Written by Canterbury Law Group

Arizona District Attorneys

The prosecuting officer in a criminal case, or the individual who represents the state in the prosecution of criminal acts, is a district attorney (D.A.) or county attorney. In other words, the D.A. is the lawyer who will work to have you convicted of the charges at your trial if you have been charged with a crime.

In most states, there is a county prosecutor’s office, and in Arizona, the County Attorney who is in charge of bringing cases to trial is elected to that post. As a result, the district’s voters’ interests can have an impact on the local prosecutor’s office, which may therefore choose to prioritize some offences above others in its prosecutions.

Benefits and Drawbacks of Speaking with the DA

This can occasionally be advantageous for criminal defendants, particularly when negotiating a plea deal. This can sometimes work against defendants, particularly if the prosecution is looking to “make an example” of them because of the allegations they are up against. It is common for defendants to discover about the county’s prosecutors for the first time during their own case, thus they might not be aware of the prosecutor’s office’s procedures and preferences.

Speaking with prosecutors might be challenging. Since they are actively compiling evidence against you, anything you say or admit runs the potential of being used against you at trial. However, knowing more about the prosecution’s approach and readiness to settle your case before to trial may help your case. But before you do, you should be certain that you are well-informed about your situation and aware of how to safeguard your legal rights.

Attorney General of Arizona

The state attorney general represents the state in court, as opposed to the district or county attorneys who represent their individual jurisdictions. Additionally, the Attorney General’s Office prosecutes cases on behalf of injured Arizonans and enforces consumer protection statutes.

Collaborating With a Lawyer

You can get help from a criminal defense lawyer in dealing with the prosecution. The prosecutors in their county are better known to local criminal defense lawyers, and some of them may even have a solid working connection. This can be advantageous for their clients during any pre-trial proceedings. You can develop your defense plan based on the evidence in your case with the assistance of a defense attorney as well.

Most significantly, in contrast to a prosecutor, a criminal defense lawyer is in charge of making sure that your rights are upheld throughout the criminal justice process. Consult with a knowledgeable defense attorney before approaching the prosecutor’s office if you’re considering doing so.

Written by Canterbury Law Group

Domestic Violence Law: Violence Against Women Act (VAWA)

The 1994 Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), with additions passed in 1996, outlined grant programs to prevent violence against women and established a national domestic violence hotline. In addition, new protections were given to victims of domestic abuse, such as confidentiality of new address and changes to immigration laws that allow a battered spouse to apply for permanent residency.

The key provisions of the Violence Against Women Act are:

  • Full funding of rape kits and legal/court fees for domestic violence protection orders
  • Victim protection orders are recognized and enforced in all state, tribal, and territorial jurisdictions within the U.S.
  • Implementation and funding of special domestic violence crime units in local communities
  • Special domestic violence and sexual violence training for law enforcement officers
  • Ability of tribal courts to try non-Indian spouses or intimate partners of Indian women in domestic or dating violence cases
  • Provision allowing undocumented immigrants who are the victims of domestic violence to apply for a green card in exchange for helping law enforcement officials prosecute their abusers
  • Misdemeanor Conduct

According to the VAWA Act, a misdemeanor crime of domestic violence, “has, as an element, the use or attempted use of physical force, or the threatened use of a deadly weapon, committed by a current or former spouse, parent, or guardian of the victim, by a person with whom the victim shares a child in common, by a person who is cohabiting with or has cohabited with the victim as a spouse, parent, or guardian, or by a person similarly situated to a spouse, parent, or guardian of the victim.” (Section 921(a)(33)(A)).

Under these guidelines, an intimate partner is a spouse, a former spouse, a person who shares a child in common with the victim, or a person who cohabits or has cohabited with the victim.

Traveling Restrictions

Another area this act addresses is interstate traveling for the purposes of committing an act of domestic violence or violating an order of protection. A convicted abuser may not follow the victim into another state, nor may a convicted abuser force a victim to move to another state. Previously, orders of protection issued in one jurisdiction were not always recognized in another jurisdiction.

The VAWA specifies full faith and credit to all orders of protection issued in any civil or criminal proceeding, or by any Indian tribe, meaning that those orders can be fully enforced in another jurisdiction. Other states recognize orders of protection issued in other jurisdictions.

Landmark Cases on Interstate Provisions

There are several landmark cases that have been decided under these interstate provisions. For example, in United States v. Rita Gluzman (NY), the defendant traveled from New Jersey to New York with the intention of killing her estranged husband. The weapons she took with her were used in the murder. The Second Circuit upheld the VAWA provision over the defendant’s constitutional challenge, and Gluzman was convicted for this crime.

VAWA originally allowed victims of domestic abuse to sue for damages in civil court. However, this part of the VAWA was overturned by the U.S. Supreme Court in United States v. Morrison (2000), wherein the court held that Congress did not have the authority to implement such a law.

VAWA Impact on Domestic Violence Arrest Policies

Another goal of the Violence Against Women Act was to influence state legislators, particularly in regard to arrest policy for domestic situations. In order to receive federal funding, states must adopt certain responses.

The Act authorizes grants to states, “to implement mandatory arrest or pro-arrest programs and policies in police departments, including mandatory arrest programs and policies for protection order violations.” VAWA has had a profound effect on state laws governing domestic abuse.

Questions About Federal Domestic Violence Law? Talk to an Attorney

If you or someone you know has been accused of domestic violence, whether interstate abuse, stalking, or something else, you should strongly consider speaking with an attorney. Furthermore, if you’ve been the victim of domestic violence, you’ll likely have many legal questions moving forward. Start the process by contacting an experienced family law attorney today.

