, most lawyers will assemble a prenup for a flat fee. You will have to spend time deciding on the proposed division of debts and assets you both have, and your lawyers can guide you through the rest of the process.


More than ever, couples are choosing prenups when they marry. A lot of stress can be saved if alimony, assets and debts are divided up prior to the marriage taking place, should the marriage end in a divorce.


“Should You Get A Prenup?” Money Under 30, https://www.moneyunder30.com/should-you-get-a-prenup.

Contact Our Prenuptial Agreement Lawyers in Scottsdale

Consulting with a talented Scottsdale prenuptial agreement lawyer or family law attorney who is knowledgeable and experienced in drafting and litigating premarital agreements will save you a great deal of grief and expense in the future. Contact Canterbury Law Group today.

*This information is not intended to be used as legal advice. Please contact Canterbury Law Group today to learn more about your personal legal needs. 480-744-7711 or [email protected]

Written by Canterbury Law Group

What Does a Family Lawyer Do?

What Does a Family Lawyer Do

The legal profession of family lawyers primarily specialize in family law matters, handling legal issues involving family members, such as child custody, guardianship, divorce and many others. They can also take on the role of mediator when disagreements develop among a family. They also represent clients in courts regarding family conflicts. Read on to learn more about what a family lawyer does.

Divorce Issues

Families often find the divorce process to be very draining from an emotional standpoint preventing families from being able to settle outstanding financial and custody issues in a calm manner. In these circumstances, family lawyers can bring a objective and rational approach to the situation that works within the confines of the law, potentially avoiding going to court and reaching settlement.

Estates And Wills

A will is of course a legal document where people express how they wish their assets to be managed following their death. Family law attorneys can assist in the preparation of a will and can ensure the estate is properly administered according to the wishes of the deceased.

Child Custody Agreements

The welfare of the children is one of the most difficult issues that has to be handled when a couple goes separate ways. Obviously, the couple needs to come to an arrangement for the welfare of their child or children. Child custody is defined by an agreement where both parents are obliged to adhere by the terms agreed upon and a family lawyer can assist in making up this very important document as well as making amendments to it if needed.

Prenuptial Agreements

A prenuptial agreement is in the form of a contract signed prior to a civil union or marriage by the couple. Although the contracts vary by couple, its purpose is to explain in advance what the spousal support and division of assets in the event of a divorce or a breakup. A family lawyer can help draft such an agreement as well as taking care of any matters that may arise from the contract according to law.

Representing Litigants In Court

Despite the situation any family attorney may be placed in, some matters may inevitably end up in court. However, family lawyers are still the best people possible when it comes to helping litigants receive justice. Almost every other day, family law attorneys face situations like this and they possess the practical experience and legal knowhow enabling litigants to sail through the complicated jungles of family law courts, making sure justice is accordingly served.

The Takeaway

The importance of family law attorneys should never be under rated. Their knowledge and experience help people to rationally settle matters concerning child custody, divorce, estate administration, prenuptial agreements as well as other legal issues, so their clients can then move on with their lives.

A Day In The Life Of A Family Lawyer

Working within a firm of practice, a family lawyer represents clients who are having problematic issues with divorce, the breakdown of civil partnerships or marriages, handling prenuptial agreements, inheritance and child maintenance among other issues. Every case involves an interview with the client before undertaking case research before presenting it in court.


Usually a family lawyer is in their office by 9am and their day usually ends between 6pm and 9pm, depending on their workload. Work related social events and seminars however often mean the lawyer is putting in longer hours.


On a normal day, a family lawyer will spend a great portion of their time speaking with their clients. This may include discussing ongoing cases and discussing strategy with clients as the case moves through the court system. The lawyer will of course conduct initial interviews with clients as well.

Office Work

Family lawyers can rack up a great deal of time in their office, splitting their time between answering correspondence as well as drafting communications and organizing their work. When a family lawyer has met with clients, the lawyer may have to dictate a declaration made by a client. Additionally, the lawyer may spend hours researching specifics regarding a case to assemble arguments they will present in court or at trial.


Often the family lawyer will be in the court arguing the case for one of the clients in front of a judge. Before their court appearance the lawyer will have thoroughly prepped and outlined what they intend to say. Court proceedings can be very time intensive and often a lawyer will find their case has been moved to another day.


