Written by Canterbury Law Group

Divorce Rate And Statistics In America

Divorce Rate And Statistics In America

The divorce rate has been declining since the turn of the 1980’s. Read on to understand how factors like location, age and social media usage impact divorce statistics. We will also look at the divorce rates of much heralded celebrity marriages and see what can be learned.

Anticipated Surge

At the dawn of the 2020s more people than ever are looking at the internet to seek out options and advice when considering a divorce resulting in a globally increased rate of divorce filing. For example:

  • The United Kingdom continues to see a large rise in the number of divorces.
  • Australia is seeing requests for divorce increase by 200%.
  • Turkey has seen divorce filings increase by 400%.
  • China is setting record figures for the number of divorce cases being filed.
  • With courts closing in the US, there has been a large increase in people utilizing mediation in their divorce cases.

Divorce Statistics In the US

The idea half of marriages end in divorce was vaunted in the 1980s but research shows a decline in the rate of divorce in the ensuing decades. Not including those who get legally separated, the statistical breakdown is thus:

  • First Marriages: 42-45 percent will terminate with a divorce as the result.
  • Second Marriages: 60 percent will terminate with a divorce as the result.
  • Third Marriages: 73 percent will terminate with a divorce as the result.

Another way of viewing these statistics is:

  • 22 percent of women have been divorced at least once.
  • 21 percent of men have been divorced at least once.
  • 11 percent of women are divorced at the present time.
  • 9 percent of men are divorced at the present time.

The age breakdown of those obtaining a divorce looks thus:

  • Under 20: Women 27.6%, Men 11.7%
  • 20 – 24: Women 36.6%, Men 38.8%
  • 25 – 29: Women 16.4%, Men 22.3%
  • 30 – 34: Women 8.5%, Men 11.6%
  • 35 – 39: Women 5.1%, Men 6.5%

Facts About Divorce

  • There are nearly 2,400 divorces every single day in the United States meaning an average of $16,800 divorces each week as well as upwards of 875,000 divorces per annum.
  • Eight years is the average length of a first marriage that ends with a divorce.
  • During a first marriage, there is a twenty percent chance within the first five years the marriage may end in divorce or separation and in a ten-year time frame that percentage goes up to thirty-three.
  • Thirty years old is the average age when couples commence the divorce process.
  • Two years is the average duration of time a person considers divorce before commencing the process.
  • Around seventy-five percent of people who obtain a divorce will at some point get remarried.
  • If they choose to remarry, the average wait time is three years.
  • Love can happen again, six percent of couples report remarrying having got divorced!
  • Detailed divorce and marriage statistics ceased to be assembled by the US Government back in the mid-1990s, so the data comes from independent researchers as well as the US Census.

Divorce Stats By Region And State

  • The states with the lowest divorce rates are Iowa, Illinois, Massachusetts, Texas, and Maryland where between 1.2 and 2.6 of every 1,000 residents are divorced as of 2015.
  • The states with the highest divorce rates are Alaska, Wyoming, Oklahoma, Nevada, and Arkansas where between 4.1 and 4.8 of every 1,000 residents are divorced as of 2015.

On a national scale just over 9 out of every 1,000 US residents obtain a divorce per annum. This ranges from a low in the Northeast section of the country for 7.2 per 1,000 men and 7.5 per 1,000 women to a high in the South of 9.1 per 1,000 men and 9.2 per, 1,000 women (all per annum.) The Midwest and Western United States all have figures between 9.1 and 9.2 per 1,000 men and 9.2 and 9.8 per 1,000 women per annum obtaining a divorce.

Politically speaking, states with a greater tendency to vote Republican have higher rates of divorce than states with a greater tendency to vote for the Democrats.

What Is The Likelihood Of Divorce?

The following factors have been shown to increase the likelihood of a divorce:

  • Age disparity.
  • The more money spent on engagement rings and wedding ceremonies and parties.
  • Residing in an area with a high rate of evangelical or conservative Protestants.
  • Associations with family members or friends who have recently obtained a divorce.
  • You have a higher risk of divorce the more your co-workers are of the opposite sex.
  • The younger you move in together and get married the higher the chances of divorce.