Written by Canterbury Law Group

Filing A Domestic Violence Lawsuit

For those who have been wrongfully damaged by another party, tort law offers civil legal remedies, typically in the form of monetary compensation or injunctive relief (the court directing one party to perform certain acts or refrain from performing others). Continue reading to discover more about bringing a civil action for domestic abuse.

Criminal Cases Do Not Preclude a Victim from Filing a Civil Lawsuit

It’s a prevalent fallacy that a person cannot be tried in civil court for the same claim after being tried in criminal court. That is untrue. Consider the Goldman v. Simpson case. Although Ron Goldman’s murderer O.J. Simpson was found not guilty in a criminal trial, Goldman’s parents successfully sued Simpson in a civil court for monetary damages.

You can still file a civil lawsuit against your abuser even if they have already been found guilty of a crime or you have a restraining order against them. Only when there are several criminal charges for the same offense does the idea of double jeopardy apply; this is not the situation in civil proceedings.

A family member being sued

Historically, courts have prohibited family members from bringing tort claims against one another. Concerns about the breakdown of the family were the driving force for this statute. Today, the majority of state courts have abandoned this practice on the grounds that if family members have tort claims against one another, the family structure has likely already disintegrated and the aggrieved parties should be allowed to present their case in court.

Currently, Louisiana is the only state in the U.S. that still forbids spouses from suing one another, with certain exceptions. Spouses may, nevertheless, bring deliberate tort claims against one another. Any intentional wrongdoing that results in injury to another person is referred to as an intentional tort. Due to the fact that many types of domestic violence are intentional torts, such as battery, assault, and psychological abuse, they may give rise to legal claims even in jurisdictions where family-related lawsuits are typically prohibited. If the abuser was stalking, threatening, or causing property damage, another tort action called intentional infliction of emotional distress may also be brought.

Prior to filing a domestic violence lawsuit, things to think about
Victims of domestic violence are frequently deprived of their sense of control and their means of expressing their emotions. Suing you can give your abuser emotional relief and a sense of control. Victims of domestic violence may be eligible for the following forms of damages:

Lost income
Medical costs
Distress and suffering
Punitive damages, which are only permitted in particular states.

Remember that any lawsuit involves a huge lot of stress. Due to the pressure on familial ties, lawsuits involving family members can be considerably more unpleasant. For victims, it is frequently difficult enough to simply call the police or request a restraining order against their abusers. It might be as difficult to prosecute the abuser in court. Victims may, however, be prepared to fight back if they become aware of their predicament. Taking their abuser to court may provide victims with some measure of closure—a means to put the past behind them and begin again.

It can be highly expensive to litigate. But courts have the power to order the abuser to cover your costs. Although it is uncommon in these kinds of situations, lawyers may accept contingency fees in claims involving monetary damages. You won’t have to pay an attorney under this fee agreement if you hire them to represent you if you win the lawsuit. To put it clearly, it matters if your abuser has the financial means or other assets necessary to cover damages when deciding whether to pursue a domestic violence lawsuit.

Written by Canterbury Law Group

Understanding Domestic Violence

The attorneys at Canterbury Law Group help clients obtain orders of protection in Scottsdale. We also assist in determining if your domestic violence case is a civil or criminal case.
In domestic violence situations, there may be both civil and criminal matters occurring at the same time as a result of the same violent act. You may want to pursue both civil and criminal actions for maximum protection. The major differences have to do with who takes the case to court, the reason for the case, and the possible penalties.

  • Civil Law – In a civil domestic violence action, you are asking the court to protect you from the person abusing you. You are not asking the court to send that person to jail for committing a crime. However, if the abuser violates the civil court order, s/he may be sent to jail for the violation. In a civil case, you are the person bringing the case against the abuser and (in most circumstances), you have the right to withdraw (drop) the case if you want to. A Scottsdale order of protection is requested in civil court. Once granted, they usually are valid for a period of one year and they sometimes can be renewed by the person originally obtained the order of protection.
  • Criminal Law – In stark contrast, the criminal law system handles all cases that involve violations of criminal law such as harassment, assault, murder, theft, etc. As such, only the government, via the local prosecutor or grand jury can make the final decision to “bring charges” against the bad actor who has engaged in bad acts.
    A criminal complaint involves your abuser being charged with a crime. In a criminal case, the prosecutor (also called the district attorney) is the one who has control over whether the case against the abuser continues or not. It is the county/state who has brought the case against the abuser, not the victim. It is possible that if you do not want the case to continue (if you do not want to “press charges”), the prosecutor might decide to drop the criminal charges but this is not necessarily true. The prosecutor can also continue to prosecute the abuser against your wishes and can even issue a subpoena (a court order) to force you to testify at the trial live under oath.

Domestic violence used to be a secret to be “kept in the family” or swept under the rug. But it’s now more prevalent in news and media than ever before. As a result, a lot of people are thinking about what constitutes domestic violence. Why do people stay in abusive relationships? How can family and friends help a loved one leave an abusive partner?

This Domestic Violence section provides resources for victims of domestic abuse and those who love them. If you need immediate help, call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-SAFE (7233).

Findlaw’s Domestic Violence section is divided into four parts.

  • An overview of domestic violence: These articles define the different types of abuse and how to recognize signs of abuse. There are articles that explain battered women’s syndrome and why some victims recant after finally speaking out. It also provides the history of legal intervention.
  • Domestic violence laws: These articles cover the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), the Domestic Violence Offender Gun Ban, and state domestic violence laws.
  • How to stop domestic violence: These articles can help victims file for a restraining order and file a domestic violence lawsuit. They explain who is a mandatory reporter and who you can turn to for help. You will also find a guide to stop domestic violence.
  • Domestic violence resources: In this section you will find a list of domestic violence organizations and hotlines. At the state level, this listing includes domestic violence programs and state forms to file for a protective order.