  1. “5 Things a Family Lawyer Can Do For You.” Lawyer Referral Service, 8 Nov. 2018, austinlrs.com/blog/5-things-a-family-lawyer-can-do-for-you/.
  2. “The Typical Day of a Family Lawyer.” Career Trend, careertrend.com/about-6619500-typical-day-family-lawyer.html.

Need a Family Lawyer in Scottsdale?

Our experienced family law attorneys will work with you to obtain the best possible outcome in your case.  Proven trial lawyers in family court, you can trust the firm to represent you fully so you can get on with your life. Call today for your initial consultation. Our family lawyers can help with divorce litigation, collaborative divorcedivorce mediationchild custodylegal guardianshippaternityprenuptial agreements, and more.

*This information is not intended to be used as legal advice. Please contact Canterbury Law Group today to learn more about your personal legal needs. 480-744-7711 or [email protected]

Written by Canterbury Law Group

Types of Family Law Attorneys & Cases

Types of Family Law Cases And Attorneys

Family law deals with a broad range of services all connected with family matters. Some people think divorces are the mainstay of family lawyers’ practice. The reality is family lawyers handle many kinds of cases, often to do with the family formation or dissolution. In this post, we are going to look at the type of cases a family lawyer handles. Some family lawyers opt to specialize in one or two areas and others handle a wide gamut of family law services.

Divorce Lawyers

You may already be knowledgeable regarding divorce lawyers if you have already gone through a divorce. Their task is to provide guidance as you navigate through a separation and/or divorce, working alongside you to get the best possible outcome. They are able to assist you with negotiation regarding matters such as who will get the house, who will pay alimony (if anyone,) how assets will be divided and how the liabilities of marriage will be split.

On many occasions, a divorce lawyer will be able to procure the results you desire without going to trial. In a small number of cases, a trial will be needed. Should this occur, you will be represented by your lawyer throughout the process.  Only about 3 to 5 percent of divorce cases actually go to trial.

Sometimes, the cost of attorneys is beyond the reach of divorcing couples or maybe they decide they do not want to pay high private attorney fees. A legal advocacy group can be of great benefit in these situations. They handle the issues an attorney would usually take care of and helps their client achieve an equitable and fair settlement for their divorce.

Paternity And Child Custody Lawyers

When the paternity of a child is questioned, a family lawyer can help either parent to disprove or prove paternity. When a man has paid child support for a child, he turns out not be the father of or if he was not paying child support for a child who is biologically his, help is needed from a paternity attorney.

Both parents can be helped by an attorney when they need to build a parenting plan when their relationship or marriage breaks up. They can assist their client to get joint legal and physical custody. Similarly, if a parent seeks sole custody, an attorney can also help when it is in the child or children’s best interest to be placed largely with one parent over the other.

When addressing child support disputes, a child custody attorney can also help. A family attorney can help with negotiation in working out which parent should make payment, the amount of the payment as well as the expenses each parent has responsibility for covering.  If an agreement cannot be reached, the lawyer can help you take the other parent to court to maximize your child support recovery.

Marriage And Civil Union Lawyers

A couple who are entering a domestic partnership, civil union or marriage may need the services of an attorney so they can draw up a prenuptial agreement or be counseled on assets or other legal matters such as a family owned business. On occasion, couples who are already married may arrange a postnuptial agreement to change the contractual status of assets and liabilities between them. In both instances, you can rely on a family law attorney.

Family Law Lawyers Dealing With Abuse

Child abuse and all forms of domestic abuse are serious issues a family law attorney may be capable of handling. They can work for the individual who has been abused or for the person who has been wrongfully accused of abuse. They can assist the victim to file a lawsuit or restraining order or they may help a spouse who has been battered seek monetary compensation for emotional trauma and medical expenses. When a lawyer is hired by the party accused of abuse of their child or spouse, they may be able to assist in establishing proof the incident or incidents did not happen or that they were innocent or acting in self-defense. They may also assist a parent who has previously been abusive to gain rights of visitation that are often supervised with their child or children.

Adoption Lawyers

You may need the services of an adoption lawyer when you want to place a child for adoption or when you are seeking to adopt a child. An adoption lawyer can assist in finding a legitimate agency and ensure legal paperwork is filed correctly. They can also assist with adoptions by stepparents and same-sex couple adoptions. Should there be unforeseen legal issues resulting in a court case, the adoption lawyer can also represent the client.