The following factors have been shown to decrease the likelihood of a divorce:

  • If your parents are happily married, your chance of divorce reduces by around fourteen percent.
  • If you have an annual income of more than $25,000 you are less likely to get divorced.
  • If you have a baby at least seven months following your marriage the chances you will divorce goes down by twenty-four percent.
  • Your chances of divorce fall by thirteen percent if you have attended college.
  • You are less likely to get a divorce is you do not cohabitate or marry before the age of twenty-three.

Children And Divorce Statistics

  • Sixteen percent of minors are living in a “blended family” situation where they reside with a stepsibling, half-sibling or step-parent.
  • Children usually recover from the negative emotional effects of a divorce twenty-four months after the divorce process, though some take longer, and this is especially the case during divorce processed where the parents have a great deal of conflict.
  • In over eighty percent of divorce cases the mother becomes the parent the children primarily reside with.

Social Media Divorce Statistics

  • Online affairs cause one-third of divorces.
  • Facebook is the cause for twenty-five percent of couples to fight at least once every seven days.
  • Social media activity of their partner has caused at least one in seven married people to contemplate divorce.
  • Twenty percent of people fell unease in their relationship when they find something unsettling on the Facebook account of their partner.

Gray Divorce Statistics

  • Gray divorce (a term used for those getting divorced between the ages of fifty-four and sixty-four) has increased four-fold in the last three decades.
  • Thirty years ago, only ten percent of divorces were for people more than the age of fifty, but in 2010, it accounted for twenty-five percent of all divorces.
  • Nearly twenty years ago only forty-five percent of older Americans thought divorce was morally sound. That had ridden to just short of seventy percent in 2014.
  • Match.com has seen the interest of divorce increase nearly forty percent since 2014 in web traffic from users over the age of fifty-five.
  • Two-thirds of gray divorces are commenced by females.

Facts About Celebrity Divorces

  • A mere $245 million was the divorce settlement paid by Mel Gibson to his ex, Robyn, in 2009. It is generally regarded as the largest celebrity involved in divorce settlement.
  • Zsa Zsa Gabor chalked up nine marriages!
  • Britney Spears has the dubious honor of the shortest celebrity marriage! A mere fifty-six hours was the length of her relationship with Jason Alexander before they obtained an annulment.
  • Eddie Murphy and Tracey Edmonds managed two whole weeks of wedded bliss.
  • Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries lasted seventy-two days.
  • Michael Jackson and Lisa Marie Presley kept it together for nine months.

If you have the fortune to watch the “Real Housewives” TV franchise – the overall divorce rate is over thirty-three percent with the Real Housewives of D.C. sporting a divorce rate of one hundred percent! The newest entry to the series, the Real Housewives of Dallas have yet to get going in the divorce courts are at the opposite end of the scale with zero percent. Those Real Housewives of Beverly Hills get divorced just under thirty-one percent of the time, while their compatriots in Miami manage to get divorced just under forty-three percent of the time. The Real New Jersey Housewives let the side down a little with a paltry divorce rate of just over eleven percent. But those in Orange County help out with a divorce rate approaching twenty-four percent. However, the Real Housewives of New York, Potomac, and Atlanta, back the assertion the eastern seaboard states are ample for getting a divorce with rates of fifty, fifty and sixty percent, respectively.

Source: McKinley Irvin. “32 Shocking Divorce Statistics.” McKinley Irvin, 7 Nov. 2019, www.mckinleyirvin.com/family-law-blog/2012/october/32-shocking-divorce-statistics/.

Need a Divorce Lawyer in Scottsdale or Phoenix?

As proven legal counsel in family court, we have a network of Arizona attorneys, expert witnesses, mediators, tax specialists, estate planners, financial planners, child specialists, real property appraisers, adult and child therapists and parenting coordinators who are here for you if you ever need them. Our lawyersdivorce mediators and collaborative divorce attorneys in Scottsdale are here to make your divorce less stressful and keep you in control and the costs contained. Call today for an initial consultation at 480-744-7711 or [email protected]. Our family lawyers can also help with divorce litigation, child custodylegal guardianshippaternityprenuptial agreements, and more.

*This information is not intended to be legal advice. Please contact Canterbury Law Group today to learn more about your personal legal needs.

Written by Canterbury Law Group

What is a Family Lawyer?

What is a Family Lawyer

Family lawyers are attorneys who specialize in family law. For example, some of the issues within their field of knowledge include guardianship, family lawyers and divorce. They can be mediators in a dispute between family members and represent individuals in conflicts within a family that go to court. Read on to learn more.