Domestic Violence, Legally Defined

Domestic abuse is a top public health concern. Homicide by an intimate partner is one of the leading pregnancy-associated causes of death, according to research. And yet many people do not understand the scope of abusive behavior. Early in their intimate relationship, victims may not realize they are experiencing domestic violence. They fail to take action and then it escalates.

The National Domestic Violence Hotline defines domestic abuse as “a pattern of abusive behaviors used by one person to gain or maintain control over another person in an intimate relationship.”

The victim is often a spouse (male or female). But they can also be a dating partner, a child or parent, a family member, or a roommate. It is a person with whom the abuser is in close proximity.

Most people think of domestic abuse as battering or assault, but there are several types of abuse:

  • Physical abuse is most likely to be seen by coworkers or health care providers. Victims often find ways to hide the evidence of the abuser’s violent behavior. But physical violence can lead to physical injury requiring medical care.
  • Sexual abuse may not be understood by the victim as abuse until it becomes sexual violence. Non-consensual sex, even within marriage, is sexual assault. Young people, in particular, need to be educated about dating violence.
  • Emotional abuse causes the victim to feel intense emotional distress. The abuser may verbally demean and socially humiliate their victim. They may engage in name-calling. Emotional abuse damages the victim’s self-esteem and sense of self-worth. Stalking, harassment, and threats are forms of emotional abuse; They are designed to instill fear in the victim.
  • Psychological abuse is controlling behavior that damages the victim’s mental health. They may think they are going crazy. They may develop post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
  • Economic abuse or financial abuse is an extension of the abuser’s need for control. They may prevent a spouse from earning money or from having access to money. An abuser may steal money from an elder parent with whom they live.

Punishing Domestic Violence

While law enforcement once turned a blind eye to intimate partner violence, state laws now require an arrest and mandate penalties. Restraining orders are easier to get, at least initially. And federal and state laws are in place to prevent abusers from owning guns.

Survivors of domestic violence can sue their abusers in civil court to recover damages for their injuries.

Unfortunately, these remedies are only available after the abusive behavior or physical violence has already occurred.

Preventing Domestic Violence

Nationally, there is a loud call to end domestic violence.

Domestic abuse nonprofits and governmental agencies exist in every state. They provide information and training on how to identify the warning signs of abuse. They provide practical resources to help survivors of domestic violence create a safety plan to exit dangerous relationships. They provide referrals for safe places to shelter and offer victim hotlines in a variety of languages. And they undertake legal advocacy.

Help is a phone call away. But as many victims know, that phone call and those first steps can be extremely dangerous. Their lives are often at stake. If the U.S. wants to end the scourge of family violence, it needs to provide human services resources and physical and financial support to help victims break free once and for all.

The prevalence of domestic violence is arguably one of the top health concerns in the country. Understanding its definition can help you to take more effective action against its many manifestations of abuse.

In some cases, abusers may not even realize that they’re inflicting domestic violence on someone else. On the flip side, victims may not take action against their abusers if they don’t realize that the behavior they’re experiencing is indeed domestic violence.


Moreover, friends and loved ones of victims are in a better place to help if they understand what domestic violence looks like. Therefore, it’s important that people understand the definition of domestic violence and the many forms it can take.

This article provides helpful information about domestic violence. If you or someone you know are suffering from domestic violence, get immediate access to resources here.

Definition of Domestic Violence: Types of Abuse

According to the United States Department of Justice Office on Violence Against Women, the definition of domestic violence is a pattern of abusive behavior in any relationship that is used by one partner to gain or maintain control over another intimate partner. Many types of abuse are included in the definition of domestic violence:

  • Physical abuse can include hitting, biting, slapping, battering, shoving, punching, pulling hair, burning, cutting, pinching, etc. (any type of violent behavior inflicted on the victim). Physical abuse also includes denying someone medical treatment and forcing drug/alcohol use on someone.
  • Sexual abuse occurs when the abuser coerces or attempts to coerce the victim into having sexual contact or sexual behavior without the victim’s consent. This often takes the form of marital rape, attacking sexual body parts, physical violence that is followed by forcing sex, sexually demeaning the victim, or even telling sexual jokes at the victim’s expense.
  • Emotional abuse involves invalidating or deflating the victim’s sense of self-worth and/or self-esteem. Emotional abuse often takes the form of constant criticism, name-calling, injuring the victim’s relationship with his/her children, or interfering with the victim’s abilities.
  • Economic abuse takes place when the abuser makes or tries to make the victim financially reliant. Economic abusers often seek to maintain total control over financial resources, withhold the victim’s access to funds, or prohibit the victim from going to school or work.
  • Psychological abuse involves the abuser invoking fear through intimidation; threatening to physically hurt himself/herself, the victim, children, the victim’s family or friends, or the pets; destruction of property; injuring the pets; isolating the victim from loved ones; and prohibiting the victim from going to school or work.
  • Threats to hit, injure, or use a weapon are a form of psychological abuse.
  • Stalking can include following the victim, spying, watching, harassing, showing up at the victim’s home or work, sending gifts, collecting information, making phone calls, leaving written messages, or appearing at a person’s home or workplace. These acts individually are typically legal, but any of these behaviors done continuously result in a stalking crime.
  • Cyberstalking refers to online action or repeated emailing that inflicts substantial emotional distress on the recipient.