Guardianship Lawyers

When you are looking at obtaining guardianship over a minor child who is not your own, the services of a family attorney can be very helpful. Guardianship can include adults who have developmental issues and dementia as well as a child or children. In the case of a child who because of their health will also need guardianship when they reach adulthood, a family lawyer will be required to facilitate the required paperwork. When you have a child or children in your family who are unable to be taken care of in an appropriate manner by their parents, a family attorney may be able to assist you in obtaining custody, hence avoiding the need for the child or children from entering the foster care system.

In situations where a child (or children) of yours has entered the foster care system, a family attorney can provide guidance with the steps required to re-obtain your child or children. They can also refer you to a counselor, social worker or other trained professionals whose skills can be utilized with the purpose of reuniting you with your child or children.

It is important you find a family attorney whom you feel comfortable working with and who has experience in cases that are similar to the situation you are encountering. Just because you have used a certain family lawyer in the past, it does not mean they are the best option if you are now dealing with different issues. Also, it is worth remembering it is not always necessary for you to pay the high fees usually associated with a private lawyer. Legal groups such as National Family Solutions can represent you and be less expensive, depending on the issues you are facing.

Types Of Family Law Cases

Family cases are considered civil cases, usually covering issues involving spouses, children or parents. Here are the most common issues a family court handles:

  • Termination of Adoptions and Parental Rights.
  • Domestic Violence and Protective Orders.
  • Child Custody and Paternity.
  • Name Changes.
  • Marriage Dissolution.
  • Juvenile Matters.
  • Guardianship.
  • Estate Planning
  • Emancipation and Approval of Underage Marriages.
  • And more…


  1. “What Types of Family Law Are There?” National Family Solutions, 8 Mar. 2018, www.nationalfamilysolutions.com/what-types-of-family-law-are-there/.
  2. Interactive, Proof. “Types of Cases.” Family Law Self-Help Center, www.familylawselfhelpcenter.org/self-help/getting-started/court-basics/types-of-cases.

Need a Family Lawyer in Scottsdale?

Our experienced family law attorneys will work with you to obtain the best possible outcome in your case.  Proven trial lawyers in family court, you can trust the firm to represent you fully so you can get on with your life. Call today for your initial consultation. Our family lawyers can help with divorce litigation, collaborative divorcedivorce mediationchild custodylegal guardianshippaternityprenuptial agreements, and more.

*This information is not intended to be used as legal advice. Please contact Canterbury Law Group today to learn more about your personal legal needs. 480-744-7711 or [email protected]

Restraining Orders vs Orders Of Protection
Written by Canterbury Law Group

Restraining Orders vs Orders Of Protection

Restraining Orders vs Orders Of Protection

Victims of domestic violence have several options available when they want to take action, from criminal and civil retraining or protection orders. Of course, these orders on their own do not stop someone who is intent on causing you further harm but in most circumstances, they are very effective.  The victim can call the police and have the abuser arrested if the order has been violated. Read on to learn more about the different kinds of protection orders that are available to you.

Different Types of Orders

There are three principal options available to you when you have been the victim of domestic violence. We will also cover what occurs when an order has been violated and how orders are enforced when they cross state boundaries.

Emergency Protection Orders

In many states when the police have been called out to a domestic violence situation, one of the individuals is requested or told to leave the home. Frequently, this is the perpetrator of the abuse/ However, sometimes, the police may be unsure of who the aggressor is. Roughly a third of states say the police are authorized or required to remove firearms when they arrive on the scene where the domestic violence incident took place.

In some states the police can offer the victim what is known as an EPO (Emergency Protection Order.) It a very short-term order for a limited time such as 3 to 7 days giving the victim the window of opportunity to request a longer term court order of protection for a longer period of time.

Protection Orders

Every state and the District of Columbia have statutes offering some type of protection order. But not every state uses the same names or terms. New York, Illinois and Texas know them as protection orders or orders of protection. In California, the same thing is referred to as a restraining order. An injunction for protection against domestic violence is what it is called in Florida.

An EPO is different than a protection order as it is longer term, usually lasting from one year to five years and in certain circumstances, perhaps a lifetime. A victim may renew the order when the old one has expired if they still feel threatened by the behavior and words of the abuser.