Divorce Issues

A family law attorney may act as a mediator between two people seeking a divorce and help to settle outstanding matters in a manner that is calm. They can look at issues from a rational and objective standpoint and within the parameters of the law. In many cases, an experienced family lawyer can play a valuable role in the divorce process by being able to reach a fair middle ground for the involved parties, without the need to go to court.

Estates And Wills

Family lawyers can help people draft wills that deal with how individuals want their property to be managed when they pass away. A family lawyer can also administer the will to ensure the wishes of the deceased are abide by.

Child Custody Arrangements

Child custody in basic terms is an agreement between the parents of a child or children and both parents must agree with and stick to the terms of the child custody agreement. A family lawyer is useful in that they can draft a child custody agreement and help make amendments if needed.

Prenuptial Arrangements

This is a contract a couple sign prior to a civil union or marriage. Although the nature of the details of any prenuptial agreement varies, the central purpose is to state the ways property will be divided and levels of spousal support paid should the marriage or civil union fail. A family lawyer is versed to assist in the draft of such an agreement. They can also deal with any issues as well as offering their practical experience to ensure everything is adhered too from a legal standpoint.

Representing Litigants

Sadly, some family disputes do end up in court and a family lawyer can help a litigant get the justice they deserve as they have the knowledge and experience to handle these delicate situations in front of a state court judge.

The importance of family lawyers should now be clear. They have the ability, knowledge and experience to help people resolve situations like prenuptial agreements, child custody, estate agreements, divorce as well as other legal issues that may impact families.

Source: “5 Things a Family Lawyer Can Do For You.” Lawyer Referral Service, 8 Nov. 2018, austinlrs.com/blog/5-things-a-family-lawyer-can-do-for-you/

Need a Family Lawyer in Scottsdale?

Our experienced family law attorneys will work with you to obtain the best possible outcome in your case.  Proven trial lawyers in family court, you can trust the firm to represent you fully so you can get on with your life. Call today for your initial consultation. Our family lawyers can help with divorce litigation, collaborative divorcedivorce mediationchild custodylegal guardianshippaternityprenuptial agreements, and more.

*This information is not intended to be used as legal advice. Please contact Canterbury Law Group today to learn more about your personal legal needs. 480-744-7711 or [email protected]

Written by Canterbury Law Group

How Much Does A Family Lawyer Cost?

How Much Does A Family Lawyer Cost

Generally, a family law attorney charges around $350 per hour but that cost varies widely based on the experience of said attorney and where they are located and may range from as little as $150 to around $650 per hour. Nonetheless, it is vital to comprehend how different attorneys’ price themselves and what is usually covered in those fee structures. Read on to learn more.

Fee Structures

There are normally two forms of attorney’s fee structures:

  • Flat Fees: This is a charge conventionally paid upfront and will cover the total cost of your attorney from start to finish, including any court filing fees or couriers.
  • Hourly Rates: This more often used option is based on the total number of hours the attorney spends working on your situation. Hourly rates usually come with an up-front retainer fee as an initial payment and those hours are worked by the attorney and deductions are made from the fee as the hours of work accumulate.  Invoices are usually generated every 30 days, at which point, the client is typically asked to “re-up” the retainer with fresh funds.

Representation Levels

Fees can be adjusted on occasion because of the level of representation offered by the attorney. For example:

  • On occasion initial consultations are offered at no charge. Usually in these early meetings, the attorney will listen as you describe the issue and offer some initial thoughts.
  • When an attorney agrees to tackle only certain parts of your case this is known as limited scope representation. For example, an attorney may not handle visitation or child custody matters but may handle other aspects of your divorce case on your behalf (e.g. property issues).
  • When an attorney handles your entire case and all aspects of it, this is known as full representation.

What Is Covered?

In normal circumstances the following are covered:

  • Time
  • Advice
  • Use of their resources.
  • Legal Research time.

Additional Fees

Examples of additional fees you may have to pay include:

  • Transportation fees
  • Travel fees.
  • Court Filing fees.
  • Expert witness charges
  • Courier/delivery fees.
  • Printing/reproduction fees.

Remember that attorney fees are often based on experience. So, an experienced attorney may charge $500 per hour but be able to complete the case far quicker and more efficiently than an attorney with less experience who charges (say) $150 per hour. All financial matters should be discussed prior to the outset of an attorney taking on your case. Any attorney will be able to tell you their fee structure and explain expenses and additional fees that may be incurred.