Definition of Domestic Violence: Victims

Definitions of domestic violence recognize that victims can include anyone, regardless of socioeconomic background, education level, race, age, sexual orientation, religion, or gender. Domestic violence was formerly referred to as wife abuse. However, this term was abandoned when the definition of domestic violence was changed to reflect that wives are not the only ones who can fall victim to domestic violence. The definition of domestic violence now recognizes that victims can be:

  • Spouses
  • Sexual/Dating/Intimate partners
  • Family members
  • Children
  • Cohabitants

Many people think that a victim of domestic violence can only obtain a protective order against a spouse. This is actually a myth. Most states allow victims of abusive cohabitant lovers to obtain protective orders (also referred to as temporary restraining orders or emergency protective orders). Some states allow victims of abusive adult relatives, roommates, or even non-cohabitating partners to obtain protective orders. The laws in each state are different, so check the most updated laws in your state.

Dating Violence

Dating violence is another form of domestic violence. The Violence Against Women Act defines dating violence according to the relationship between the abuser and the victim. Dating violence is committed by a person in a social, romantic, or intimate relationship with the victim. The existence of such a relationship is determined using the following factors:

  • The length of the relationship
  • The type of relationship
  • The partners’ frequency of interaction

Does the Definition of Domestic Violence Apply to Your Situation? Ask an Attorney

A complete definition of domestic violence encompasses many forms of abuse and negative behavior. Domestic violence is a destructive crime that carries life-altering damage to everyone involved.

Legal Help for Victims of Crime

If you feel unsafe in your home or relationship, call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-SAFE (7233) or call 911. An experienced family law attorney can assist you with everything from talking to the police to filing for protective orders and a civil lawsuit.



It is essential to contact an attorney to evaluate and invoke your rights when dealing with domestic violence either when allegations are brought against you, or where you bring them against another. Contact our Scottsdale lawyers today to schedule your consultation. www.clgaz.com 480-744-7711.

Written by Canterbury Law Group

Domestic Violence

The attorneys at Canterbury Law Group help clients obtain orders of protection in Scottsdale. We also assist in determining if your domestic violence case is a civil or criminal case.
In domestic violence situations, there may be both civil and criminal matters occurring at the same time as a result of the same violent act. You may want to pursue both civil and criminal actions for maximum protection. The major differences have to do with who takes the case to court, the reason for the case, and the possible penalties.

  • Civil Law – In a civil domestic violence action, you are asking the court to protect you from the person abusing you. You are not asking the court to send that person to jail for committing a crime. However, if the abuser violates the civil court order, s/he may be sent to jail for the violation. In a civil case, you are the person bringing the case against the abuser and (in most circumstances), you have the right to withdraw (drop) the case if you want to. A Scottsdale order of protection is requested in civil court. Once granted, they usually are valid for a period of one year and they sometimes can be renewed by the person originally obtained the order of protection.
  • Criminal Law – In stark contrast, the criminal law system handles all cases that involve violations of criminal law such as harassment, assault, murder, theft, etc. As such, only the government, via the local prosecutor or grand jury can make the final decision to “bring charges” against the bad actor who has engaged in bad acts.
    A criminal complaint involves your abuser being charged with a crime. In a criminal case, the prosecutor (also called the district attorney) is the one who has control over whether the case against the abuser continues or not. It is the county/state who has brought the case against the abuser, not the victim. It is possible that if you do not want the case to continue (if you do not want to “press charges”), the prosecutor might decide to drop the criminal charges but this is not necessarily true. The prosecutor can also continue to prosecute the abuser against your wishes and can even issue a subpoena (a court order) to force you to testify at the trial live under oath.

Domestic violence used to be a secret to be “kept in the family” or swept under the rug. But it’s now more prevalent in news and media than ever before. As a result, a lot of people are thinking about what constitutes domestic violence. Why do people stay in abusive relationships? How can family and friends help a loved one leave an abusive partner?

This Domestic Violence section provides resources for victims of domestic abuse and those who love them. If you need immediate help, call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-SAFE (7233).

Findlaw’s Domestic Violence section is divided into four parts.

  • An overview of domestic violence: These articles define the different types of abuse and how to recognize signs of abuse. There are articles that explain battered women’s syndrome and why some victims recant after finally speaking out. It also provides the history of legal intervention.
  • Domestic violence laws: These articles cover the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), the Domestic Violence Offender Gun Ban, and state domestic violence laws.
  • How to stop domestic violence: These articles can help victims file for a restraining order and file a domestic violence lawsuit. They explain who is a mandatory reporter and who you can turn to for help. You will also find a guide to stop domestic violence.
  • Domestic violence resources: In this section you will find a list of domestic violence organizations and hotlines. At the state level, this listing includes domestic violence programs and state forms to file for a protective order.

Domestic Violence, Legally Defined

Domestic abuse is a top public health concern. Homicide by an intimate partner is one of the leading pregnancy-associated causes of death, according to research. And yet many people do not understand the scope of abusive behavior. Early in their intimate relationship, victims may not realize they are experiencing domestic violence. They fail to take action and then it escalates.

The National Domestic Violence Hotline defines domestic abuse as “a pattern of abusive behaviors used by one person to gain or maintain control over another person in an intimate relationship.”

The victim is often a spouse (male or female). But they can also be a dating partner, a child or parent, a family member, or a roommate. It is a person with whom the abuser is in close proximity.

Most people think of domestic abuse as battering or assault, but there are several types of abuse:

  • Physical abuse is most likely to be seen by coworkers or health care providers. Victims often find ways to hide the evidence of the abuser’s violent behavior. But physical violence can lead to physical injury requiring medical care.
  • Sexual abuse may not be understood by the victim as abuse until it becomes sexual violence. Non-consensual sex, even within marriage, is sexual assault. Young people, in particular, need to be educated about dating violence.
  • Emotional abuse causes the victim to feel intense emotional distress. The abuser may verbally demean and socially humiliate their victim. They may engage in name-calling. Emotional abuse damages the victim’s self-esteem and sense of self-worth. Stalking, harassment, and threats are forms of emotional abuse; They are designed to instill fear in the victim.
  • Psychological abuse is controlling behavior that damages the victim’s mental health. They may think they are going crazy. They may develop post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
  • Economic abuse or financial abuse is an extension of the abuser’s need for control. They may prevent a spouse from earning money or from having access to money. An abuser may steal money from an elder parent with whom they live.

