Written by Canterbury Law Group

When To Get A Divorce

When To Get A Divorce

Divorce is a painful decision to face and then make but there are times it is the only viable way forward. When considering terminating your marriage, you can look for various signs to decide on when it would be best to divorce. Sometimes there are more consequences of a negative nature by staying rather than leaving. Read on to consider the following.

Severity Of Your Arguments

If there are more positive interactions between you both than there are negative ones, it does not automatically mean a divorce is not needed. Hurtful and severe arguing is a key sign it may be time to get a divorce. Some couples maintain relationships that are unhealthy to both parties because they seldom argue but still exhibit abusive and/or hurtful behaviors that are destructive in the relationship. This is especially the case when arguments are reduced to a series of personal insults as opposed to discussing the topic at hand. Arguing is a normal part of any relationship but it should not be almost an everyday occurrence and the other person should not feel devalued during the argument. When conflicts cannot be restored in a way that sticks to the issue at hand, it is a sign you may need to speak to a divorce attorney.

Counseling Is Not Effective

Marriage counseling can be an awesome way to move forward with your spouse as well as having the great benefit of a third party who is impartial and is trained in bringing about resolutions following disputes. It works for many couples, but most partners have to be invested in the process for it to work. If after a few months of counseling, no progress has been made, it may be a sign of it being time to get a divorce.

Abusive Situations

There is never any acceptable excuse for abuse be it, sexual, emotional or physical. When you have been abused you should not feel bad about deciding to leave your abuser. Your child or children will benefit from not being subject to the abuse, or watching it happen A marriage does not represent ownership of the other person. Nobody can rationally dispute abuse as being a totally solid reason to obtain a divorce.

Negative Interactions

For a long time, psychologists have been in unison that the quantity of disagreements is more impactful in a relationship than the severity of interactions. Their ratio is five positive interactions for every negative interaction. Many people weigh positive versus negative when deciding about divorce. Obviously, if the negative interactions are far outweighing the positive ones and have been doing so for some time, then it can be an indicator you should seek a divorce and seek the advice of a divorce attorney.

Differing Beliefs

Couple need to have shared values for a marriage to be successful even if they have separate and different systems of spiritual belief. When the central values of your relationship are no longer in alignment, it will be very difficult, if not impossible, to discover common ground. Looking to the future is often a requirement of divorce and discovering an individual’s concept of the future and ensuring it is agreeable to the other partner is very important. If this cannot be reconciled, it may be a sign a divorce is needed.

Irreconcilable Anger

A good person can commit an action they regret when the pain and anger they’re experiencing becomes too much. This is a clear indicator it is time to move on. If you feel you have to stop yourself from causing harm to your spouse, or even yourself, it is time the relationship was ended. Sometimes, from a mental standpoint, there can seem to be no exit – but you never want to risk abusing your partner.

Lack of Faithfulness

When either or both couples have pursued relationships outside of their marriage, many people see it as a sure sign the time has come to end the marriage. However, divorce is often a matter of choosing the right moment. Marriage counseling may be able to offer insight as to whether you can survive the impact and effects of an affair or whether you should be considering divorce. Trust is sacrificed in a relationship when one party is unfaithful and that often leads to divorce as an inevitable outcome.

Relationship Exhaustion

This is often the sign that clinches in your min d that you require a divorce. Having gone through all the steps to rescue your relationship, sometimes your emotional wellbeing can only be saved by a divorce. However, when a party or perhaps both parties have checked out of a relationship on an emotional level, it becomes highly unlikely you will find an answer to your outstanding issues.

Other Indicators

It is not uncommon for individuals to seek and speak with a divorce attorney before they have decided to divorce. Indeed, it is not unknown for individuals or couples to do so even when going through the process of marriage counseling. This may seem odd but often a divorce attorney can be a highly valued resource for information about how and when to divorce and if a legal separation would work or not. They may even suggest separation on a temporary basis to give both parties some space to consider their options. This often brings couples back together.

Source: Rangel, Julie, et al. “When to Divorce: 9 Signs You Need to Get Out.” GuideDoc, 11 Feb. 2018, https://guidedoc.com/when-to-divorce.

Need a Divorce Lawyer in Scottsdale or Phoenix?

We have a network of Arizona mediators, attorneys, tax specialists, estate planners, financial planners, child specialists, real property appraisers, adult and child therapists and parenting coordinators who are here for you if you ever need them. Our lawyersdivorce mediators and collaborative divorce attorneys in Scottsdale are here to make your divorce less stressful and keep you in control and the costs contained. Call today for an initial consultation at 480-744-7711 or [email protected]. Our family lawyers can also help with divorce litigation, child custodylegal guardianshippaternityprenuptial agreements, and more.

*This information is not intended to be legal advice. Please contact Canterbury Law Group today to learn more about your personal legal needs.

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