Written by Canterbury Law Group

Tips For Fathers Going Through Divorce In Scottsdale

The Scottsdale divorce lawyers at Canterbury Law Group represent both men and women in divorce proceedings. Through their extensive divorce experience, they have noticed that men often think they have fewer rights to the family home and / or children while going through a divorce. This is not necessarily true.

The legal team at Canterbury suggests finding a divorce attorney immediately if divorce is a remote possibility so you can evaluate your options are start preparing for the possible filing against you, or your own filing against her. Several tips should be considered when evaluating the divorce process:

  • Watch your words. If you’re dealing with an angry wife, take note of what was said but do not retaliate. React rationally and not in anger without giving your wife any ammunition to use later. Presume every conversation is being recorded on her cell phone.
  • Don’t move out of the marital residence right away. Leaving the house may become a strategic disadvantage later. The Mother has practical custody if Dad leaves and she may be in a stronger position to get the upper hand in a later custody battle.
  • Keep records. Keep careful records of everything that is said and done in relation to the divorce process including threats, insults, etc. Record your spending habits, money you give her and the kids and all expenses you pay for. Print out your bank records periodically so that you can show any large withdrawals made by your spouse.
  • Maintain communication with children. Often, the feeling the children have about their Father makes or breaks a custody case. Be a proactive father. Don’t ever talk negatively about their Mother in their presence. Your positive interactions with them will help with the process, and will also preserve a relationship for later when the post-divorce life begins.
  • Keep yourself well. Many fathers neglect their physical and / or emotional health during these stressful times, which may lead to depression and / or isolation. Keeping a healthy diet, exercising and avoiding harmful substances is always a good strategy, and even more important in times of anxiety. You need to be at the top of your game when you deal with these emotionally difficult experiences.

Find legal counsel soon. If you feel that divorce is inevitable, it is better to obtain a divorce attorney early on. Call the Scottsdale divorce attorneys at Canterbury Law Group to schedule your initial case evaluation: 480-744-7711.


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