Punishing Domestic Violence

While law enforcement once turned a blind eye to intimate partner violence, state laws now require an arrest and mandate penalties. Restraining orders are easier to get, at least initially. And federal and state laws are in place to prevent abusers from owning guns.

Survivors of domestic violence can sue their abusers in civil court to recover damages for their injuries.

Unfortunately, these remedies are only available after the abusive behavior or physical violence has already occurred.

Preventing Domestic Violence

Nationally, there is a loud call to end domestic violence.

Domestic abuse nonprofits and governmental agencies exist in every state. They provide information and training on how to identify the warning signs of abuse. They provide practical resources to help survivors of domestic violence create a safety plan to exit dangerous relationships. They provide referrals for safe places to shelter and offer victim hotlines in a variety of languages. And they undertake legal advocacy.

Help is a phone call away. But as many victims know, that phone call and those first steps can be extremely dangerous. Their lives are often at stake. If the U.S. wants to end the scourge of family violence, it needs to provide human services resources and physical and financial support to help victims break free once and for all.

The prevalence of domestic violence is arguably one of the top health concerns in the country. Understanding its definition can help you to take more effective action against its many manifestations of abuse.

In some cases, abusers may not even realize that they’re inflicting domestic violence on someone else. On the flip side, victims may not take action against their abusers if they don’t realize that the behavior they’re experiencing is indeed domestic violence.


Moreover, friends and loved ones of victims are in a better place to help if they understand what domestic violence looks like. Therefore, it’s important that people understand the definition of domestic violence and the many forms it can take.

This article provides helpful information about domestic violence. If you or someone you know are suffering from domestic violence, get immediate access to resources here.

Definition of Domestic Violence: Types of Abuse

According to the United States Department of Justice Office on Violence Against Women, the definition of domestic violence is a pattern of abusive behavior in any relationship that is used by one partner to gain or maintain control over another intimate partner. Many types of abuse are included in the definition of domestic violence:

  • Physical abuse can include hitting, biting, slapping, battering, shoving, punching, pulling hair, burning, cutting, pinching, etc. (any type of violent behavior inflicted on the victim). Physical abuse also includes denying someone medical treatment and forcing drug/alcohol use on someone.
  • Sexual abuse occurs when the abuser coerces or attempts to coerce the victim into having sexual contact or sexual behavior without the victim’s consent. This often takes the form of marital rape, attacking sexual body parts, physical violence that is followed by forcing sex, sexually demeaning the victim, or even telling sexual jokes at the victim’s expense.
  • Emotional abuse involves invalidating or deflating the victim’s sense of self-worth and/or self-esteem. Emotional abuse often takes the form of constant criticism, name-calling, injuring the victim’s relationship with his/her children, or interfering with the victim’s abilities.
  • Economic abuse takes place when the abuser makes or tries to make the victim financially reliant. Economic abusers often seek to maintain total control over financial resources, withhold the victim’s access to funds, or prohibit the victim from going to school or work.
  • Psychological abuse involves the abuser invoking fear through intimidation; threatening to physically hurt himself/herself, the victim, children, the victim’s family or friends, or the pets; destruction of property; injuring the pets; isolating the victim from loved ones; and prohibiting the victim from going to school or work.
  • Threats to hit, injure, or use a weapon are a form of psychological abuse.
  • Stalking can include following the victim, spying, watching, harassing, showing up at the victim’s home or work, sending gifts, collecting information, making phone calls, leaving written messages, or appearing at a person’s home or workplace. These acts individually are typically legal, but any of these behaviors done continuously result in a stalking crime.
  • Cyberstalking refers to online action or repeated emailing that inflicts substantial emotional distress on the recipient.

Definition of Domestic Violence: Victims

Definitions of domestic violence recognize that victims can include anyone, regardless of socioeconomic background, education level, race, age, sexual orientation, religion, or gender. Domestic violence was formerly referred to as wife abuse. However, this term was abandoned when the definition of domestic violence was changed to reflect that wives are not the only ones who can fall victim to domestic violence. The definition of domestic violence now recognizes that victims can be:

  • Spouses
  • Sexual/Dating/Intimate partners
  • Family members
  • Children
  • Cohabitants

Many people think that a victim of domestic violence can only obtain a protective order against a spouse. This is actually a myth. Most states allow victims of abusive cohabitant lovers to obtain protective orders (also referred to as temporary restraining orders or emergency protective orders). Some states allow victims of abusive adult relatives, roommates, or even non-cohabitating partners to obtain protective orders. The laws in each state are different, so check the most updated laws in your state.

Dating Violence

Dating violence is another form of domestic violence. The Violence Against Women Act defines dating violence according to the relationship between the abuser and the victim. Dating violence is committed by a person in a social, romantic, or intimate relationship with the victim. The existence of such a relationship is determined using the following factors:

  • The length of the relationship
  • The type of relationship
  • The partners’ frequency of interaction

Does the Definition of Domestic Violence Apply to Your Situation? Ask an Attorney

A complete definition of domestic violence encompasses many forms of abuse and negative behavior. Domestic violence is a destructive crime that carries life-altering damage to everyone involved.

Legal Help for Victims of Crime

If you feel unsafe in your home or relationship, call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-SAFE (7233) or call 911. An experienced family law attorney can assist you with everything from talking to the police to filing for protective orders and a civil lawsuit.