Source: Peeler, Travis. “How Much Will a Family Lawyer Cost?” LegalMatch Law Library, 12 Nov. 2019, www.legalmatch.com/law-library/article/how-much-will-a-family-lawyer-cost.html.

Need a Family Lawyer in Scottsdale?

Our experienced family law attorneys will work with you to obtain the best possible outcome in your case.  Proven trial lawyers in family court, you can trust the firm to represent you fully so you can get on with your life. Call today for your initial consultation. Our family lawyers can help with divorce litigation, collaborative divorcedivorce mediationchild custodylegal guardianshippaternityprenuptial agreements, and more.

*This information is not intended to be used as legal advice. Please contact Canterbury Law Group today to learn more about your personal legal needs. 480-744-7711 or [email protected]

Written by Canterbury Law Group

How Long Do You Have to Press Charges For Domestic Violence?

How Long Do You Have to Press Charges For Domestic Violence


In most states you can hold a person responsible for domestic violence through either civil or criminal cases. Depending on the state where you are located there may be some other factors impacting the stature of limitations where a person is seeking to pursue a civil case for the purposes of compensation. Read on to learn more.

Types Of Domestic Violence

When someone has suffered domestic violence that may contact the police and use the system of justice to take criminal action against the perpetrator using a prosecuting lawyer in the courts. It is vitally important to seek this option straight away, so it is more likely law enforcement officers believe the person making the accusations and they can file a police report in a timely manner. An investigation usually follows with a greater chance of a prosecuting lawyer who is local handling the matter in court. There is no set timeframe but the there is a stature of limitations for crimes of a non-major nature with the exceptions of murder and rape.

The other option is to pursue justice through the civil courts. Based ion state limits there will be a statute of limitations and normally the victim cannot go through with this course of action if the time limit has been exceeded – except under special circumstances ruled upon by a judge. This can take many years and are usually extremely tough to follow. The plaintiff will need the services of a lawyer for this.

Criminal Cases

You do not actually press charges when a victim goes to the criminal courts to seek justice. The law enforcement officers make a determination of how the victim will cooperate with the prosecuting lawyer. Often the prosecutor will not drop the case even if the victim requests this. Even if you recant on a statement, it may still go to court because of the evidence and the desire of the prosecution to see the trial through.

Statute Of Limitations

In civil cases for domestic violence claims, the statute of limitations may go from one to six years depending on your location. For criminal charges, the statute of limitations may depend on whether it is a felony or misdemeanor. This may have a significant impact on the case. There will also be state specific rules for how long the person must pursue justice with the criminal courts. This time may be from no more than a single year to up to more than three years.

Pursuing Domestic Violence Cases

The victim of domestic violence may want to pursue a civil case where monetary damages are available as opposed to a criminal case. The civil case may be followed because of expenses the victim has occurred because of important bills that need to be paid, for examples, hospital and doctor expenses. A lawyer may kick off a civil claim, but a police report is the starting point for a criminal case. Other options include a protection order or a restraining order to provide safety from the person who was violent. If a child or children are involved, you may seek emergency custody and remove the aggressor from the situation on a temporary basis. A lawyer needs to be hired as soon as possible if a civil remedy is the desired choice to make sure any statute of limitation does not run out.

Source: Hg.org, Hg.org, www.hg.org/legal-articles/pressing-charges-for-domestic-violence-what-is-the-time-limit-48722.

Contact Our Domestic Violence Attorneys In Scottsdale, AZ

Our domestic violence attorneys in Scottsdale can also help with restraining orders and orders of protection. We will ensure thorough preparation of your restraining order or order of protection, or defense from DV allegations levelled against you, and help you resolve legal issues that inevitably arise.

*This information is not intended to be used as legal advice. Please contact Canterbury Law Group today to learn more about your personal legal needs. 480-744-7711 or [email protected]

Written by Canterbury Law Group

How Much Does It Cost To File For Bankruptcy?

How Much Does It Cost To File For Bankruptcy

The average cost of bankruptcy is between $1,500 and $4,000 when combining fees both the court and the attorney. Read on to learn more.

The Cost Of Bankruptcy

There is not a simple answer. While the court fees are established set fees, the cost of an attorney can differ of many factors such as who you choose to hire, your location and whether your case is simple or complicated.

