Written by Canterbury Law Group

How Much Does A Postnuptial Agreement Cost?

How Much Does A Postnuptial Agreement Lawyer Cost

Postnuptial Agreement costs can vary enormously and there is little that can be clearly established. However, in the US in 2020, he average cost for a postnuptial agreement is $4,750. On the low end, it can be as little as $50 and on the upside, it can be greater than $10,000. Read on to learn more.

There are many issues that can have an impact of the price of postnuptial agreements. From your own financial situation that may need the services of an auditor and to whether the two partners agree on provisions and terms of the postnuptial agreement. In some cases, the documents can be created by yourselves as well as consulting an attorney to assists in the drawing up of a postnuptial agreement. Attorney fees can go from those who charge a flat-fee rate to in excess of $500 per hour.

To further clarify, here are some estimates based on an average highlighting the costs for postnuptial agreements.

  • $50 can buy you DIY style of postnuptial agreements, forms, books and even software to prepare the documents.
  • There are multiple online options that can range from $100 to around $250.
  • Attorneys will charge on average $1,000 for a simple postnuptial document and the costs can rise to around $3,000.
  • Postnuptial agreements that are complicated in nature and require ongoing and prolonged negotiations and especially when substantial provisions and assets are involved, costs can start at around $10,000.

Psychology Today suggests the average cost for a prenuptial agreement in somewhere from $2,500 to $7,000. They also note there have been cases (although very extreme examples) can cost in excess of $50,000.


Source: Ogbornelaw.com

Contact Our Prenuptial Agreement Lawyers In Scottsdale

Consulting with a talented Scottsdale prenuptial agreement lawyer or family law attorney who is knowledgeable and experienced in drafting and litigating premarital agreements will save you a great deal of grief and expense in the future. Contact Canterbury Law Group today.

*This information is not intended to be used as legal advice. Please contact Canterbury Law Group today to learn more about your personal legal needs. 480-744-7711 or [email protected]

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