It is essential to contact an attorney to evaluate and invoke your rights when dealing with domestic violence either when allegations are brought against you, or where you bring them against another. Contact our Scottsdale lawyers today to schedule your consultation. www.clgaz.com 480-744-7711.

Written by Canterbury Law Group

How Long Do You Have to Press Charges For Domestic Violence?

How Long Do You Have to Press Charges For Domestic Violence


In most states you can hold a person responsible for domestic violence through either civil or criminal cases. Depending on the state where you are located there may be some other factors impacting the stature of limitations where a person is seeking to pursue a civil case for the purposes of compensation. Read on to learn more.

Types Of Domestic Violence

When someone has suffered domestic violence that may contact the police and use the system of justice to take criminal action against the perpetrator using a prosecuting lawyer in the courts. It is vitally important to seek this option straight away, so it is more likely law enforcement officers believe the person making the accusations and they can file a police report in a timely manner. An investigation usually follows with a greater chance of a prosecuting lawyer who is local handling the matter in court. There is no set timeframe but the there is a stature of limitations for crimes of a non-major nature with the exceptions of murder and rape.

The other option is to pursue justice through the civil courts. Based ion state limits there will be a statute of limitations and normally the victim cannot go through with this course of action if the time limit has been exceeded – except under special circumstances ruled upon by a judge. This can take many years and are usually extremely tough to follow. The plaintiff will need the services of a lawyer for this.

Criminal Cases

You do not actually press charges when a victim goes to the criminal courts to seek justice. The law enforcement officers make a determination of how the victim will cooperate with the prosecuting lawyer. Often the prosecutor will not drop the case even if the victim requests this. Even if you recant on a statement, it may still go to court because of the evidence and the desire of the prosecution to see the trial through.

Statute Of Limitations

In civil cases for domestic violence claims, the statute of limitations may go from one to six years depending on your location. For criminal charges, the statute of limitations may depend on whether it is a felony or misdemeanor. This may have a significant impact on the case. There will also be state specific rules for how long the person must pursue justice with the criminal courts. This time may be from no more than a single year to up to more than three years.

Pursuing Domestic Violence Cases

The victim of domestic violence may want to pursue a civil case where monetary damages are available as opposed to a criminal case. The civil case may be followed because of expenses the victim has occurred because of important bills that need to be paid, for examples, hospital and doctor expenses. A lawyer may kick off a civil claim, but a police report is the starting point for a criminal case. Other options include a protection order or a restraining order to provide safety from the person who was violent. If a child or children are involved, you may seek emergency custody and remove the aggressor from the situation on a temporary basis. A lawyer needs to be hired as soon as possible if a civil remedy is the desired choice to make sure any statute of limitation does not run out.

Source: Hg.org, Hg.org, www.hg.org/legal-articles/pressing-charges-for-domestic-violence-what-is-the-time-limit-48722.

Contact Our Domestic Violence Attorneys In Scottsdale, AZ

Our domestic violence attorneys in Scottsdale can also help with restraining orders and orders of protection. We will ensure thorough preparation of your restraining order or order of protection, or defense from DV allegations levelled against you, and help you resolve legal issues that inevitably arise.

*This information is not intended to be used as legal advice. Please contact Canterbury Law Group today to learn more about your personal legal needs. 480-744-7711 or [email protected]

Written by Canterbury Law Group

How To Beat Domestic Violence Charges

How To Beat Domestic Violence Charges

Matt Hicher, Esq. is our award-winning domestic violence attorney and he can help you get charges of domestic violence dismissed in Arizona. Read on to learn more.

Winning A Domestic Violence Case

It takes skilled representation to win a domestic violence case. Let’s look at some of the options available:

Filing Legal Motions To Dismiss Case

This is a formal request to the judge. Motions can be used to suppress evidence that has been obtained illegally as well limiting the liability the client may have. It can even lead to the dismissal of the case.

Persuasive Character Packets

A character packet presents information about the client to the prosecutor and/or the judge. It emphasizes the good character of the person, the circumstances surrounding the accusation as well as a lack of a serious wrongdoing in the past. Its purpose is to show the client is not necessarily a criminal and does not deserve to be given a criminal record that will be permanent or be sent to jail.

Challenging Evidence With Facts

We will review the facts as they have bene presented as well as the documents related to subpoenas and work on discovering evidence the prosecutor is unable or not willing to discover.

Note we cannot guarantee a successful outcome, but our track record speaks for itself. A domestic violence case can be won by obtaining  dismissal for the case, obtaining the dismissal prior to charges being formally filed, by persuading the prosecutor not to file charges prior to the initial court date, obtaining and winning a legal motion to dispose of the case, arranging a plea deal that is favorable and obtaining a verdict that is favorable from a jury or judge.

Defense Strategies

Let’s review some of the most frequently used defenses:


A person must have acted in a willful manner to be found guilty of a crime. An accidental act may not support a conviction. It is not the outcome but the act that is willful. If a person did not mean to injure another person as badly as they might have is no defense.


Generally, you will not be found guilty if it can be proven you were not there when the alleged offense took place, hence the importance of an alibi. That said elder abuse is an exception as a person may be found guilty of permitting (or allowing) an injury to occur.


There are some circumstances where consensual behavior may be construed as domestic violence. For example: a couple may take martial art classes together and then practice together, injuries may result.

Insufficient Evidence

In every case the defendant must be proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. If the charge is not supported by sufficient evidence, a case dismissal or acquittal may result.

Self Defense or Defense Of Others

Certain states protect the rights of an individual to use a reasonable amount of force to prevent a crime or other illegal act taking place. In some circumstances this can even mean lethal force in certain, very limited situations.