Filing Fees

Chapter 7 Total Filing Fees: $335

  • Filing fee: $245
  • Administrative fee: $75
  • Trustee Surcharge: $15
  • Re-opening a Chapter 7 filing: $260

This is not an actual quote. If you need an experienced bankruptcy lawyer contact Canterbury Law Group to start your initial consultation.

Chapter 13 Total Filing Fees: $310

  • Filing fee: $310
  • Administrative fee: $75
  • Re-opening a Chapter 7 filing: $235

Using data collected by the American Bankruptcy Institute between 2005 and 2009 shoed $1,072 to be the average price of a Chapter 7 bankruptcy with assets. Prices varied primarily by location. The high end was $1,530 in Arizona all the way down to just less than half ($781) in some states. The same study states that for a Chapter 12 bankruptcy the average cost was $2,564. North Dakota had the lowest costs at $1,560 all the way up to $4,950 in Maine.

With such price variance, let’s look at some of the reasons for this:

  • Some of your debts are  non-dischargeable debts such as unpaid taxes, alimony, child support and student loans
  • You have varied income sources
  • You exceed your state’s median income threshold for your household size
  • Trying to prevent a legal action such as a foreclosure filing against your property, a bank levy or loan that served as collateral for a current debt
  • A bankruptcy filing in the previous eight years
  • Having many individual creditors
  • Filing for both a personal and business bankruptcy
  • When you face accusations of fraud that may be proven correct.

In cases of Chapter 7 bankruptcy is standard practice for attorneys to insist on payment before services are rendered. Payment plans may be an option, but they will not go forward unless payment has been forthcoming. This means additional vulnerability to creditors as you try to obtain the money for the fees going to your attorney.

Attorney Costs In Your Area

It is very likely fees may have increased since the study we quoted. In Chapter 12 bankruptcy cases, the attorney’s fees will be reviewed by the judge unless they fall beneath what is a baseline in the state when the case is being foiled. You can meet with several attorneys and their fees are public record and can be accessed through the federal PACER website. There is a small charge for this service, but it may save you a great deal of money!

Generally, in larger cities and metropolitan areas the charges will be greater because the general cost of living will be higher in those communities. Also, lawyers with many years of experience in this field are far more likely to charge more than those with lesser experience. Also, think about how complicated your case is. If your case is a simple one, a less expensive lawyer may work out fine, however the more complex the issues are, the more experienced a lawyer you will want to have on your side. This would also apply if one major reason for your bankruptcy is medical debt.

Education Courses

There is a 450 fee for the two credit counseling courses you must undertake if you are filing for either Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy. A nonprofit credit counseling agency must be the ones to hold the course and the Office of the U.S. Trustee sets the fees that top out at $50 and go all the way down to free, depending on your circumstances. The course may be taken online or in person.

Saving Money On Costs

Obviously, some cases of bankruptcy are more burned with debts that are unmanageable than others. Either way it is essential to fully document your entire financial situation before you approach a bankruptcy attorney. You may be able to obtain a fee reduction if you are elderly, disabled or a low-wage earner. An attorney can help on these areas as well as us there are other mitigating factors that are relevant, an attorney may be willing to discuss lowering their fees.

Remember in Chapter 7 bankruptcy cases, attorneys will want their fees paid upfront and in Chapter 13, they usually demand a set amount of the fee to start with and will obtain the rest through the bankruptcy plan the court orders.

Consider how long it takes to recover from bankruptcy. In the case of Chapter 7 bankruptcy, although it may be a success, it may be up to ten years before it disappears from your credit report. It is true that Chapter 13 bankruptcy may do less damage, but it involves sticking resolutely to a payment plan for a period of three to five years, even if the court does help by reducing the amount of your debts.

There is always the option of filing the bankruptcy yourself however there may be some considerable consequences for doing so. If you do run into trouble or forms are filled out incorrectly or in error, your case may be dismissed and that will generate additional expense as well as having to start over once more.

Paying For Bankruptcy

You will also need to consider how you are going to pay for your bankruptcy. Legal fees are often a headache to deal with, but you will also face court costs as well as the fee for the statutory credit counseling. You may be looking at a total bill of several thousands of dollars when all is said and done.

Other avenue for obtaining the needed money include:

  • You may wish to put a temporary hold on credit card repayments and sell off some household assets for cash to raise the fees.
  • If you earn less than 150% of the poverty income level for your state you may qualify for reduced or a pro bono legal assistance or help from the Legal Aid Society.
  • Find a bankruptcy lawyer who will work with you on a pro bono basis but some of the law firms they represent will insist on between ten and fifteen percent being on a pro bono basis.
  • File under Chapter 13 instead of Chapter 7. As lawyers can incorporate their fees into your repayment plan.