A protection order may include (but are not limited to) the following details:

  • An order may have a counseling provision whereby the abuser is ordered to attend classes such as anger management or batterer’s intervention.
  • There may be a firearms provision where the abuser must surrender any and all guns in their possession and in roughly 66% of the states it also prevents the abuser from purchasing a further firearm.
  • When the abuser is obliged to leave the home that they share with the victim, this is known as a move out provision.
  • A stay away provision requires the abuser to keep a certain distance from the victim’s work, school or car. The stay away amount can vary greatly but the minimum is usually at least 100 yards or 1000 feet.
  • Permitting the abuser to have peaceful communications with the victim for limited reasons only is known as a peaceful contact provision. This also covers when a child or children’s care needs to be discussed and when the child or children are being transported for visitation purposes.
  • Conversely, a no-contact provision means the abuser cannot, talk, call, stalk, email, hit, attack, disturb or harass the victim of domestic crime.

Protection orders may include other family members, roommates, children or the current romantic partners of the victim. This means the same rules as above apply to other individuals who have been listed, even when they were not the direct cause of the abuse the victim had to endure. There are also some states where this protection extends to pets as abusers have sadly been known to torture pets as acts of revenge.

In some state’s custody and visitation of the children are decided with the order (in cases where the abuser and the victim were both involved in the lives of the kids). In most cases, these orders are temporary in nature and can be modified as part of the divorce process or future family court cases.

In order to obtain a protection order, the appropriate paperwork must be filed with your local court. They will follow the state procedures and law so you may present evidence at your hearing and of course to serve the abuser. The police are sometimes available to serve the papers on your behalf.

Restraining Orders

A restraining order requires the parties named in a lawsuit to do certain things or not to do them. It could be part of a family law case (perhaps divorce) or a matter for the civil courts. Although this is not identical to a domestic violence restraining order, domestic violence is sometimes a factor in a family law case.

It may be the case orders are requested what is known as “ex parte” so that only one party asks the court to do a particular action without notice to the opponent, then the other party is permitted a hearing so their side of the story may be heard. As there are differences in restraining orders on a state by state basis. It is of great importance to consult with an attorney who is familiar with the law in the area you reside. If a criminal court case is pending, the district may or order (from the judge) a protection order for the victim of the crime.

Violation of Protective Orders

There are three ways a violation of protective orders may be handled:

  • A felony charge is usually reserved for serious or repeat violations.
  • A misdemeanor is often reserved for the same circumstances for serious or repeat violations.
  • Some violations are considered not just as a new domestic violence charge but also considered as contempt of court. Though California have found it puts the defendant in double jeopardy. That said, in many states it is police procedure to automatically arrest these violators.  Put another way, if you have a restraining order in hand, and your abuser shows up and tries to contact you—just dial 911 and tell the police you have a restraining order, and the cops will show up quickly and will ask no questions and simply arrest your abuser.

Order Protection Enforcement in Different States

Victims of domestic violence often move to keep themselves safe from someone who has abused them in the past. The federal law that comes into play here is the Full Faith & Credit Clause of the Constitution makes a requirement for valid protection orders to be enforced in all US territories and every state as well as the District of Columbia. This means if an abuser stalks the victim in the victim’s new state of residence, the police have an obligation to uphold the protection order from the previous state.

Obtain Legal Advice With Domestic Violence Protection Orders

No-one should go through the horrors of domestic violence. Contact law enforcement without delay if your situation is becoming or is dangerous to you, your child or children. When you consider a domestic violence restraining order – it is a good idea to consult with an attorney who specializes in these issues and  who can answer any questions you have, who can advocate alongside you in court and complete correct paperwork for you as well as filing it with the right people.


“Domestic Violence: Orders of Protection and Restraining Orders.” Findlaw, family.findlaw.com/domestic-violence/domestic-violence-orders-of-protection-and-restraining-orders.html.

Contact our Domestic Violence Attorneys in Scottsdale

Our domestic violence attorneys in Scottsdale can help with restraining orders and orders of protection. We will ensure thorough preparation of your restraining order or order of protection, or defense from them, and help you navigate the legal issues that inevitably arise.

*This information is not intended to be used as legal advice. Please contact Canterbury Law Group today to learn more about your personal legal needs. 480-744-7711 or [email protected]

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