An Experienced Domestic Violence Attorney Can Help

The impact of a conviction for a domestic violence crime can drastically alter every aspect o your life, forever. We can help by filing pre-trial motions that may dismiss the case or put a limitation on the evidence that can be used. We will collect evidence and investigate the facts of the case for you. We can negotiate for a reduction of the charges you face or even a dismissal of charges. We can ensure you have a strong defense presentation in court and challenge protective orders.

Source: S, Heidi. “A Top LA Domestic Violence Attorney Explains How to Win.” Spolin Law P.C., www.spolinlaw.com/criminal-defense-old/violent-crimes/domestic-violence/.

Contact Our Domestic Violence Attorneys In Scottsdale, AZ

Our domestic violence attorneys in Scottsdale can also help with restraining orders and orders of protection. We will ensure thorough preparation of your restraining order or order of protection, or defense from DV allegations levelled against you, and help you resolve legal issues that inevitably arise.

*This information is not intended to be used as legal advice. Please contact Canterbury Law Group today to learn more about your personal legal needs. 480-744-7711 or [email protected]

Written by Canterbury Law Group

What Is Domestic Violence?

What Is Domestic Violence

Domestic violence can be defined as any behavior that has the purpose of gaining control and power over a family member, partner or someone you are in a relationship with. Contrary to the belief of some it is not caused by mental issues, alcohol, drugs or anger but is a learned behavior. Read on to learn more.

Domestic violence is so common it represents a major health issue in the US. The more you understand what can be defined as domestic violence, the easier it is to take meaningful action against it.

It is possible abusers may not think their actions represent domestic violence. Conversely, their victims may not realize this either. If other loved ones and friends can recognize this it may help. Hence, it is vital to comprehend the many forms of domestic violence and to be able to clearly define it.

The United States Department of Justice Office on Violence Against Women definition for domestic violence is “A pattern of abusive behavior in any relationship that is used by one partner to gain or maintain control over another intimate partner.”

Let’s look at some of the forms domestic violence can take:


This may include slapping, biting, shoving, battering, hitting, pulling hair, punching, pinching, cutting ot burning on a victim. It may also include denying someone needed medical treatment and forcing alcohol or drugs on to them.


When a person attempts to or coerces another person into sexual behavior or sexual contact without the person agreeing to consent. This may include the attack of genitalia, physical violence often followed by marital rape or sex being forced upon a person, telling sexual jokes at the expense of the other person and sexually demeaning that person.


Broadly, this is when the abuser purposefully deflates or invalidates another person’s sense of self-esteem or self-worth. This can range from name-calling to persistent criticism, interfering with the abilities of a person and causing harm and injury to the relationship that person has with their children.


When an abuser makes another person reliant on them from a financial standpoint. By taking total control of all financial resources and then withholding monies when needed. They may also prohibit the person from attending work or school.


This includes involving fear in a person through threats of a physical nature, intimidation, threats to harm the person, their children of family, friends or pets as well as property destruction and intentional isolation from their support network as well as blocking the person from attending work or school.


This may include following a person, harassing, spying, watching, arriving at the work or home of the person, collecting information about them, sending gifts, leaving written messages or making phone calls. While these acts individually are not illegal – when done on a continual basis can represent a stalking crime.


This is action performed online that can cause a great deal of emotional distress who is constantly contacted by email or other online mediums.

Definition Of Victims

Victims can be any person of any education level, socioeconomic background, age, sexual orientation, race, gender or religion. Domestic violence definitions recognize that victim may be cohabitants, children, family members, spouses, dating partners and sexual (intimacy) partners.

Dating Violence

Dating violence as defined by The Violence Against Women Act depends on the relationship between the abuser and the victim determined by the following:

  • The type of relationship
  • The relationship length
  • The frequency of interaction between the partners

Does the Definition of Domestic Violence Apply to You?

As you can see a domestic violence definition includes various forms of abuse and should be recognized as a crime that is destructive but is also the cause of life-altering damage to everyone involved in the situation. If you are confused or have questions about domestic violence and your situation, a domestic violence attorney can help you.

Source: “What Is the Definition of Domestic Violence?” Findlaw, 3 Oct. 2018, family.findlaw.com/domestic-violence/what-is-domestic-violence.html

Contact Our Domestic Violence Attorneys In Scottsdale, AZ

Our domestic violence attorneys in Scottsdale can help with restraining orders and orders of protection. We will ensure thorough preparation of your restraining order or order of protection, or defense from DV allegations levelled against you, and help you resolve legal issues that inevitably arise.

*This information is not intended to be used as legal advice. Please contact Canterbury Law Group today to learn more about your personal legal needs. 480-744-7711 or [email protected]

Written by Canterbury Law Group

Can I Get Domestic Violence Charges Dropped In Arizona?

Can I Get Domestic Violence Charges Dropped In Arizona

Yes—you can get domestic violence charges dismissed in Arizona if there is a lack of evidence to prove you committed the crime. Read on to learn more.

For this to happen, there has to be lack of sufficient or admissible evidence for a domestic violence charge to be dismissed. In addition, the government prosecution has to show convincing evidence that beyond a doubt the defendant perpetrated the crime.

Often it is not a good idea to speak with the alleged victim and accuser even if they are someone you are very close to and you think the best way to solve the situation is without any law enforcement or legal involvement. But speaking to the alleged victim can further damage your case and it is a fact the courts as well as the police are involved once charges have been imposed. Remember, like any other state, Arizona has tough penalties for domestic violence crimes. Furthermore, if you are convicted, the consequences may impact the rest of your life, both personal and professional.