Source: “How Much Does It Cost to File Bankruptcy: Filing Fees and Attorney Fees.” Debt.org, 11 Feb. 2020, www.debt.org/bankruptcy/cost/.

Speak With Our Bankruptcy Lawyers In Phoenix & Scottsdale

Canterbury Law Group should be your first choice for any bankruptcy evaluation. Our experienced professionals will work with you to obtain the best possible outcome. You can on the firm to represent you well so you can move on with your life. Call today for an initial consultation. We can assist with all types of bankruptcies including Business BankruptcyChapter 7 BankruptcyCreditor RepresentationChapter 5 ClaimsChapter 13 Bankruptcy, Business RestructuringChapter 11 Bankruptcy, and more.

*This information is not intended to be legal advice. Please contact Canterbury Law Group today to learn more about your personal legal needs.

Written by Canterbury Law Group

How To Beat Domestic Violence Charges

How To Beat Domestic Violence Charges

Matt Hicher, Esq. is our award-winning domestic violence attorney and he can help you get charges of domestic violence dismissed in Arizona. Read on to learn more.

Winning A Domestic Violence Case

It takes skilled representation to win a domestic violence case. Let’s look at some of the options available:

Filing Legal Motions To Dismiss Case

This is a formal request to the judge. Motions can be used to suppress evidence that has been obtained illegally as well limiting the liability the client may have. It can even lead to the dismissal of the case.

Persuasive Character Packets

A character packet presents information about the client to the prosecutor and/or the judge. It emphasizes the good character of the person, the circumstances surrounding the accusation as well as a lack of a serious wrongdoing in the past. Its purpose is to show the client is not necessarily a criminal and does not deserve to be given a criminal record that will be permanent or be sent to jail.

Challenging Evidence With Facts

We will review the facts as they have bene presented as well as the documents related to subpoenas and work on discovering evidence the prosecutor is unable or not willing to discover.

Note we cannot guarantee a successful outcome, but our track record speaks for itself. A domestic violence case can be won by obtaining  dismissal for the case, obtaining the dismissal prior to charges being formally filed, by persuading the prosecutor not to file charges prior to the initial court date, obtaining and winning a legal motion to dispose of the case, arranging a plea deal that is favorable and obtaining a verdict that is favorable from a jury or judge.

Defense Strategies

Let’s review some of the most frequently used defenses:


A person must have acted in a willful manner to be found guilty of a crime. An accidental act may not support a conviction. It is not the outcome but the act that is willful. If a person did not mean to injure another person as badly as they might have is no defense.


Generally, you will not be found guilty if it can be proven you were not there when the alleged offense took place, hence the importance of an alibi. That said elder abuse is an exception as a person may be found guilty of permitting (or allowing) an injury to occur.


There are some circumstances where consensual behavior may be construed as domestic violence. For example: a couple may take martial art classes together and then practice together, injuries may result.

Insufficient Evidence

In every case the defendant must be proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. If the charge is not supported by sufficient evidence, a case dismissal or acquittal may result.

Self Defense or Defense Of Others

Certain states protect the rights of an individual to use a reasonable amount of force to prevent a crime or other illegal act taking place. In some circumstances this can even mean lethal force in certain, very limited situations.

An Experienced Domestic Violence Attorney Can Help

The impact of a conviction for a domestic violence crime can drastically alter every aspect o your life, forever. We can help by filing pre-trial motions that may dismiss the case or put a limitation on the evidence that can be used. We will collect evidence and investigate the facts of the case for you. We can negotiate for a reduction of the charges you face or even a dismissal of charges. We can ensure you have a strong defense presentation in court and challenge protective orders.

Source: S, Heidi. “A Top LA Domestic Violence Attorney Explains How to Win.” Spolin Law P.C., www.spolinlaw.com/criminal-defense-old/violent-crimes/domestic-violence/.

Contact Our Domestic Violence Attorneys In Scottsdale, AZ

Our domestic violence attorneys in Scottsdale can also help with restraining orders and orders of protection. We will ensure thorough preparation of your restraining order or order of protection, or defense from DV allegations levelled against you, and help you resolve legal issues that inevitably arise.

*This information is not intended to be used as legal advice. Please contact Canterbury Law Group today to learn more about your personal legal needs. 480-744-7711 or [email protected]

Written by Canterbury Law Group

SBA Disaster Loan Forgiveness Program

SBA Disaster Loan Forgiveness Program


Can an SBA Loan be Forgiven?

Yes, borrowers of SBA disaster loans are eligible for loan forgiveness. A borrower of an SBA Loan is eligible to have their loan forgiven up to the amount the borrower spent on the items below during the 8-week period starting on the date of loan origination:

  • The cost of payroll
  • Interest on the mortgage obligation incurred in the ordinary course of business
  • Leasing agreement rent
  • Utility payments, (internet, telephone, transportation, water, gas, electricity)
  • Any additional wages paid to your employees who are normally tipped
  • Loan forgiveness can’t exceed the principle
  • The loan forgiveness cannot exceed the principal.

The loan forgiveness amount calculated above will get reduced if you reduce the number of employees you have working or if you reduce wages paid to employees by 25% or more.

According to WashingtonPost, “Yes. The act includes loan forgiveness for companies able to keep employees on payroll or continue paying bills throughout the coronavirus crisis.

Learn more about SBA Disaster Loans

Written by Canterbury Law Group

SBA Disaster Loan Credit Requirements

SBA Disaster Loan Credit Requirements


The credit score needed for a SBA loan is 620 to 640+. According to Fundera, “Generally speaking, SBA loan credit score minimums typically fall somewhere around 620-640+.”

  • The credit score needed for a SBA 7(a) Loans is 640+
  • SBA 7(a) Express Loans: 640+
  • SBA CDC/504 Loans: 680+
  • SBA CAPLines Program: 660+
  • SBA Export Loans: 660+
  • SBA Microloans: 620-640+

Learn more about SBA Disaster Loans

Written by Canterbury Law Group

SBA Disaster Loan Pros and Cons

SBA Disaster Loan Pros and Cons


According to Divvy, SBA disaster loan pros and cons include:

SBA Disaster Loan Pros

  • Pro: Easy application process
  • Pro: Fast approval
  • Pro: Fast dispursement
  • Pro: Low APR

SBA Disaster Loan Cons

  • Con: May require specified revenue or high credit score
  • Con: Short term lengths
  • Con: Increased repayment frequency
  • Con: Additional fees

Learn more about SBA Disaster Loans

Written by Canterbury Law Group

Am I Eligible for an SBA Disaster Loan?

Eligibility For SBA Disaster Loan


Yes you are eligible for the SBA disaster loan if you run a small business with less than 500 employees or:

  • Are a small business that meets the size standard of SBA
  • Are a 501(c)(3) with less than 500 employees
  • You are an individual operating as a sole proprietor
  • You are an individual operating as an independent contractor
  • You are an individual who’s self-employed who regularly carries on any business or trade
  • You are a Tribal business concern and meets SBA’s size standard
  • A 501(c)(19) Veterans Organization that meets the SBA size standard

In addition, some special rules may make you eligible:

  • If you are in the accommodation and food services sector (NAICS 72),
    the 500-employee rule is applied on a per physical location basis
  • If you are operating as a franchise or receive financial assistance
    from an approved Small Business Investment Company the normal
    affiliation rules do not apply

Eligibility For SBA Disaster Loan

According to MerchantMaverick, “To be eligible for an Economic Injury Disaster Loan through the SBA, you’ll need to be located in a disaster declared county or a contiguous county. This type of loan is open to private organizations or small business owners who have sustained an economic injury because of the declared disaster.”

Credit Requirements for SBA Disaster Loan

According to SBA, “What are the Credit Requirements? Credit History – Applicants must have a credit history acceptable to SBA. Repayment – Applicants must show the ability to repay all loans. Collateral – Collateral is required for physical loss loans over $10,000 and all EIDL loans over $5,000.”

The credit score needed for a SBA loan is 620 to 640+. According to Fundera, “Generally speaking, SBA loan credit score minimums typically fall somewhere around 620-640+.”

  • The credit score needed for a SBA 7(a) Loans is 640+
  • SBA 7(a) Express Loans: 640+
  • SBA CDC/504 Loans: 680+
  • SBA CAPLines Program: 660+
  • SBA Export Loans: 660+
  • SBA Microloans: 620-640+

Learn more about SBA Disaster Loans

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