It is a fact some arguments get out of control and one party calls the cops, but what happens when the purported victims later change their mind? If you or your partner wants to get domestic violence charges dropped in Arizona there are some things you must know.  It’s not entirely “up to you” to drop charges after they are filed.

Firstly, domestic violence prosecutors in Arizona know there are circumstances when people press domestic violence charges in spite of no violence occurring. And the majority of these people attempt to have the charges dropped within a few hours or days. But dismissal of the charges is not easy as Arizona has a reputation for looking out for the accused.  Arizona is known about “law and order”.

Grounds For Dropping Domestic Violence Charges In Arizona

No Evidence

If there is insufficient evidence a crime was committed, a defendant may be able to have the charge dismissed if it cannot be proven beyond what is known as a “reasonable doubt.” In which case, there is not a charge against you the state can address, and a motion can be filed by your attorney dismissing whatever charges have been opened against you in this scenario.

Witness Is Uncooperative

A witness who is uncooperative, is someone who in good faith steadfastly refuses to take part in testifying in a truthful manner about allegations of a domestic violence. Even in circumstances where the individual alleging to be the victim wants the charges to be dropped, the case will not automatically be dismissed. Dismissal is up to the government, not the taxpayer.  The proper procedure is that the courts will look at the case even with the refusal of victim testimony. That said, the government and its assigned prosecutor often finds it a lot tougher to prove the defendant guilty in these circumstances.

Source: “Can the Victim Drop Domestic Violence Charges?” Findlaw, https://family.findlaw.com/domestic-violence/can-the-victim-drop-domestic-violence-charges.html.

Contact Our Domestic Violence Attorneys In Scottsdale, AZ

Our domestic violence attorneys in Scottsdale can help with restraining orders and orders of protection. We will ensure thorough preparation of your restraining order or order of protection, or defense from them, and help you navigate the legal issues that inevitably arise.

*This information is not intended to be used as legal advice. Please contact Canterbury Law Group today to learn more about your personal legal needs. 480-744-7711 or [email protected]

Written by Canterbury Law Group

How Long Do You Go To Jail For Domestic Violence In Arizona?

How Long Do You Go To Jail For Domestic Violence In Arizona

Make no mistake, Arizona is tough on domestic violence to the extent domestic violence is most often classified within the highest level of the three kinds of misdemeanor crimes the state has. Should you be convicted of domestic violence, you can be looking at the following:

  • Up to $2,500 in fines with additional surcharges to be paid as well as a jail sentence of six months.
  • You may have the obligation of taking part in very intensive domestic violence classes totaling 52 hours of classes which may take between six to twelve months to successfully complete.

You may also face formal probation and the costs and penalties can escalate if you have some of the following convictions in your past. Read on to learn more.

First Offence Domestic Violence Charges in Arizona

Arizona law dictates the minimum a person who is convicted of domestic violence is a total of twenty-six rehabilitation classes which focus on domestic violence.

If the offense is classified as a misdemeanor, first time offenders may be sentenced to only spending a short time in the County jail. The confinement term will depend on the seriousness of the offense. For example, a class one misdemeanor may result in a jail sentence of up to six months. Most often, first time offenders who are convicted are spared jail but that is not always the case. The next step involves the convict having to do a mandatory unsupervised or supervised Probation term. You can expect fines to be levied against you but often the Court will forgive the fine if classes and counseling are successfully achieved. The Court may also request that the convict attend anger management classes or some form of behavioral counseling as well as mandatory domestic violence counseling. Community service may also have to be performed. There also may be a court order telling the convict to stay away from the victim and if a child or children is involved in the situation, you can expect Arizona CPS to become involved.

Second Domestic Violence Charge In Arizona

After you are one and done—the second strike is not as easy.  In these circumstances you are looking at considerably greater jail time and, god forbid, for a third consecutive conviction of domestic violence, it is likely it may be a felony charge with prison time as part of the sentence.  Prison terms exceed one year as opposed to jail which is one year or less.

Third Domestic Violence Charge In Arizona

If during a period of seven years you are found guilty for a third time, your life will not improve.  What is known as aggravated domestic violence is a Class 5 felony under Arizona law and the punishment can be up to 30 months in prison for an initial conviction.  Yes prison.  Yes 2 and ½ years.

Will I Still Get Charged if the Victim Drops the Charges?

If you tell the police there was a physical altercation when they arrive but it is sorted out now and you both wish to be left alone – it is highly likely the police will interpret this as an admission of committing a crime – and arrests and subsequent charges may well follow as a result. Because many people are first time offenders, they often do not realize what they say may be interpreted by the police as self-incrimination, providing ample evidence to make an arrest or more.  Do not ever talk to police.  Another fallacy is that it is the choice of the victim to pursue charges. But once the charges are filed, the prosecutor gets to decide that and not the victim of the domestic violence.  Think long and hard, before you dial 911—sometimes there is no coming back.

Sources: “Arizona Domestic ViolenceLawyers-Attorneys Misdemeanor-Penalites.” Tucson Criminal Law & Domestic Violence Information, https://www.tucsoncriminallaw.com/Arizona-Domestic-Violence-Lawyers-Misdemeanor-Penalites.

“Arizona Domestic Violence Laws.” Findlaw, https://statelaws.findlaw.com/arizona-law/arizona-domestic-violence-laws.html.

Contact Our Domestic Violence Attorneys In Scottsdale, AZ

Our domestic violence attorneys in Scottsdale can help with restraining orders and orders of protection. We will ensure thorough preparation of your restraining order or order of protection, or defense from them, and help you navigate the legal issues that inevitably arise.

*This information is not intended to be used as legal advice. Please contact Canterbury Law Group today to learn more about your personal legal needs. 480-744-7711 or [email protected]

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